Using Poll Everywhere to Engage Students

Are you looking for ways to increase student engagement? You might be interested in using Poll Everywhere. Poll Everywhere allows you to receive immediate feedback from your students, who can respond in real-time to polls that you create. Students can respond to Poll Everywhere polls via their computers or mobile devices, thus offering the potential to transform lectures to an active and engaging experience. This service is offered at no charge to instructors and students; all you need is a UW-Whitewater NetID to get started. 

Curious, but not sure how you’d use Poll Everywhere? Check out some of the great ways you can use Poll Everywhere in the classroom. Or, see how professors use these 10 active learning strategies that connect teachers with students

This summer, the Learning Technology Center is offering two sessions to help you use Poll Everywhere in your course. Both sessions have the same content, aiming to introduce you to Poll Everywhere and help you set it up in your classes. Lauren from Poll Everywhere will facilitate the training to get you up and running quickly and easily. 

You can join in-person on-campus or remotely via Webex Meetings. The dates/times for the sessions are below, just click on the session to sign up. Webex Meeting information is provided in the individual session description (there is a different Webex Meeting link for each session).

Thursday July 25th, 2019 at 11:00 AM in McGraw 19A or via Webex Meetings

Tuesday August 13th, 2019 at 2:00 PM in McGraw 19A or via Webex Meetings

If you have any questions about these sessions, please contact the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

2019 Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference Recap

On May 22nd, 2019, the LEARN Center and Learning Technology Center held the 2nd Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference.  We had 107 attendees – with almost 50 presenters and 30 volunteers we really owe it to you for making this a successful event!

There were a number of great talks on a wide variety of topics, and a great keynote presentation “Even Online Students” from Dr. Evie Oregon of Western Kentucky University. If you want to see some of the handouts from the sessions,or view the recording of the keynote presentation – jump on over to the conference site:

Most importantly, we heard your feedback loud and clear –and planning is underway for the 2020 Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference, which will be held on Wednesday, May 20th, 2020!  That’s a lot of 20s!  Be sure to subscribe to our blog, and keep your eye out for more information.

Don’t be a stranger in the meantime, look for a great lineup of workshops and events for the next academic year!

Cisco Webex Education Connector for Canvas

The Cisco Webex Connector is now available for use in Canvas!  The Webex Connector allows you to interact with Webex Meetings and Webex Teams directly from your Canvas course.  It can be accessed by clicking on “Cisco Webex” in the course navigation menu.

To get started with the Cisco Webex Education Connector, see:

This is a replacement for the “Webex (Legacy)” integration which will be removed on Monday, August 19th, 2019 after the completion of the Summer term.

If you have any questions about this integration, please reach out to the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Kaltura Media Migration: D2L -> Canvas

As of May 28th, 2019, all Kaltura media that was created by instructors and accessed with Desire2Learn (D2L) between September 1st, 2018 and May 21st, 2019 has been migrated to Canvas.

This does not impact media material that is located on Vbrick Rev (

We have created a Canvas Media Management Tools guide to help explain the best use cases for each of the media management tools available at UW-Whitewater.

If you have additional questions regarding the Kaltura Media Migration, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

What does this migration mean for me?

Inside of Canvas, you can access the “My Media” tool by clicking on the “Account” item on the left global navigation menu, and then by selecting “My Media” from the account menu.  Within this interface, you will be able to create, edit, delete and view all of your Kaltura media that exists within Canvas.

From the editing toolbar in Canvas, you can click on the “More Tools” icon highlighted in the image below, and select “My Media” to embed videos in your content.

Can I still use Kaltura CaptureSpace?

Kaltura CaptureSpace has been discontinued as of June 1st, 2019 and is no longer supported by the vendor.  There is a new tool called Kaltura Capture which has the same functionality as CaptureSpace.  Visit the Kaltura Capture guide to get started.

What if I can’t find all of my media content in Canvas?

If there is video content missing that you had within D2L, contact the Learning Technology Center and we can migrate that over as well. Currently, we only moved over media that was created by instructors and accessed since September 1st, 2018.

Why was it necessary to migrate my media?

With the launch of Canvas, there was also a new Kaltura instance that was put in place by UW-System. This is totally separate from the Kaltura instance that has been connected with D2L.

Canvas Course Templates: Additional Flexibility Available

On Tuesday May 28th, UW-System approved a change in Canvas to allow for additional flexibility in the Course Navigation area and in the number of Announcements shown.  The following items can now be added or removed from the student view in the following order:

  • Assignments
  • Discussions
  • Grades
  • Announcements
  • People
  • Pages
  • Syllabus
  • Outcomes
  • Quizzes
  • Modules
  • Collaborations
  • Chat
  • Office 365

Instructors are now able to modify the number of recent Announcements that are visible in the Home area.  Announcements were previously set so that the three most recent were visible in the Home area.  This update will allow instructors to choose to allow between one and fifteen announcements to be visible.

These updates will not cause any visible changes in existing courses.  Any instructor wishing to take advantage of this increased flexibility will need to update their courses themselves.

If you have additional questions about Canvas please reach out to Canvas 24/7/365 support by going to

[Resolved] Blogs@UWW Outage 5/8

The Blogs@UWW service was unavailable between approximately 9:00 AM and ~12:13 PM on Wednesday, May 8th, 2019. The service has now been restored, but any media content (images or files) uploaded to the service between Sunday, May 5th at 11:00 PM and Wednesday, May 8th at 12:13 PM will need to be re-uploaded and linked. We apologize for the inconvenience.

If you have any additional questions about this outage, please contact the UW-W Helpdesk.

