Ethics and Limitations of AI Workshop Summary

Newsweek editors asked AI to generate images of itself as a “giant tentacled monster with many eyes destroying New York.” Example by Bruce Sterling. (July 7, 2023)

Thank you to all the attendees of our workshop, “Ethics and Limitations of AI”! If you were unable to attend, we have provided a summary below:

Key Takeaways:

  • Responsible generative AI literacy inside and out of the classroom includes a consideration of the ethical concerns. With a rush of generative AI platforms’ products, companies are looking to monetize, with minor regard for public privacy, safety, or access.
  • “Degenerative” AI is a real problem. In a world where volumes of content can be produced in seconds, it will be difficult to discern human-creation from AI-creation, and with it, a loss of the creative process. An implicit underlying thesis of generative AI is that one can only derive enjoyment from the consumption of content, not the production.
  • Federal legislative action has slowly begun; both the White House and Congress have begun work on guardrails for the responsible development of AI, with a primary focus on safety, security and trust. 
  • The majority of ethical concerns surrounding AI can be categorized into a four part framework: privacy, equity, transparency, and accountability.

Supplemental Resources:

  1. Presentation Slide Deck
  2. Workshop Recording
  3. White House AI Response 
  4. Degenerative AI – Mike Trigg

Save the Date! The LTC is hosting “Navigating AI: Panel Discussion on Implications for Higher Education” on November 15th at 3pm – open to all! – more information available here.

Incorporating AI into Assessments Workshop Summary

Javaid et al., 2023 – Unlocking the opportunities through ChatGPT Tool towards ameliorating the education system.

The LTC would like to thank all the attendees of our Incorporating AI in Assessments workshops! In case you were unable to attend our sessions, we have provided a summary below:

Key Takeaways:

  1. Utilizing AI in building assessments can save time and effort, allowing instructors to focus on other aspects of teaching and learning.
  2. Use AI to generate a wide range of responses based on different prompts and criteria, allowing instructors to test potential responses or create more varied and engaging assessments that can be tailored to the needs of individual students.
  3. AI can identify patterns, themes, and other characteristics in students’ writing that can provide insights into their writing style, language proficiency, and overall academic performance.
  4. Instructors can customize assignments through AI by including learning objectives, creating a rubric, providing resources, and reviewing and revising the assignment.
  5. Harness the creativity of AI – try it for discussion topics, essay topics, and quiz prompts that are personalized to students’ interests and backgrounds.

Supplemental Resources

  1. Presentation Slide Deck
  2. Workshop Recording
  3. Prompt Examples
  4. AI For Education – Prompt Library 

Additional LTC Workshops

Use Cases and Opportunities for AI

  • Wednesday, October 18; 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid

 Ethics and Limitations of AI

  • Wednesday, October 25; 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid

For full descriptions of each workshop, please visit our previous post.

Navigating AI: Panel Discussion on Implications for Higher Education

Students listen to panelists in the University Center’s Old Main Ballroom. (UW-Whitewater/Nick Pook)

The LTC and LEARN Center excitedly invite all members of the campus community to a stimulating and meaningful panel discussion on the ever-evolving world of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). This event is an opportunity for networking, learning, and gaining a deeper understanding of generative AI’s role in our rapidly changing world. Whether you are a student interested in AI’s capabilities, a faculty member exploring its pedagogical potential, or simply curious, this panel discussion is for all!

Date: November 15th, 2023

Time: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM 

Location: Hybrid: University Center Room 261, Whitewater Campus or Webex 

Participants: Open to Campus! 

Event Highlights:

Instructor and Student Panel (60 minutes):

  • Hear a panel of instructors and students discuss their experiences and perspectives on generative AI, with a focus on how it has impacted their interactions in the classroom, potential applications and disruptions, and implications for the future of education.   

Open Q&A Forum (30 minutes):

  • An interactive discussion where you can ask your burning questions to our panelists. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage directly with AI experts and enthusiasts!

Mark your calendars and join us for an enlightening afternoon! The LTC and LEARN Center look forward to welcoming you to this enriching event! Registration and Webex information here!

AI Awareness and Detection Workshop Summary

Thank you for attending our AI Detection and Awareness workshops! We now offer a Turnitin AI detection tool for all campus instructors. Please note that while other options exist, our support will be focused on Turnitin.

Key Takeaways

Clearly Define AI Use for Your Students

  • It’s essential to communicate your expectations regarding AI usage with your students.
  • Recognize that the definition of “cheating” can vary among instructors and courses.
  • Consider AI as a potential educational resource rather than a threat. For example, consider using AI as a possible tutor or study aid.
  • Make sure to incorporate accessible AI policies within your syllabus.

