Flipped Learning Fundamentals

Pexel’s Photography – Alena Darmel

In a “flipped classroom”, teachers “flip” the traditional approach of presenting and explaining new information in the classroom and assigning some sort of practice at home to the opposite.  The instructor asks students to read or view material on the new concepts at home and then uses class time to actively engage with the material through solving problems, group work, or other active learning models.  

This workshop series will examine the fundamentals of flipped learning to design your course in a hybrid manner to support the flipped classroom, apply active learning techniques, and discuss methods to engage students. Additionally, we’ll examine technologies that can support your flipped classroom.

Flipped Learning Fundamentals

  • Small Changes You Can Make Now to Flip a Class
    January 27, 3:00 pm
    • Introduction to the “Flipped Learning Fundamental Series,” and part of the Flipped Learning Pathway. Why it is important, what steps you can do to flip your classroom, the advantages and disadvantages, and hands on tips to better utilize your students time in class. 
    • Sign up: https://my.uww.edu/SignUp/Registration/Details?id=17105

  • Flipped Learning Fundamentals: Hybrid Course Design
    February 3, 3:00 pm
    • This workshop explores one of the first fundamental of flipped learning…hybrid course design.  Come join us as we look at the transformation process of “the sage on the stage” to the “guide on the side” and engage in flipped learning techniques.  
    • Sign up: https://my.uww.edu/SignUp/Registration/Details?id=17106

  • Flipped Learning Fundamentals: Active Learning
    February 17, 3:00 pm
    • This workshop explores the second fundamental of flipped learning…active learning. Come join us as we look at how to use class time to support active learning in a flipped model. Join us for techniques and activities to support assessment and authentic learning.
    • Sign up: https://my.uww.edu/SignUp/Registration/Details?id=17107 

  • Flipped Learning Fundamentals: Student Engagement
    February 24, 3:00 pm
    • This workshop explores the third fundamental of flipped learning…student engagement. Come join us as we look at strategies to engage your students during your classroom time to support a flipped learning model.
    • Sign up: https://my.uww.edu/SignUp/Registration/Details?id=17108

Additional Workshops Supporting Flipped Learning

  • Interactive Polling Overview (Slido, PollEverywhere, and Turning)
    Two sessions: January 25 1:00 pm and February 23 9:00 am
  • Google Apps for Education: Essentials  
    Two sessions: February 2, 9:00am and March 1, 1:00pm
    • Learn about how to effectively use Google Drive and Apps for collaboration and file-sharing. This workshop offers an overview of Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Presentations, Forms, Drawing, and Sites. Learn the basics of each program to get you up and running quickly with Google applications as well as some helpful tips and tricks.
    • Sign up: https://my.uww.edu/SignUp/Registration/Details?id=17046

Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guides the design of learning experiences to proactively meet the needs of all learners. When you design through UDL, you assume that barriers to learning are in the design of the environment, not in the student. 

This workshop series explores the principles of UDL: provide multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression. Additionally, we will answer the following questions:

  • How can I engage all students in my class?
  • How can I present information in ways that reach all learners?
  • How can I offer purposeful options for students to show what they know?

Workshop Details

  • How Universal Design Helps Everyone
    March 4, 1:00 pm
    • Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. The human-centered approach to design that Universal Design supports is user-friendly and convenient, but is also respectful of user dignity, rights and privacy. Learn about how incorporating UDL into your classroom helps everyone!
    • Sign up: https://my.uww.edu/SignUp/Registration/Details?id=17117
  • Next Level Design: Action and Expression
    April 8, 1:00 pm

LinkedIn Learning Challenge – 2022!

Back by popular demand, UW-Whitewater and LinkedIn Learning have teamed up yet again to bring the 2022 LinkedIn Learning “New You” Challenge! Complete the challenge to win cool prizes!

LinkedIn Learning is a video- based learning platform available to all UW-W faculty, staff, and students, that offers the latest academic, creative, business, and wellness skill development through high-quality instructional videos by industry experts. Often these courses are accompanied by exercise files, handouts, and other resources to support your growth.

Keep the momentum going with a fresh start to 2022 with the LinkedIn Learning “New You” Challenge! Participation is simple and only requires 8-10 minutes per day:

  1. Download the 2022 Challenge Calendar.
  2. Complete each day’s assigned task (watch a video or respond to a written prompt). 
  3. Sign your initials when each day is done either by editing the PDF directly or printing out a copy. 
  4. Once each daily task is completed, upload a PDF copy of your calendar using the self-service portal of our helpdesk system (ServiceNow). 

