HyFlex Training Opportunities

We have scheduled the following HyFlex Training Opportunities. These courses are designed for the instructors who are teaching in the video enabled HyFlex Classrooms listed below. If you are not teaching on those rooms and have questions on classroom technology please attended one of our General Classroom Technology Training Sessions.

Video Enabled HyFlex Rooms
Heide: HE112, HE113, HE216, HE309
Hyer: HY213, HY215
Hyland: HH1300, HH1311, HH2300, HH2305, HH2307, HH2311, HH2319
McGraw: MG115, MG117
Rock Campus: AH106, HS06, HS23, WM130
Roseman: RS1040
Upham: UH140, UH141
Williams Center: WC183A, WC183C
Winther: WH2005, WH2008, WH2014, WH2015, WH2016, WH3002, WH3006, WH3013

We created a 5 minute video that will give you a quick example of what the HyFlex perspective will be from all audiences: in-person students, remote students, instructor, and the recorded presentation for later viewing.

HyFlex Technology Training Overview – (60 Minutes Virtual)

Prerequisite: None

This workshop will go over how to use the technology in the video enabled rooms on campus. This session will provide a first person view of how the equipment will work, what buttons to push on the touch panel, and how to connect up your laptop and microphone.

HyFlex Technology Training Hands-On – (60 Minutes In-Person)

Prerequisite: HyFlex Technology Training Overview

This session has no formal agenda and will allow attendees a hands-on opportunity to try out the equipment in a video enabled room. ICIT staff will be on hand during the training session to answer questions and demonstrate as needed. Sessions are limited to a max of 6 people each.

Getting Started with Teaching in a “HyFlex” Style(45 Minutes Virtual)

Prerequisite: None

In this session we will consider different teaching and learning approaches consistent with the HyFlex framework. Please note that this session focuses on teaching practices that could be used in a HyFlex or video-enhanced classroom, as well as potentially in “Hybrid” or “Remote” courses. This session is not a classroom technology training session, which is available separately.

If you have any questions about these trainings, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Canvas Update (08/15/2020)

On Saturday, August 15, Instructure will deploy the latest release to the Canvas environment.  The highlights of this release are listed below.  The full release notes are also available.

If you have any questions or concerns about the service pack updates, please contact UW-W Canvas Support.

Tracking Student Progress in Alternate Formats (8/14/20)

As we near the beginning of the fall semester, you might be wondering how you can keep track of your students’ progress while also navigating the changing learning environment. Please consider joining the Learning Technology Center for a session on tracking student progress in alternate formats. The session description is below:

If you are new to teaching online, hybrid, remote, or any format other than face-to-face, you might be concerned about how you can tell whether your students understand the course material and how you can chart their progress. Join us for a discussion and demonstration on how you can keep track of your students’ progress when teaching in alternate delivery formats.

If you are interested, please register. You will need to login with your UWW credentials to register.

If you have any questions about this session, please contact us at icit-techpilots@uww.edu

Webex Update (08/04/2020)

On Tuesday, August 4, Cisco deployed the Webex Meetings 40.8 update. The highlights of this release are listed below. Full release notes are also available.

  • Music Mode in Meetings and Events. Music mode optimizes the audio processing of the selected microphone source for music. This allows a richer audio experience when transmitting music with the main video benefiting virtual concerts and music lessons. When this mode is disabled, the application will optimize the audio processing for speech. The Music mode icon appears near the top right corner of the client when active.
  • Spacebar Push to Talk. When muted, you can now hold the spacebar down to momentarily unmute. Simply press and hold the spacebar when you want to talk. You’ll see an indicator that you are temporarily unmuted. Release the spacebar to go back on to mute.
  • Video Layout Enhancements for the Desktop App. The “Grid View” is now the default when on content is being shared. Your self-view is now shown as part of the other participant videos for a more natural experience. You can still float your self-view if preferred.
  • Virtual Backgrounds. On Windows and Mac, users can now select a virtual background. For best results, use images that are 1280 x 720 or larger.
  • Meeting Audio / Video Improvements. The Speaker, Microphone and Camera settings dialog has been improved to easily allow testing of selected device.
  • Host Key Removed from Emails. For improved security, the host key will be removed from scheduler emails. The host key will be changed to a link accessible to the configured hosts of the meeting.
  • VDI Enhancements. Webex now supports dual monitor setup for Windows virtual desktops. Enhancements were also made to deliver the most optimized experience to users of the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) client.
  • Webex Meetings for Android Updates.
    • Added Virtual and Blur Background Support
    • Hosts can now start live streaming
    • Host Mute/Un-Mute Control Improvements

If you have any questions or concerns about this update, please contact the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

The Blended Class: Student-Student Interaction (8/7/20)

The Learning Technology Center’s Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series, and our exploration of the blended class, concludes with a session on student-student interaction. The session summary is below:

This session will discuss various ways to manage and assess technology-mediated student-student interactions. Facilitators will discuss ways to encourage students to interact with each other using technology for activities and assessments. Participants will identify opportunities in their courses for technology-mediated student-student interactions into their courses. Opportunities for and challenges of mixing synchronous and asynchronous interactions will explored.

If you are interested in this session, please register so that we can send you the Webex Meeting link, for the synchronous session, and the link to the asynchronous Canvas course for the workshop series.

We thank you so much for your support of the LTC and this workshop series over the summer! If you have any questions, please contact us at icit-techpilots@uww.edu

The Blended Class: Student Presentations (8/5/20)

The Learning Technology Center’s Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series continues exploring how to facilitate a blended course with a session on student presentations. The session summary is below:

This session will discuss various means of facilitating and assessing student presentations using technology. Facilitators will discuss ways for individuals and small groups of students to give technology-mediated presentations suitable for online, blended, or remote formats. Participants will develop an approach to facilitate and assess technology-mediated student presentations.