Adapting Assignments for an AI-Integrated Environment

  • Encourage students to reflect personally as they interact with AI tools.
  • Request students to provide documentary artifacts such as outlines, rough drafts, and bibliographies as part of their assignments.

Utilizing Turnitin in Canvas for AI Writing Detection

  • Turnitin, integrated into Canvas, offers a comprehensive AI Writing Detection feature.
  • Emphasize that all submissions through Turnitin undergo thorough AI content scanning.
  • To access the AI indicator, refer to the Similarity Report (Instructions on how to find the Similarity Report can be found here):
    • The AI indicator is not visible to students.
    • AI detection only works well with lengthy prose.
    • It may not provide reliable results for bullet points, brief responses, short essays, or poetry.
    • Currently, AI detection exclusively supports English text.
  • Remember that AI detection scores are not absolute; any concerning findings should be discussed with students.

AI Detection Technology Progress

  • Be aware that AI detection technology continually advances to catch up with generative models.
  • Follow the LTC Blog for updates!

Supplemental Resources

  1. Presentation Slide Deck 
  2. Recording of the Second Session
  3. UWW AI Syllabus Language Resource
  4. UWS Chapter 14 – Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures

11/6/23 Update

 UW-System OPID Webinar Series: Safeguarding Our Students, Instructors, and Universities: Privacy, Security, Copyright, and Generative AI

As generative AI expands in capabilities, questions surrounding personal privacy, copyright, and intellectual property have risen in the academic community. The University of Wisconsin System recently hosted a panel discussion bringing together three system experts to discuss these issues. Timestamps from the webinar that discuss the highlighted points are included in parentheses. 

Key Takeaways:

  • The best approach to generative AI use in the classroom is communication of expectations. A syllabus policy that clearly describes appropriate use, if permitted, will increase responsible integration and decrease confusion. (17:12, 37:52)
  • Homework or other assignments, once completed and submitted to an instructor for credit or grading, is protected under FERPA. In the context of using open source generative AI detectors, instructors should be cautious of submitting student work where privacy violations may occur. Students should be given an opportunity to consent to their work being submitted to public detection software. (14:10, 17:55) 
  • UW System is currently working to understand how generative AI intersects with our current practices and tools. They are working on reviewing policies, creating a guidance document, and researching potential enterprise solutions. (39:05)
  • Instructors can require students to sign up for accounts with ChatGPT. (7:51)

Additional LTC Workshops

Incorporating AI into your Assessments 

  • Wednesday, September 27; 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid 
  • Friday, October 13; 10:15 am – 11:30 am McGraw 19A / Hybrid 

Use Cases and Opportunities for AI

  • Wednesday, October 18; 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid

 Ethics and Limitations of AI

  • Wednesday, October 25; 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid

For full descriptions of each workshop, please visit our previous post

Introduction to Artificial Generative Intelligence Workshop Summary

Thank you to all who attended our Introduction to Artificial Generative Intelligence workshops! In case you missed our introductory sessions, below is a review of the critical information and resources: 

Key Takeaways

  1. AGI is a handy tool ​with the potential for both constructive and destructive applications
    • “Pre-trained Generative Transformer” – a predictive language model that is modeled after how we speak that can create media at scale
    • The tool is morally neutral; how we choose to employ it is the crux of the issue
      • AGI platform companies are rushing to monetize their products; expect AGI to continue to spread throughout daily life as the tools continue to be refined and improved (and eventually moved behind paywalls) 
  1. AGI has a place in the learning process through thoughtful integration ​
    • Education and regulation​ will help combat the misuse of AGI
      • Communicate course expectations and provide context to students
    • Detection option on campus: Turnitin (Canvas Integration) 
    • Privacy and security risks – any information that should not be publicly shared on the internet should not entered into any AGI platform
    • AGI offers opportunities to improve the student (and instructor!) experience
      • Equity, accessibility, and creativity

Supplemental Resources

  1. Presentation Slide Deck 
  2. Recording of the First Session
  3. UWW Syllabus Language Resource
  4. AI Citation Guide

Additional LTC Workshops

Awareness and Detection of AI

  • Wednesday, September 13; 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid 
  • Friday, September 15; 10:15 – 11:30 am McGraw 19A / Hybrid 
  • Tuesday, September 19, 8:15 am – 9:30 am McGraw 19A / Hybrid 

Incorporating AI into your Assessments 

  • Wednesday, September 27; 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid 
  • Friday, October 13; 10:15 am – 11:30 am McGraw 19A / Hybrid 

Use Cases and Opportunities for AI

  • Wednesday, October 18; 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid

 Ethics and Limitations of AI

  • Wednesday, October 25; 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid

For full descriptions of each workshop, please visit our previous post.

