You’re invited!

Engaging Students in Online Courses: Building Community & Increasing Interactivity

Join an interactive hour-long collaborative online workshop where faculty, instructional staff, and campus partners will actively problem-solve struggles with engagement in online courses. This workshop will be held on April 6th at 12pm and is co-sponsored by the Learning Technology Center and the LEARN Center.

Visit our event page for more information and to sign up for this workshop.

For more information contact the Learning Technology Center.

Online Teaching Institute Spring 2021 Applications Open

Let's look forward to spring and computing
The Call for the Spring 2021 Online Teaching Institute is now open.

The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center (LTC) is pleased to announce that applications are now open for a Spring 2021 Online Teaching Institute. The overall goal of the institute is to align quality course design with best practices in online teaching, preparing faculty for online course development, and online/hybrid teaching in future academic terms.

This Spring Institute is designed to be fully asynchronous and completed over a ten week, work at your own pace, timeline. The course models a fully online course including readings, materials, and short homework assignments. Participants will be required to build a fully online unit of a course they could teach. There will be several optional synchronous workshops, including an orientation, student panel, and peer review session.

We will be accepting up to 25 applicants. Preference will be given to those faculty and full-time instructional academic staff in a first come, first serve basis. To ensure we can serve the entire UW-Whitewater community, we will also prioritize individuals who have not previously completed the Online / Blended teaching Institute since the summer of 2018.  Approved applicants will be emailed regarding their acceptance on Thursday, February 4th, 2021 and be enrolled in the Canvas course site.  Rolling applications will be accepted until March 1st . The Canvas course will open for participants on Monday, February 8th and final submission of work will be due April 16, 2021. 

The application takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. We recommend completing the application on a computer, as some questions involve typed responses.

For any additional information or questions, please contact the LTC.
Learning Technology Center
(262) 472-1004

Apply here:

Winterim Online Teaching Institute application

winter studying
The Call for the Winterim Online Teaching Institute remains open.

Applications remain open for the Winterim 2021 Online Teaching Institute. The overall goal of the institute is to align quality course design with best practices in online teaching, preparing faculty for online course development, and teaching in future academic terms.

This Winterim Institute is designed in a hybrid modality combining a series of short online workshops and asynchronous materials in Canvas. The course models hybrid and remote modalities including readings, materials, and short homework assignments. Participants will be required to build a fully online unit of a course they could teach.

There are six synchronous workshops M/W/F scheduled from 1:00 pm to 2:00pm in Webex from January 4 through January 15. These will include a student panel discussion and a peer to peer review session to share ideas and collaborate on online course designs in progress. There will also be additional optional Canvas labs. Final course materials will be due January 29th.

We will be accepting 25 applicants into the Institute for Online Teaching this winter. Preference will be given to those faculty and full-time instructional academic staff who fully complete the application in a first come, first serve basis and who have not previously completed the Online / Blended teaching Institute since the summer of 2018. Once we accept 25 applicants, we will close the application.

For any additional information or questions, please contact the LTC.
Learning Technology Center
(262) 472-1004

Apply here:

Professional Development Opportunities

This winter, the Learning Technology Center staff looks forward to providing professional development opportunities for instructional and non-instructional staff on a wide variety of topics.

Please view all of our workshops and the dates they will be offered.

Multiple sessions on different topics related to Canvas, Webex, HyFlex/Video Enabled Classrooms, and general campus technologies will help you learn new skills, enhance your use of technology, and implement new strategies.

If you have any questions, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Managing the HyFlex Classroom (9/24/20)

If you are currently teaching in a HyFlex/video-enhanced classroom, or are interested in teaching in one in the future, please consider joining the Learning Technology Center for a session on “Managing the HyFlex Classroom” this Thursday (9/24/20) at 9:00 AM.

If you are interested in this session, please register using this link, so that you can receive the Webex Meetings invitation. Please note that you will need to login using your UWW credentials to register.

If you have any questions about this session, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Tales from “HyFlex” So Far (9/17/20)

With a few weeks of the fall semester now behind us, please consider joining the Learning Technology Center for a session on teaching in a “HyFlex” style so far this semester. This session takes place on Thursday September 17th at 9:00 AM, and will feature an instructor panel discussing their experiences so far this semester in teaching in this format.