If you are interested in this session, please register so that we can send you the Webex Meeting link for this synchronous session, and the information for the asynchronous workshop series Canvas course.

If you have any questions about this session, please contact us at icit-techpilots@uww.edu

The Blended Class: Options for Instructor Presentation of Content (8/4/20)

The final three sessions of the Learning Technology Center’s Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series focus on facilitating a blended class. The first of these sessions focuses on ways for instructors to present course content to students. The session summary is below:

This session will discuss synchronous and asynchronous approaches to online lectures. Facilitators will discuss ways to make online or remote lectures more accessible and engaging to face-to-face and online students. Participants will develop an approach to conducting online lectures that would be applicable whether a course is blended or fully online.

If you are interested in this session, please register so that we can send you the Webex Meeting link, and the information for the accompanying asynchronous Canvas course for the workshop series.

If you have any questions about this workshop series, please contact us at icit-techpilots@uww.edu

Blending Face-to-Face and Online Assessment: Peer Review of Student Work (7/24/20)

The Learning Technology Center’s Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series concludes the set of workshops focusing on assessment with a session on facilitating peer reviews of student work. The summary for the session is below:

This session will discuss different ways that you can have students work asynchronously or synchronously online, to review each other’s work. We will discuss both written (e.g., essay) and performative (e.g., presentation) peer reviews. Facilitators will discuss different ways for students to conduct peer reviews of student work. Participants will identify a specific peer review assignment, and determine a method to conduct the peer review.

If you are interested in this session, please register so that you can receive the Webex Meeting link for the synchronous session, and the self-enrollment link for the asynchronous Canvas course for the summer series. You will need to log in with your UWW credentials in order to register.

If you have any questions about this session, or the summer workshop series, please contact icit-techpilots@uww.edu.

Using Breakout Rooms in your Course

As we prepare for the Fall 2020 Semester, the one question that many of you are asking is “How can I use breakout rooms with my course?”  We’ll be the first ones to tell you that while Webex is a great tool, currently it does not have a smooth breakout room experience.

The good news is that Webex will be adding breakout rooms as an option into Webex Meetings in Late Summer / Early Fall.  We don’t have any additional details on this right now – but hang tight – they are coming!

What can you do right now for breakout rooms?

There are 3 recommendations available today for breakout rooms:

  1. Webex Meetings can already be used to help facilitate breakouts.  While you can’t currently do it automatically, the instructor could create scheduled meetings in advance that could act as breakout rooms.  From there, the link to join the meeting could be shared with the group.  The group would then rejoin the main meeting link after the breakout.  With this method, the instructor is able to join into the breakout meeting groups as needed. The breakouts can easily be joined by the click of a link. Using Webex Meetings for Breakout Rooms
  2. Webex Teams works great as a breakout option if you are already using it on your course.  You can create a “Team” for the course, and then inside of that team you can have several “spaces” that can be used for the group projects.  The students can easily Meet via Video / Audio at the click of a button.  Webex Teams does require the students to download an application on their computer or mobile device for the best user experience. Using Webex Teams for Breakout Rooms
  3. Webex Training Center is the current solution from Webex for breakout rooms.  With Webex Training Center, you can easily assign users into breakout rooms.  However – the limitation is that the breakout rooms only have audio, and the interface has not been updated lately.  Students on Chromebooks may also run into issues. Webex is working on moving these breakout room features into Webex Meetings, which is scheduled to be available late summer / early fall. Find out more about how Webex Training works or view a recording of Cisco’s classes on this technology solution.

How can I use breakout rooms with my HyFlex course?

HyFlex is a term that describes a wide range of instructional formats, but in general suggests that the course is taught in ways that allow the student to choose the particular format of their instruction. As an example, a class might allow for students to attend in person, remotely, or to watch a recording after class.  So you may be wondering – how can I run a breakout room with both in person and remote students?  

Our recommendation would be to have in person breakout rooms for the in person students, and remote breakout rooms for the remote students.

Running the breakouts in this fashion will have the least amount of potential technical issues.  For example – while it would be possible to mix in person students with remote students for the breakouts, this would require all of the students to bring a laptop or mobile device.  These devices would also need to have a headset and microphone to not pick up too much background noise and crosstalk. In addition, having enough physical space in the room for the students to be able to talk with their remote group without interrupting the others who are physically in the room is critical.

Why doesn’t the University license Zoom? 

As the UW-W community continues to work and teach remotely, many employees are taking advantage of virtual spaces and web-conferencing tools.  Thanks to a strong and long-standing contract with Cisco, UW-W can offer the faculty, staff, and students a secure communication platform that enhances user privacy and safety through the institutional license.

Additional information on Why Webex is also available at: https://www.uww.edu/icit/remote#TEACHING#why-webex

If you have questions on using breakout rooms inside of your course, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Blending Face-to-Face and Online Assessment: Exams and Quizzes (7/21/20)

The Learning Technology Center’s Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series continues its look at assessment with a session on exams and quizzes. The session summary is below:

This session will help you think through how online exams and quizzes offer different opportunities and constraints than face-to-face exams and quizzes. We will discuss different types of opportunities such as take-home exams, proctored online exams, novel applications of learning projects, and small-group exams. Facilitators will discuss considerations in moving exams and quizzes online in primarily face-to-face courses. Participants will explore different methods of conducting exams and quizzes online, and determine a method to transform the face-to-face assessment into an online assessment.

If you are interested in this session, please register so that you can receive the link to the synchronous session in Webex Meetings, and the self-enrollment for the asynchronous Canvas course site for the workshop series. You will need to log in with your UWW credentials in order to register.

If you have any questions about this session, or the summer workshop series, please contact icit-techpilots@uww.edu.