LTDC 2022 Virtual Showcase Call for Proposals is Extended to Noon on Monday, May 9!

The Learning Technology Development Council’s call for proposals for the 2022 Virtual Showcase has been extended until 12:00pm on Monday, May 9th! This year’s theme “On Resourcefulness and Resiliency” focuses on reflecting on our journey, sharing our experiences, learning from them, and taking the knowledge gained into our next experiences is key to personal and professional growth. Please consider submitting a proposal for a presentation session and/or a TechTalk. Find more information and the Call for Proposal link on the LTDC 2022 Virtual Showcase website.  

The 2022 Virtual Showcase will be held on on June 21 & 22, 2022. The Showcase includes panels, presentations, and TechTalk virtual sessions in polysynchronous format (i.e., some presentations are pre-recorded while others are “live”). Registration is free.

Submit Your Proposal Today!

Recording Options for On-Demand Delivery

On-demand video lectures are the perfect way to deliver lecture content for web-based courses, or to provide supplementary material for in-person courses. Check out this short video to learn about four different methods that allow you to create on-demand lectures right from your computer.

Step-by-step guides are also available in our Recording Options for On-Demand Delivery Knowledge Base article.

If you have any questions please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Online Blended Institute Summer 2022 — Registration Now Open

Registration is now open!

The overall goal of the institute is to align quality course design with best practices in online teaching, preparing faculty for Canvas course development, and teaching in future academic terms. This cohort model is grounded in instructor examples, collegial interactions, and is appropriate for anyone hoping to make their courses leverage Canvas easier and efficiently!

Who can gain from OBI? New instructors, folks wanting to refresh a course for the fall, instructors looking for a focused Canvas refresh, and seasoned instructors looking for renewal. This can be a great start for Fall course prep for any modality.

The Summer Online Blended Institute can help prepare you for the Fall Semester!

The Summer 2022 Institute will be offered entirely online via a combination of interactive, synchronous Webex sessions and asynchronous content in a Canvas course.  You will be able to complete the Institute remotely!

The schedule for the 2022 Online Teaching Institute:

  • Wednesday, July 6, 2022:  10:00am – Noon
  • Wednesday, July 13, 2022:  10:00am – Noon
  • Wednesday, July 20, 2022:  10:00am – Noon
  • Wednesday, July 27, 2022:  10:00am – Noon
  • Submission of final Institute content Monday, August 8th, 2022.

    We encourage people to register by July 1.

For more information contact

Celebrate April Fools Day with LinkedIn Learning

Looking to have some fun and learn how to harness humor as a skill to relieve tension, shift perspectives, and bring people together? Look no further!

Dive into these bite-sized tips and tricks to get started:

Want to know more? Check out the full course: Humor in the Workplace (Full course 45 min)

April 2022 @ LTC – General Campus Technology

Google Workspace

“Google Drive and Apps Essentials” – April 8 at 9:00AM

Learn about how to effectively use Google Drive and Apps for collaboration and file-sharing. This workshop offers an overview of Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Presentations, Forms, Drawing, and Sites. Learn the basics of each program to get you up and running quickly with Google applications as well as some helpful tips and tricks!

Interactive Polling with Slido

April 12 at 9:00AM

Webex Meetings now has an interactive polling feature built right into the meeting so you can easily engage with your participants. In this session, you will learn: how to create, activate, and share content; view results; add collaborators; and more!
Access your Slido account from 

Suggestions for Effective Online Meetings & Webinars

April 19 at 9:30AM

Do you know how to schedule a Webex Meeting and/or Webinar, but are looking to make them more smooth, efficient, productive, and comfortable? We’ll cover some pre-meeting details that can help as well as and facilitation techniques to help you and your attendees have better virtual meeting experiences. We’ll focus on tips and tricks for Webex Meetings and Webinars to take your baseline skills to the next level.

New to Campus? Need a refresher?

“Campus Technology: Resources to Help You Succeed” – April 14 at 1:30PM

The goal of this session is to create awareness of the campus-supported communication, collaboration, and work productivity tools that apply to all staff and introduce participants to support resources.

Can’t make it at the scheduled time? Check out our on-demand technology orientation!