Example Artificial Generative Intelligence (AGI) Syllabus Language Resource and Detection Demonstration

a college professor lectures in front of a projector screen on the first day of classes
Associate Professor Matthew Winden begins his business statistics class in Hyland Hall. (UW-Whitewater photo/Craig Schreiner)

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is committed to supporting faculty and staff as the higher education landscape evolves in the age of AGI. Questions continue to mount regarding AGI and academic integrity, particularly with regard to detection options and classroom policies. The LTC has drafted an example of appropriate syllabus language addressing the use of AGI in assignments and other course work. The language is optional and designed to give instructors the flexibility in determining how AGI may, or may not, fit into their course. 

The sample language can be found in the AI Syllabus Resource Knowledge Base (KB) article. Additional open source syllabus language resources include Classroom Policies for AI Generative Tools and the AI Policy Hub at UC-Berkeley.

For those interested in an AGI detection demonstration, IT Services’ annual Technology Open House on August 30th (1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in McGraw Hall), will feature an overview of the Turnitin detection software built into Canvas at 3:15 p.m. Other offerings include a general AI demonstration at 2:45 p.m. and a wide range of helpful technology resources on many topics throughout the afternoon. (Plus free food and prizes!) 

The LTC is also hosting a series of workshops over the fall semester, including one on AI Detection and Awareness

If you have any other AGI-related inquiries, or would like a personal or group consultation related to AGI, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Welcome Back Workshops with the LTC!

The August sunshine in Whitewater brings both warm days and the return to campus! The LTC is excited to welcome back our instructional community and have prepared a slew of workshop offerings to make the start of the semester seamless. 

Canvas Sessions

Whether you are building your first or last Canvas course, the LTC has training for all! *Please note the Canvas and Technology Open Lab is on the UW-Whitewater Rock County campus.

Canvas RefresherWednesday, August 23rd2 to 3 pmMcGraw 19c
Canvas Introduction Thursday, August 24th9 to 10 amMcGraw 19c
Canvas and Technology Open Lab Thursday, August 24th2 to 3 pm*UW Rock Allen Hall 03/04
Course Design and Open LabFriday, August 25th9 am to 12 pmWebex
Using Canvas as Grading FeedbackFriday, August 25th10 to 11 amMcGraw 19c
Course Design and Open LabFriday, September 1st1 to 4 pmWebex

Artificial Generative Intelligence Sessions

Explore the basics of AI and get caught up on recent updates at Introduction to Artificial Generative Intelligence on August 31st; 3 to 4:30 pm in McGraw 19A / Hybrid.

Campus Technology Sessions

The goal of these sessions is to familiarize attendees with campus technology tools and support services. Please note: “Campus and Instructional Tech for Instructors” is aimed at instructors, but will cover the same content as “Campus Technology: Resources to help you succeed”. 

Campus and Instructional Tech for InstructorsMonday, August 28th 10:45 am to 12 pmMcGraw 117
Campus Technology: Resources to Help You Succeed Friday, September 1st 9 to 10 amMcGraw 19A / Hybrid 

Technology Open House

Hosted by IT Services, Technology Open House (TOH), held on Wednesday, August 30th; 1 – 4 pm in McGraw Hall, instructors, staff, and students can learn about technology tools, services, and resources designed to help everyone succeed at UW-Whitewater! Anyone who attends TOH will receive an early access pass to the next Technology Surplus Sale! Register below to be entered into the raffle drawing!

Don’t see what you are looking for? Reach out directly to the LTC or request a consultation. A full list of Welcome Back Week Events can be found in the UW-Whitewater Events Calendar

The Frontiers of Artificial Generative Intelligence – Fall Workshops

As summer draws to a close, the astonishing pace of artificial generative intelligence (AGI) is continuing to increase. The conversation around AGI has continued to bounce between excitement at potential opportunities to hesitancy about misuse in assignments and assessments to uncertainty about the effects on higher education over the long term. The LTC has monitored these conversations and is pleased to offer a series of workshops over the course of the fall semester to give instructors reliable information, guidance on resources and privacy, training on AGI applications, and provide an opportunity to explore the benefits and challenges with AGI. 

As always, if you have specific questions or concerns, please reach out to the LTC directly or request a consultation

The sessions, while interrelated, are not serial; it is encouraged to attend as many, or as few sessions, as you are able! If you are unfamiliar with AGI, we recommend attending the introductory session first. Subsequent sessions can be attended in any order. Sessions of the same topic will cover the same material, but may vary, like “Incorporating AI into Assessments”, which uses real time examples from participants and thus will be slightly different each time! All of our sessions will be offered in a hybrid format and sessions will be recorded. Come back here to find links to recorded sessions or visit our On-Demand Video Library

Introduction to Artificial Generative Intelligence 

  • Thursday, August 31; 3:00 – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid
  • Wednesday, September 6; 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid 
  • Tuesday, September 12; 8:15 am – 9:30 am McGraw 19A / Hybrid

This introductory session explores the state of AI in higher education and will explain what AGI is, discuss its opportunities and limitations, and demonstrate how to use it. If you are interested in what tools are currently available and what to expect, this workshop is for you!

