Announcing the 2023 Cisco/Presidio Teaching with Technology Honorarium Finalists!

UW-Whitewater photo/Nick Pook

The LTC has the pleasure of announcing the finalists for the 2023 Cisco/Presidio Teaching with Technology Innovator Honorarium. This prestigious award recognizes excellence in the use of technology in the classroom to enhance teaching and learning.

After a rigorous review of numerous outstanding applications, the following individuals have been selected as finalists:

  • Mr. Brian Schanen, Lecturer of Communication
  • Dr. Courtney Powers, Assistant Professor of Communication
  • Dr. Jeannine Rowe, Professor of Social Work 
  • Ms. Linda Amann, Lecturer of Information Technology and Supply Chain Management
  • Ms. Lori Trimble,  Lecturer of Biology and Chemistry

These finalists have demonstrated exceptional use of technology in their teaching, showing a dedication to innovation and creativity in the classroom. Their commitment to leveraging technology to improve student engagement, learning outcomes, and overall teaching effectiveness is truly commendable.

The winner will be announced at the Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference on May 17th, 2023. The conference will feature a range of expert presentations by fellow educators –  this is an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest trends and best practices in using technology to enhance teaching and learning within the UW-Whitewater community. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn and grow with us! Register now for the Teaching with Technology Conference! We hope to see you there!

Rescheduled! Incorporating AI Into Assessments Workshop

As campus and some of the city of Whitewater has no power, we are regrettably rescheduling our Incorporating AI into Assessments Workshop, originally planned for today, April 19th at 3:30pm. 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We have rescheduled the workshop for Monday, April 24th at 3:30pm in McGraw 19A or Webex. If you have already registered, the Webex link will remain the same. If you weren’t able to attend, now is your chance – register here! As before, the workshop will be recorded for those unable to attend. 

Thank you for your understanding – we hope you are able to join us for the rescheduled workshop. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact us at

Cisco/Presidio Teaching with Technology Innovator Honorarium – Deadline Extended!

There is still time! We have extended the deadline for the Cisco/Presidio Teaching with Technology Innovator Honorarium to April 10, 2023.

The Cisco/Presidio Teaching with Technology Innovator Honorarium recognizes an instructor who displays an outstanding commitment to leveraging learning technologies to solve common teaching challenges. Full award details and application requirements available here.

For additional information, please contact The Learning Technology Center.

Deadline Extended for 2023 CTL Conference Presentation Proposals!

There is still time! We have extended the deadline for the Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference Call for Proposals to April 10, 2023.

We invite submissions from University of Wisconsin-Whitewater staff and faculty to share their innovations, scholarly teaching results, or the variety of ways we are all transforming the lives of our students through teaching and learning. The Conference will be held Wednesday, May 17th, 2023 in the University Center on the UW-Whitewater Main Campus. It is sponsored by the LEARN Center, Learning Technology Center, and Office of Academic Assessment.

  • Academic technology, connections and challenges
  • Assessment and program evaluation
  • Innovative student services and experiences 
  • Online program development
  • Project-based and community-based learning opportunities
  • Strategic enrollment and program development
  • Something else!

Concurrent presentation sessions will last 45 minutes. You are welcome to structure time to fit your presentation. Remember Q&A! A typical session consists of approximately 35 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers.For additional information, please contact The Learning Technology Center.

Call for Proposals: Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference 2023

We invite submissions from University of Wisconsin-Whitewater staff and faculty to share their innovations, scholarly teaching results, or variety of ways we are all transforming the lives of our students through teaching and learning. The Conference will be held Wednesday, May 17th, 2023 in the University Center on the UW-Whitewater Main Campus. It is sponsored by the LEARN Center, Learning Technology Center, and Office of Academic Assessment.

Possible themes include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Academic technology, connections and challenges
  • Assessment and program evaluation
  • Innovative student services and experiences 
  • Online program development
  • Project-based and community-based learning opportunities
  • Strategic enrollment and program development
  • Something Else!

Concurrent presentation sessions will last 45 minutes. You are welcome to structure time to fit your presentation. Remember Q&A! A typical session consists of approximately 35 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers.

Applications close April 3rd April 10th, 2023 and notifications of acceptance will be received no later than April 17th, 2023.

For additional information, please contact The Learning Technology Center.

Honoring Campus Innovators

On May 18, the campus community gathered at the Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference to celebrate innovative teaching and learning initiatives at UW-Whitewater. The Learning Technology Center, LEARN Center, and Office of Academic Assessment proudly hosted this engaging professional development opportunity. Many thanks to those wo were able to attend and to those who worked behind the scenes!

Two of the afternoon sessions showcased the technological innovations by Steven Girard, associate professor of chemistry and Lama Bergstrand Othman, associate professor of special education, finalists for the 2022 Cisco/Presidio Teaching with Technology Innovator Honorarium.

