Designers should always keep their users in mind! Join us for some bite-sized lunch and learn applied workshops on building more accessible classes in Canvas.
Join us this spring for a handful of quick “lunch and learn” workshops on accessibility and making a difference in Canvas for your students’ success! These workshops are held in person in McGraw Hall 19A or via Webex. These short workshops include 20 minutes of applied learning and demonstrations followed by 10 minutes of Q&A. Please feel free to bring a lunch!
Come Build with the Learning Technology Center as we discuss the Educause 2023 Top 10 Information Technology Issues this Spring. Image by Wokandapix
The Educause Top 10 IT Issues describe the foundation models that colleges and universities will develop next year and beyond, acting on what was learned in the pandemic and framed by the three building blocks of leadership, data, and work and learning. In 2023, thinking is giving way to doing. The old foundations—from enrollment to credentials to the campus to decision-making—are showing signs of wear. Existing foundations need to be examined and strengthened. New foundations may need to be developed. Institutional and technology leaders are building solid foundation models for higher education.
Come build with the LTC this Spring as we do a focused study of portions of the report to explore these new foundation models: leadership (Leading with Wisdom); data (the Ultra-Intelligent Institution); and work and learning (Everything is Everywhere). The Educause Top 10 IT Issues 2023: Foundation Models, are Builders Group modeled on a book club format; participants are expected to come prepared to discuss short key readings inspired by the Top 10 IT issues to explore these foundation models, tackle challenges, develop recommendations, and craft solutions.
This series is appropriate for educators, leaders, administrators, and technologists. By the end of our sessions together we hope to foster cross-campus communication and networking while providing feedback to help shape the future of Whitewater’s technology strategy. We hope that you will be able to apply what you have learned to your teaching or administration. While each session is connected, it is not required to attend them all. Anyone with interest can join as few or as many as able.
Wednesdays 3:30 – 4:30 pm McGraw Hall 19A and Online via Webex
LTC Construction crew: Eric Loepp, Director of Learning Technology Dana Wagner, Assistant Director, Learning Technology Ted Witt, Teaching Learning and Technology Consultant
The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center (LTC) is pleased to announce registration is now available for a self-paced asynchronous version of our Online and Blended Teaching Institute (OBTI) for Spring 2023.
OBTI aligns quality Canvas course design with best practices for teaching in a variety of modalities. Upon completion of OBTI, faculty and instructors will be well-prepared to design and develop their own courses, prepared with tips to continue the iterative process for future academic terms. This course is most useful for people thinking about teaching in the summer or fall.
Online and Blended Teaching Institute now available in a self-paced format.
The Online and Blended Teaching Institute offers an independent, online, self-paced experience combined with full support and contact with the Learning Technology Center. It showcases the work of Whitewater instructors and staff, allowing participants an opportunity to explore what has worked for their colleagues. After an initial consultation, participants will complete a series of short online assignments, be provided a sandbox to design content, and develop objectives and activities to serve as an exemplar module. This course will take an estimated 30 hours to complete during the Spring semester.
For more information or to enroll in this exciting training, contact Ted Witt at
The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center (LTC) is pleased to announce that applications are now open for a Winterim 2023 Online and Blended Teaching Institute in a condensed hybrid format. The overall goal of the institute is to align quality course design with best practices in blended teaching, preparing faculty for online course development, and teaching in future academic terms. The course models a blended course including readings, materials, and short homework assignments. Participants will be required to build an online unit of a course they could teach.
This institute is intended for people designing a course for Summer or Fall 2023 or for those teaching in Spring 2023. It would also be appropriate for instructors designing a new course.
There are six 90-minutes workshops that are part of this Institute. These will include a student panel discussion and a peer-to-peer review session to share ideas and collaborate on online course designs in progress. Final course materials will be due January 30th.
Winterim workshop schedule — all meeting are 90 minutes, online in Webex at 10:30 am:
Applicants will be emailed regarding their acceptance on Wednesday, December 7.