Awareness and Detection of AI

  • Wednesday, September 13; 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid 
  • Friday, September 15; 10:15 – 11:30 am McGraw 19A / Hybrid 
  • Tuesday, September 19, 8:15 am – 9:30 am McGraw 19A / Hybrid 

This intermediate session delves into detection methods for identifying text authored using AI. We will showcase tools presently accessible on campus, explore their accuracy and potential applications, and delve into the ethical considerations tied to these detection options. If you are interested in helping identify what might be AI generated, this workshop is for you!

Incorporating AI into your Assessments 

  • Wednesday, September 27; 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid 
  • Friday, October 13; 10:15 am – 11:30 am McGraw 19A / Hybrid 

This intermediate session explores how AI can be used to help generate assignments and quiz questions. We will explore hands-on ways to streamline your preparation process, enhance your learning objectives, and generate more AI proof activities! If you are interested in your first steps toward using AI to reduce your instructor workload and how to craft effective prompts this workshop is for you!

Use Cases and Opportunities for AI

  • Wednesday, October 18; 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid

This advanced session explores how to use ChatGPT to streamline your classroom prep, reduce instructor workload, and enhance student learning objectives, assessments, and assignments. It features practical demonstrations with real-life examples from various courses such as business and as provided by you! If you are willing to take the plunge and embrace AI in the college classroom, this workshop is for you!

 Ethics and Limitations of AI

  • Wednesday, October 25; 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm McGraw 19A / Hybrid

This advanced session offers the opportunity to discuss more of the concerns and limitations of AI. We will look at three concerns: privacy and surveillance; bias and discrimination; and the role of human judgment. If you are interested in the moral, social, political, and pedagogical implications of AI in college courses, this workshop is for you.

Additional AI Learning Opportunities!

Artificial Intelligence tools continue to generate exciting — and nervous — discussion. Both the UW System and UWW are offering opportunities to explore and share experiences with AI.

Pexels Image by Hatice Baran

Incorporating AI Into Assessments – UWW Interactive Workshop
April 19th, 2023 – 3:30 to 4:30pm April 24th, 2024 – 3:30 to 4:30 pm – McGraw Hall 19A or Webex

Are you curious about how AI can save you time and improve your work?  The Learning Technology Center (LTC) is excited to host a workshop on how AI can revolutionize the work of designing assignments for instructors across all disciplines.

In this interactive workshop, LTC experts will:

  • Demonstrate specific use cases for using AI to generate ideas for assessments
  • Discuss strategies on how to implement these ideas directly into your assignments 
  • Provide hands-on exercises for participants to practice their new AI skills
  • Field live examples from participants to showcase the power of AI

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to expand your knowledge and gain valuable insights! Register now!

AI Panel Discussions – UW System Learning Technology Development Council (LTDC)
April 18th, 2023 – 10:15 to 11am and 11:15am to 12pm – Zoom

The public debut of AI spawned a lightning reaction across educational technology; some are integrating AI driven chatbots into multiple applications, while others focused on academic integrity are rushing to install detection services. Where does this leave students, instructors and administrators? Is AI an industry changing tool threatening to change higher education forever? Or simply “spicy auto-complete”?

To discuss these and other questions, the LTDC has put together two panels of experts from across the UW System. Tune into to one or both sessions via Zoom. To participate, you will need to self-register in the LTDC Canvas Course. The Zoom links to each meeting are available in the course.

10:15 to 11:00 am – Student Panel

Listen and interact with a panel of students to explore how they are already using AI! The discussion will delve into how students are applying AI to daily life, including the benefits and concerns they have regarding usage.

11:15 am to 12 pm – Instructor Panel

Consult with a panel of instructors to explore how they are already using AI and ChatGPT!  Ask questions related to their concerns, academic integrity, or changes to fundamental subjects. What does the future of digital literacy and artificial intelligence look like? What can we learn from those who have already recognized ways to save time and improve student outcomes? 

Winterim 2019 Poll Everywhere Workshop

Are you interested in using a new tool to facilitate student engagement in your Spring 2019 course? “Poll Everywhere” is a live polling tool that allows students to submit answers, in real-time,  to closed or open-ended prompts that instructors create. Students can respond using the Poll Everywhere website, the mobile app, or even through text messages. 

If you are interested in learning more about using Poll Everywhere in your course, consider registering for the Winterim 2019 Workshop at 12:00 pm on Tuesday January 8th.

If you have any questions about Poll Everywhere or any other learning technology, feel free to contact the UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center.