Steven Girard’s presentation “Technologies to Improve Student Accessibility” described assembling/coauthoring free and fully open-source educational resource (OER) textbooks for use in his chemistry courses, and designing an augmented reality (AR) app with his colleague Fred Leighton, assistant professor of media arts and game development.

Lama Bergstrand Othman outlined how the SAMR and TPACK frameworks inform her teaching, how she models them for future teachers, and how she encourages students to employ them in their work in her presentation “Future Teachers and Digital Classrooms.”

The conference concluded with the announcement of this year’s Cisco/Presidio “Teaching with Technology Innovator” honorarium, awarded to Steven Girard.

The Cisco/Presidio Teaching with Technology Innovator Honorarium recognizes an instructor who displays an outstanding commitment to leveraging learning technologies to solve common teaching challenges related to creating rich learning experiences to increase student success. This award is sponsored by Presidio and Cisco Systems in conjunction with ICIT and the LTC. Presidio and Cisco are proud of their work with institutions of higher education to inspire learning and connect campuses to enhance student outcomes. ICIT and the LTC are dedicated to working with instructors to understand teaching challenges, explore solutions, implement strategies, and evaluate their effectiveness.

Congratulations to each of this year’s finalists, your innovative approaches in the classroom are much to be celebrated!

Registration Open! Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference May 18

The Learning Technology Center, LEARN Center and Office of Academic Assessment invite you to register for the Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference on Wednesday, May 18, in the University Center.

The conference features a great keynote speaker and showcases 16 concurrent sessions full of interesting teaching and learning initiatives that are active at UW-Whitewater.

The event is FREE, and includes breakfast, lunch and snacks.

Don’t delay, register today! Registration ends May 10.

Deadline Extended!

There is still time! We have extended the deadline for the Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference Call for Proposals to April 11, 2022.

We invite submissions from University of Wisconsin-Whitewater instructors and staff to share their innovations, scholarly teaching results, or information on how they’ve connected to the Wisconsin Idea. Possible themes include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Academic technology, connections and challenges
  • Assessment and program evaluation
  • Innovative student services and experiences 
  • Online program development
  • Project-based and community-based learning opportunities
  • Strategic enrollment and program development
  • Something Else!

Concurrent presentation sessions will last 45 minutes. You are welcome to structure time to fit your presentation. Remember Q&A! A typical session consists of approximately 35 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers.

For additional information, please contact The Learning Technology Center.

Call for Proposals: Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference 2022

At this year’s Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference, we invite participants to “Explore the Wisconsin Idea” by reflecting on ways their teaching engages with the “Wisconsin Idea” alongside new visions and aspirations for teaching and learning on our campuses, both brick-and-mortar and online. The Conference will be held Wednesday, May 18, 2022 in the University Center on the UW-Whitewater Main Campus. It is sponsored by the LEARN Center, Learning Technology Center, and Office of Academic Assessment.

We invite submissions from University of Wisconsin-Whitewater staff and faculty to share their innovations, scholarly teaching results, or information on how they’ve connected to the Wisconsin Idea. Possible themes include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Academic technology, connections and challenges
  • Assessment and program evaluation
  • Innovative student services and experiences 
  • Online program development
  • Project-based and community-based learning opportunities
  • Strategic enrollment and program development
  • Something Else!

Concurrent presentation sessions will last 45 minutes. You are welcome to structure time to fit your presentation. Remember Q&A! A typical session consists of approximately 35 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers.

Applications close March 27, 2022 April 11, 2022 and notifications of acceptance will be received no later than April 11, 2022 April 15, 2022.

For additional information, please contact The Learning Technology Center.

What is “The Wisconsin Idea?”

In 1905, Charles Van Hise, then president of the University of Wisconsin, declared that he would “never be content until the beneficent influence of the University reaches every corner of the state.” Thus was born the “Wisconsin Idea,” a guiding principle of the University of Wisconsin System that continues to this day and is expressed in the mission of the University of Wisconsin System – to develop human resources, to discover and disseminate knowledge, to extend knowledge and its application beyond the boundaries of its campuses, and to serve and stimulate society by developing in students heightened intellectual, cultural, and humane sensitivities, scientific, professional and technological expertise, and a sense of purpose. Inherent in this broad mission are methods of instruction, research, extended training, and public service designed to educate people and improve the human condition. Basic to every purpose of the UW System is the search for truth.

Save the Date! May 18th – Celebrating Teaching and Learning

The Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference will take place on May 18, 2022 from 8:30am-4pm at the University Center. 

Our theme this year, “Exploring the Wisconsin Idea,” asks participants to reflect on their engagement with the “Wisconsin Idea”: the notion that the benefit of higher education should extend beyond the boundaries of a traditional classroom or campus, and reach every corner of our state. Inherent in this broad mission are methods of instruction, research, extended training, and public service designed to educate people and improve the human condition. 

Please keep an eye out for more information in the coming weeks for the call for proposals!

If you have any questions about this conference, please contact the Learning Technology Center.