[RESOLVED] LinkedIn Learning Access Issues

Resolved December 3rd, 6:42 PM. The issue has been resolved and new users are now able to access LinkedIn Learning.

Beginning on December 1st, users who have not previously logged into LinkedIn Learning are receiving an error message when trying to create an account. Users who have logged in prior to December 1st are not impacted. ICIT is working with LinkedIn to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Updates will be posted to this message as they are received.

If you have specific questions about this outage, please reach out to the UW-W TSC Helpdesk.

Linkedin Learning Emerging Technology Exploration Project Applications Due 11/22/19

There is still time to apply for the Learning Technology Center’s Spring 2020 Emerging Technology Exploration Project focusing on Linkedin Learning! The deadline for applications is this Friday (11/22/19).

Linkedin Learning

More details on the project, including the link to the application, are available here. If you have any questions about the project, please contact icit-techpilots@uww.edu

November 2019 Canvas Update

Winterim 2020 and Spring 2020 courses are now available in Canvas.

  • Course Combinations.  Do you want to combine multiple sections of the same course into a single Canvas course?  Follow the steps in the Cross-Listing/Merging Canvas Courses guide.  If you need to combine courses that you are not the teacher for or if you have any questions please contact Canvas support.
  • Sync Grades to WINS (eGrading). Canvas does have the ability to send your course final grades directly to the WINS Grade Roster at the end of the semester. Get started by viewing the step-by-step instructions.

On Saturday, November 16, Instructure will deploy the latest release to the Canvas environment.  The highlights of this release are listed below.  The full release notes are also available.

  • Training Options: The Help Menu includes a new training portal link for instructors. This new training portal contains complimentary self-paced training resources and provides one-click registration for training webinars which are offered by Instructure.
  • Dashboard – Unfavorite a Course option: In the Course Card Dashboard, courses can be removed as favorites from the course card Options menu.
  • Pages – Microsoft Immersive Reader: The Microsoft Immersive Reader is being offered in Canvas as a trial feature. This will offer students some basic accessibility options for all Pages in courses. To learn more about this feature, see the Microsoft Immersive Reader website.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Emerging Technology Information Session (11/19/2019)

Did you know that the Learning Technology Center (LTC) supports instructors in piloting emerging technologies in their courses? These technologies are selected in order to address teaching and learning challenges. Over the past few years, the LTC has supported instructors in exploring technologies including Webex Teams, Poll Everywhere, and adaptive learning platforms Realizeit and Cerego.

The LTC supports instructors in innovative teaching.

If you would like to hear more about the LTC’s emerging technology exploration projects, please sign up here to attend our upcoming information session at 3:00 pm on November 19th, 2019. In addition to providing information on our past and current projects, we will welcome feedback including suggestions for technologies you might like to use in the future.

If you have any questions or feedback relating to emerging technology explorations, please contact us at icit-techpilots@uww.edu

Spring 2020 Emerging Technology Exploration Project – Linkedin Learning

Linkedin Learning offers a variety of online “courses” that students and instructors can access online using a computer or mobile device. Learners can complete these entire “courses,” and sometimes earn a digital “certificate,” or view shorter chunks of larger courses. Additionally, the course library is constantly growing, with new content on a variety of topics continuously added.

Linkedin Learning

Project Purpose

The purpose of this Emerging Technology Exploration Project is to explore the potential for Linkedin Learning to positively influence teaching and learning on campus. The guiding questions for this project are:

  1. How can Linkedin Learning benefit instructors?
  2. How can Linkedin Learning benefit students?

Project Expectations

Participating instructors must use Linkedin Learning in at least one class during the Spring 2020 semester. Instructors can choose the class(es) in which they use Linkedin Learning.

The breakdown below details the project expectations for participating instructors, semester by semester:

Fall 2019 or Winterim 2019-2020

  • Attend a two-hour instructional development session with LTC staff (date TBD).

Winterim 2019-2020

  • Submit to the LTC a brief plan outlining how you intend to use Linkedin Learning in your Spring 2020 course(s).

Spring 2020

  • Conduct at least one Spring 2020 course using Linkedin Learning as outlined in your plan.  
  • Complete “check-ins” with LTC staff.
  • Support the LTC in administering an (IRB approved) survey about the course to students.
  • Present on experiences using Linkedin Learning at a LTC workshop or event.

Project Compensation

If all project components are completed, instructors can expect to receive $250 for their participation. Up to ten instructors will be selected for participation in this project.


The Qualtrics application form is available here. The deadline for applications is November 22nd, 2019. After that date, LTC staff will be in contact with applicants.

Need additional information?

If you have any questions about the Linkedin Learning Emerging Technology Exploration Project, feel free to contact icit-techpilots@uww.edu. If you have any questions about Linkedin Learning more generally, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Adaptive Learning Information Session Monday October 28th

The Learning Technology Center (LTC) is currently exploring adaptive learning technologies, focusing on the platform Cerego. If you are potentially interested in incorporating adaptive learning into your course but do not know where or how to get started, consider attending the adaptive learning information session next Monday (10/28/19) so you can learn more about the possibilities offered by adaptive learning.

The Cerego platform offers computer and mobile options.

The information session takes place at 3:30 pm on Monday October 28th, 2019 in McGraw 19A, and runs for about 45 minutes. If you are interested, please sign up here. Please note that you will need to log in with your UW-Whitewater credentials to register for this session.

If you are interested in adaptive learning, you are also invited to attend a meeting discussing adaptive learning on campus this Friday (10/25/19).

If you have any questions about adaptive learning, or would like to attend this session virtually via Webex Teams, please contact icit-techpilots@uww.edu

What’s New in Canvas? (10/21/2019)

On Saturday, October 19, Instructure deployed the latest release to the Canvas environment.  The highlights of this release are listed below.  The full release notes are also available.

  • Grades – Post Policy Icons Updates: The word Manual displays in the assignment header to indicate the assignment is set with the Manual Posting Policy. Additionally, the outlined Visibility icon only displays when entered grades need to be posted.
  • Navigation – Menu Visibility: A visual change has been made for Teachers to more easily tell which Navigation Menu items are visible to students. Icons not visible to students will be marked by the symbol of an eye with a slash though it.
    • NOTE: Some external tools are never visible to students, but do not receive the new icon.
  • Analytics – New Course and User Analytics: Existing course and user analytics have been replaced with the New Course and User Analytics functionality.

If you have any questions or concerns about the service pack updates, please contact UW-W Canvas Support.