If you are interested in this session, please register using this link so that you receive the information for the Webex Meeting. (Please note that you will need to log in to register)

If you have any questions, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Call: Fall 2020 Institute for Online Teaching

fall learning
The Call for the Fall 2020 asynchronous Online Teaching Institute is now open.

The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center (LTC) is pleased to announce that applications are now open for a Fall 2020 Institute for Online Teaching which will pilot fully asynchronous delivery of the institute. The overall goal of the institute is to align quality course design with best practices in online teaching, preparing faculty for online course development, and teaching in future academic terms.

This Fall Institute is designed to be fully asynchronous and completed over a ten week period. The course models a fully online course including readings, materials, and short homework assignments. Participants will be required to build a fully online unit of a course they could teach.

We will be accepting 25 applicants into the Institute for Online Teaching this fall. Preference will be given to those faculty and full-time instructional academic staff who fully complete the application in a first come, first serve basis and who have not previously completed the Online / Blended teaching Institute since the summer of 2018. Once we accept 25 applicants, we will close the application. Applicants will be emailed regarding their acceptance on Friday, September 18, 2020 and be enrolled in the Canvas course site. Those who complete the Institute will be eligible for a $500 stipend through the UW System Online Learning Initiative.

The application takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Any incomplete applications may be rejected. We recommend completing the application on a computer, as some questions involve typed responses.

For any additional information or questions, please contact the LTC.
Learning Technology Center
(262) 472-1004

Apply here:

Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series Fall 2020 “Reprise”

The Learning Technology Center’s (LTC) 2020 Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series was one of the most popular offerings in LTC history!

Given the popularity of this series, we have put together a fall “reprise” of this series highlighting many of the most popular sessions in a shorter format. The “Blending Face-to-Face and Online Assessment” sessions are even all available in one day on Friday, September 11th.

Planning for Flexibility:

Using Technology for Learning in the Physical and Online Classroom (Thursday, September 10th at 9:00 am)

Blending Face-to-Face and Online Assessment:

Assignment Options (Friday, September 11th at 9:00 am)

Peer Review of Student Work (Friday, September 11th at 10:00 am)

Exams & Quizzes (Friday, September 11th at 11:00 am)

The Blended Class:

Instructor Presentation of Content Part I (Tuesday, September 15th at 9:00 am)

Instructor Presentation of Content Part II (Wednesday, September 16th at 9:00 am)

Student Presentations (Friday, September 18th at 9:00 am)

Student-Student Interaction (Monday, September 21st at 9:00 am)

These sessions are applicable to instructors teaching online, hybrid, remote, HyFlex, or even potentially traditional face-to-face.

If you have any questions, please contact

Tracking Student Progress in Alternate Formats (8/14/20)

As we near the beginning of the fall semester, you might be wondering how you can keep track of your students’ progress while also navigating the changing learning environment. Please consider joining the Learning Technology Center for a session on tracking student progress in alternate formats. The session description is below:

If you are new to teaching online, hybrid, remote, or any format other than face-to-face, you might be concerned about how you can tell whether your students understand the course material and how you can chart their progress. Join us for a discussion and demonstration on how you can keep track of your students’ progress when teaching in alternate delivery formats.

If you are interested, please register. You will need to login with your UWW credentials to register.

If you have any questions about this session, please contact us at

The Blended Class: Student-Student Interaction (8/7/20)

The Learning Technology Center’s Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series, and our exploration of the blended class, concludes with a session on student-student interaction. The session summary is below:

This session will discuss various ways to manage and assess technology-mediated student-student interactions. Facilitators will discuss ways to encourage students to interact with each other using technology for activities and assessments. Participants will identify opportunities in their courses for technology-mediated student-student interactions into their courses. Opportunities for and challenges of mixing synchronous and asynchronous interactions will explored.

If you are interested in this session, please register so that we can send you the Webex Meeting link, for the synchronous session, and the link to the asynchronous Canvas course for the workshop series.

We thank you so much for your support of the LTC and this workshop series over the summer! If you have any questions, please contact us at