Conference Schedule Available – Celebrating Teaching & Learning

The conference schedule has been published and is now available at:

Faculty and Staff: The LEARN Center and Learning Technology Center (LTC) invite you to register for the Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference on May 22nd, right here on the Whitewater campus in the University Center. 

There is still time to register!  Registration is open until May 12th!  Register at:

We look forward to seeing you for a great day of sessions on May 22nd!

Why should you attend?

[RESOLVED] Some Users Unable to Access Canvas April 28th

Between 7:35 PM CDT and 8:20 PM CDT on Sunday, April 28th some users were unable to access Canvas.  The Canvas team found an issue with one of their backend services that caused multiple instances to become unresponsive.  At this time the issue is resolved and Canvas is operating normally.

If you continue to have any problems, please contact Canvas Support.

Canvas Workshops – Summer 2019

The LTC will be offering a full day of rotating workshops on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019. We also have a series of Hands-On Introduction and Canvas Construction Zone sessions scheduled for June. We will continue to offer workshops throughout the summer.

Canvas Hands-On Introduction (2 Hours) – Thursday, May 23rd
We will cover the basic function of the core tools in the Canvas platform. There will be time to ask questions throughout the session. We will offer repeats of this workshop all day – so feel free to attend multiple sessions – or drop in at any time. Please register for any sessions that you may attend to help give us an idea for planning. Registration is not required and you are welcome to drop in the day of the event. Remote viewing options will also be available. Light refreshments will be available.

Date/Time Location Register
Thursday, May 23rd – 9:00am Hyer 210 In-Person Registration
Webinar Registration
Thursday, May 23rd – 1:00pm Hyer 210 In-Person Registration
Webinar Registration

Canvas Hands-On Introduction (2 Hours)
We will cover the basic function of the core tools in the Canvas platform. There will be time to ask questions along the way. If this is your first time touching Canvas, this workshop is the one for you!

Date/Time Location Register
Tuesday, June 4th – 9:00am Hyer 210 In-Person Registration
Wednesday, June 12th – 9:00am UW Rock Allen Hall 03/04 In-Person Registration
Tuesday, July 16th – 9:00am UW-Rock Allen Hall 03/04 In-Person Registration
Monday, July 22nd – 1:00pm Hyer 210

In-Person Registration
Webinar Registration

Canvas Construction Zone (2 Hours)
Are you ready to start digging into your course setup?  Do you need help straightening up after moving a course from D2L into Canvas?  Do you have questions on how to set things up? This is the session for you! This session will be 2 hours of lab time with support staff on hand to help you construct your course in Canvas. Don’t forget your hard hat!

Date/Time Location Register
Thursday, May 30th – 1:00pm Hyer 210 In-Person Registration
Thursday, June 6th – 9:00am Hyer 210 In-Person Registration
Wednesday, June 12th – 1:00pm UW-Rock Allen Hall 03/04 In-Person Registration
Tuesday, July 16th – 1:00pm UW-Rock Allen Hall 03/04 In-Person Registration
Wednesday, July 24th – 1:00pm Hyer 210 In-Person Registration

Canvas Open Lab (2 Hours)
We will be available to answer your Canvas questions during the sessions below! Whether you are working on your current course, or if you are getting ready to teach in Canvas for the first time – stop on by!

Date/Time Location Register
Friday, May 31st – 9:00am Hyer 210 In-Person Registration
Monday, June 24th – 1:00pm Hyer 210 In-Person Registration
Wednesday, June 26th – 9:00am Hyer 210 In-Person Registration

Thursday, August 8th – 10:00am

UW-Rock Allen Hall 03/04

In-Person Registration

Thursday, August 8th – 12:00pm

UW-Rock Allen Hall 03/04

In-Person Registration
Tuesday, August 13th – 9:00am Hyer 210 In-Person Registration
Thursday, August 15th – 1:00pm Hyer 210 In-Person Registration

Canvas Deep Dives (1 Hour)
We will focus on a single tool, and dive deep into various options and use cases for how that tool works.

  • Content: This is delivered on the concept of backwards design driving the look and feel of course setup. It is about taking what you already do and molding a better experience for you and your students.
  • Quizzes: This will touch on different question types, building in targeted feedback in auto-graded quizzes, and most likely spend the bulk of the time in the Question Bank area to help instructors get a feel for how Canvas Question Bank is different than D2L Question Library.
  • Rubrics: This will start by touching briefly on rubric creation, but will focus on techniques to maximize the amount of value you can get by building rubrics directly in Canvas.
  • Discussions: We will look at setup (including threaded vs unthreaded), visibility, the lack of a “Forum” in Canvas (compared to how D2L had it), group setup, and grading.
  • Grades: Weighting grades, Late policies, Muting Assignments, SpeedGrader, setting a default grade, and setting up extra credit.
Event Name Date/Time Location Register
Content Monday, June 17th – 10:00am Hyer 210

In-Person Registration
Webinar Registration

Quizzes Wednesday, June 19th – 10:00am Hyer 210

In-Person Registration
Webinar Registration

Rubrics Thursday, July 25th – 10:00am Hyer 210

In-Person Registration
Webinar Registration

Discussions Wednesday, July 31st – 10:00am Hyer 210

In-Person Registration
Webinar Registration

Grades Thursday, August 1st – 10:00am Hyer 210

In-Person Registration
Webinar Registration

If you have any questions about these sessions, please reach out to the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Registration Open: Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference May 22nd

Faculty and Staff: The LEARN Center and Learning Technology Center (LTC) invite you to register for the Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference on May 22nd, right here on the main campus in the University Center. 

This conference showcases a number of interesting teaching and learning initiatives that are active at UW-Whitewater.

The event is FREE, and includes breakfast, lunch and snacks.  Register Now!

Don’t delay, register today!