The application takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. We recommend completing the application on a computer, as some questions involve typed responses.
For any additional information or questions, please contact the LTC. Learning Technology Center (262) 472-1004
Improved Pages in Canvas: Monday, September 19, 3:00 pm.
Lost where to go to improve your Canvas page design? Don’t be! This workshop explores Whitewater examples, includes step-by-step instructions on how to adapt those innovations to your own courses, and tips and tricks to take your Canvas courses from “good to great.” Sign Up Here
Saving Time with Outlook: Tips and Tricks: Friday, September 23, 9:00 am
Learn time saving and organizational strategies for your email and calendar in Microsoft Outlook. We’ll cover advanced email searching functions, email organization strategies. Sign Up Here
Getting Started with Visuals to Enhance your Pages: Monday, September 26, 3:00 pm
Ibsen said “A picture is worth one thousand words” … but we tend to build our Canvas pages with no pictures and thousands of words! This workshop explores resources to enhance the look, feel, and effectiveness of your Canvas courses. Sign Up Here
Higher Integrity Quizzes in Canvas Wednesday, September 28, 2:00 PM
This session will focus on the things other than monitoring software to improve the integrity of your quizzes. We will use the description area of the assessment to remind students what they can and can’t do during your quizzes, set up timing and randomized questions, use different question types to make looking up answers more difficult, and try to change the focus of questions to application of skills. Sign Up Here
Increasing Participation with Interactive Polling: Friday, September 30, 1:00 pm
Classroom Polling allows instructors to ask questions, track progress and receive instant feedback from students. Learn about the differences and similarities of the three campus-supported options for polling Poll Everywhere, TurningPoint, and Slido. We’ll also discuss use cases and best practices for interactive polling. Sign Up Here
The LTC provides both one-on-one and departmental consultation to implore evidence-based best practices in online and blended course design and facilitation. If the times of these workshops do not meet your needs, you can request an individual or department in-person or virtual consultation.
The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center (LTC) is pleased to announce registration is now available for a self-paced asynchronous version of our Online and Blended Teaching Institute (OBTI) for Spring 2023…or for the ambitious, you can still enroll and complete the Fall 2022 iteration!
OBTI aligns quality Canvas course design with best practices for teaching in a variety of modalities. Upon completion of OBTI, faculty and instructors will be well-prepared to design and develop their own courses, prepared with tips to continue the iterative process for future academic terms.
Online and Blended Teaching Institute now available in a self-paced format.
The Online and Blended Teaching Institute offers an independent, online, self-paced experience combined with full support and contact with the Learning Technology Center. It showcases the work of Whitewater instructors and staff, allowing participants an opportunity to explore what has worked for their colleagues. After an initial consultation, participants will complete a series of short online assignments, be provided a sandbox to design content, and develop objectives and activities to serve as an exemplar module for future courses. This course will take an estimated 30 hours to complete during the fall semester.
This Winterim, we’ll again offer our traditional cohort model OBTI with online synchronous workshops that include a live student panel and peer review. Moving forward we anticipate offering both synchronous and asynchronous options on a regular basis.
For more information or to enroll in this exciting training, contact Ted Witt at
The Learning Technology Development Council’s call for proposals for the 2022 Virtual Showcase has been extended until 12:00pm on Monday, May 9th! This year’s theme “On Resourcefulness and Resiliency” focuses on reflecting on our journey, sharing our experiences, learning from them, and taking the knowledge gained into our next experiences is key to personal and professional growth. Please consider submitting a proposal for a presentation session and/or a TechTalk. Find more information and the Call for Proposal link on the LTDC 2022 Virtual Showcase website.
The 2022 Virtual Showcase will be held on on June 21 & 22, 2022. The Showcase includes panels, presentations, and TechTalk virtual sessions in polysynchronous format (i.e., some presentations are pre-recorded while others are “live”). Registration is free.