Getting Started with Webex

April 26 at 10AM

Webex, formerly known as Webex Teams, is ideal for ongoing communication and collaboration among teams, departments and work groups. Interested in learning how to utilize Webex? This session will help you understand the basics of Webex (Teams) including the new Calling features, best practices for use, and how to get others on board with using it.

Microsoft Outlook – Tips and Tricks

“Outlook Email/Calendar Basics (and Tips & Tricks)” – April 27 at 9:30AM
Open to both Windows and Mac users, this training will cover strategies to manage email messages, calendar scheduling, and more!

Deadline Extended!

There is still time! We have extended the deadline for the Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference Call for Proposals to April 11, 2022.

We invite submissions from University of Wisconsin-Whitewater instructors and staff to share their innovations, scholarly teaching results, or information on how they’ve connected to the Wisconsin Idea. Possible themes include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Academic technology, connections and challenges
  • Assessment and program evaluation
  • Innovative student services and experiences 
  • Online program development
  • Project-based and community-based learning opportunities
  • Strategic enrollment and program development
  • Something Else!

Concurrent presentation sessions will last 45 minutes. You are welcome to structure time to fit your presentation. Remember Q&A! A typical session consists of approximately 35 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers.

For additional information, please contact The Learning Technology Center.

April 2022 @ LTC – The Student Experience

What is the student experience in your course? How do they view their interactions with reading assignments, discussions, and assessments? This April, join the Learning Technology Center as we re-center the student experience!

Starting April 1! Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) encourages us to improve our teaching and students’  through a philosophy of “multiple means” of representation. This collection of workshops will explore the fundamentals of UDL as a means to engage all learners.

What Students Want in Canvas

April 5, 2022 at 1:00PM (via Webex)

This training will focus on making a series of small, easy, and optional, shifts from your current course design to a setup backed by feedback from student panels conducted right here at UW-Whitewater. The goal is not to change how you teach, just how students view the course. This training session will focus on four areas:

  • Matching your Assignments and Grades area to your course syllabus
  • Reorganizing Modules to a chronological layout
  • Getting assignments and tasks populated to student calendars
  • Utilizing the description area of Quizzes and Assignments

A recording of this training is already available!

UW System Administration “Digital Learning Environment” – Student Survey

April 15, 2022 at 1:00PM (via Webex)

In 2021, a student usability study of the UWS digital learning environment (DLE) was conducted. This workshop reviews those results and discusses ways to improve your classroom and teaching to incorporate specific suggestions from the research.

Building Better Syllabi

Join us on either April 19 (1:00PM) or April 20 (9:00AM)Register by April 13, 2022!

What makes a good syllabus, and what makes a good syllabus better? This session will talk about what can be done to improve an existing syllabus, and interesting reworks from the ground up. You can get started on your own with these great resources.

More Information

The LTC offers individual and small group consultations on a variety of topics and services.

If you require assistance or have questions on campus technology, please feel free to contact the Help Desk. Outside of Help Desk hours, we invite you to search our Knowledge Base for helpful articles on using and troubleshooting campus technology.

Canvas Update (03/19/2022)

On Saturday March 19, Instructure deployed the latest release to the Canvas environment. The highlights of this release are listed below. The full release notes are also available.

  • Gradebook – Enhanced Gradebook Filters:  When the Enhanced Gradebook Filters feature preview is enabled for a course, instructors can create filters that can be saved or used one time.
  • Rich Content Editor – Equation Editor Update: When a user creates equations in the Rich Content Editor, the Equation Editor displays an updated user interface.
  • New Quizzes – Item Bank Filtering Terminology Adjustments: In New Quizzes item banks, the All My Banks and All My Course Banks filters have been replaced as the All Banks and Banks Shared to Course filters. Additionally, the This Course filter has been added to the filter options.

If you have any questions or concerns about the service pack updates, or even just curious about how they can help you, please contact UW-W Canvas Support.

[RESOLVED] Canvas Video/Access Issues

Canvas logins were unavailable on Sunday March 6th between 8AM and 11AM for planned maintenance. There was an additional issue after that outage window which impacted Canvas logins until 1:55PM.

In addition, embedded videos restricted to “All Users” or “Course Teams” inside of Canvas were not loading correctly due to an issue as a result of the Sunday maintenance. A workaround was put in place for this issue on Tuesday, March 8th at 9:30AM. Some users may be prompted to login again to view the video.

We apologize for any inconvenience that these additional issues may have caused for your courses.