The overall goal of the institute is to align quality course design with best practices in online teaching, preparing faculty for Canvas course development, and teaching in future academic terms. This cohort model is grounded in instructor examples, collegial interactions, and is appropriate for anyone hoping to make their courses leverage Canvas easier and efficiently!
Who can gain from OBI? New instructors, folks wanting to refresh a course for the fall, instructors looking for a focused Canvas refresh, and seasoned instructors looking for renewal. This can be a great start for Fall course prep for any modality.
The Summer Online Blended Institute can help prepare you for the Fall Semester!
The Summer 2022 Institute will be offered entirely online via a combination of interactive, synchronous Webex sessions and asynchronous content in a Canvas course. You will be able to complete the Institute remotely!
The schedule for the 2022 Online Teaching Institute:
Wednesday, July 6, 2022: 10:00am – Noon
Wednesday, July 13, 2022: 10:00am – Noon
Wednesday, July 20, 2022: 10:00am – Noon
Wednesday, July 27, 2022: 10:00am – Noon
Submission of final Institute content Monday, August 8th, 2022.
“The Higher Education We Deserve” Top 10 IT Issues, 2022
Come explore the Educause Top 10 IT Issues, with the LTC this Spring as we do a directed study at portions of the report to identify areas we can support campus operations to enhance student success. Almost two years into a global pandemic, it’s clear the higher education we once knew will never return.
Join the LTC this Spring 2022 as we explore Educause’s top 10 IT Issues.
The Top 10 IT Issues describe the way technology is helping to create the higher education we deserve. They highlight the work institutions are doing to develop a shared transformational vision and strategy, redefine higher education’s value proposition, and reshape institutional business models and culture to anticipate and serve the current and emergent needs of learners, communities, and employers.
In this “book-club inspired” Explorers Group, participants are expected to come prepared to explore issues, tackle challenges, and discuss how these issues impact student and institutional success, our shared vision, and sustainable business models. Bring an open mind and an explorer’s heart. We will provide short key readings and discussion points inspired by the Top 10 Issues. By the end of our sessions together we hope that you will be informed and prepared for how these IT issues transform our increasingly digital future. Let’s build that higher education we deserve and shape that future. Let’s help articulate that vision and ideate new models that support both student and institutional success. This group is appropriate for educators, leaders, administrators, and technologists.
Please register individually for the session you can attend. For more information contact
LTC Tour Guides
Eric Loepp, Director of Learning Technology Jeffrey Thomas, Assistant Director, Learning Technology Ted Witt, Teaching Learning and Technology Consultant
The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center (LTC) is pleased to announce that applications are now open for a Winterim 2022 Online Blended Institute in a shortened hybrid format. The overall goal of the institute is to align quality course design with best practices in blended teaching, preparing faculty for online course development, and blended teaching in future academic terms. The course models a blended course including readings, materials, and short homework assignments. Participants will be required to build a fully online unit of a course they could teach.
This institute is intended for people designing a course for Summer or Fall 2022 or for those teaching in Spring 2022. It would also be appropriate for instructors designing a new course.
If you are interested in course prep for Spring 2022, try our new course prep boot camp.
There are six required synchronous workshops M/W/F scheduled from 1:00 pm to 2:30pm in Webex from January 3 through January 14. These will include a student panel discussion and a peer to peer review session to share ideas and collaborate on online course designs in progress. Final course materials will be due January 28th.
We will be accepting 20 applicants into the Institute this winter. Preference will be given to those faculty and full-time instructional academic staff who fully complete the application in a first come, first serve basis and who have not previously completed the Online Blended Institute since the summer of 2018. Applicants will be emailed regarding their acceptance on Wednesday, December 8.
The application takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. We recommend completing the application on a computer, as some questions involve typed responses.
For any additional information or questions, please contact the LTC. Learning Technology Center (262) 472-1004