The Challenge will run from January 10-28, 2022 with all submissions required to be uploaded into ServiceNow by February 4, 2022. 

ServiceNow can also be used to place requests for other items, open tickets for problems, and search information within our KnowledgeBase.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Learning Technology Center via email: ltc@uww.edu

Good luck and happy learning!

Updates to Cisco Webex in Canvas

On Monday, December 27, 2021, Cisco released updates to the Webex Education Connector in Canvas that redesign the Office Hours experience for both instructors and students.

Instructor experience

Instructors now have a clearer view of their office hours settings and availability. In the Weekly Hours tab, instructors configure their weekly availability by setting their preferred meeting duration, meeting buffer, date range, time zone, days of availability, and hours of availability.

Date range selector has been added that allows instructors to define a consecutive period of time for students to book office hours. Only dates within the date range indicated will be shown to students when scheduling. This provides the flexibility to restrict future bookings to a term, semester, or other time-defined period. In addition, instructors can modify their availability for a specific date without needing to update their general office hours availability, making it possible to reduce their availability on a date, increase their availability on a date, or mark themselves unavailable for an entire date.

The time zone selector allows instructors to set their preferred time zone for office hours meetings. This provides clarity and consistency for students when scheduling meetings. The default time zone for office hours is based on the time zone in the course where an instructor first enables office hours. If instructors are located in a different time zone, they can update the time zone for all their office hours.

Student experience

Students must now first select their instructor before available time slots are displayed, making it clear with which instructor a student is scheduling time.

For directions on how to set-up and use Webex Office Hours in your Canvas course, please see Setting Up Online Office Hours in Canvas (Instructors). Instructors may wish to share Scheduling Online Office Hours with your Instructor in Canvas with their students as an easy tutorial on how to use this feature.

If you have any questions or concerns about this update, please contact the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Adaptive Learning Community of Practice

How can we ensure that students with diverse abilities ALL arrive to class well-prepared and ready to take full advantage of class time? Join the Learning Technology Center as we re-explore adaptive learning strategies through the use of Realizeit!

February 17, 2022 at 2:00PM – 

“Adaptive Learning: Build Personalized Learning Experiences”
with Professor Meg Waraczynski (CoLS)

Advance registration requested

A Call for Explorers

“The Higher Education We Deserve” 
Top 10 IT Issues, 2022

Come explore the Educause Top 10 IT Issues, with the LTC this Spring as we do a directed study at portions of the report to identify areas we can support campus operations to enhance student success.  Almost two years into a global pandemic, it’s clear the higher education we once knew will never return.

Top 10 IT Issues
Join the LTC this Spring 2022 as we explore Educause’s top 10 IT Issues.

The Top 10 IT Issues describe the way technology is helping to create the higher education we deserve. They highlight the work institutions are doing to develop a shared transformational vision and strategy, redefine higher education’s value proposition, and reshape institutional business models and culture to anticipate and serve the current and emergent needs of learners, communities, and employers.

In this “book-club inspired” Explorers Group, participants are expected to come prepared to explore issues, tackle challenges, and discuss how these issues impact student and institutional success, our shared vision, and sustainable business models. Bring an open mind and an explorer’s heart.  We will provide short key readings and discussion points inspired by the Top 10 Issues.  By the end of our sessions together we hope that you will be informed and prepared for how these IT issues transform our increasingly digital future.  Let’s build that higher education we deserve and shape that future.  Let’s help articulate that vision and ideate new models that support both student and institutional success. This group is appropriate for educators, leaders, administrators, and technologists.


Excursion Dates and Time

Wednesdays 3:00 – 4:00 pm Spring 2022
McGraw Hall 19A and Online via Webex

Please register individually for the session you can attend.  For more information contact ltc@uww.edu 

LTC Tour Guides

Eric Loepp, Director of Learning Technology
Jeffrey Thomas, Assistant Director, Learning Technology
Ted Witt, Teaching Learning and Technology Consultant

Amazon Web Services Outage

Resolved 5:31PM: Amazon has restored services and continue to monitor for any recurring issues. At this time Canvas and Respondus Lockdown Browser are working as expected.

Update 4:04PM: Amazon has reported a fix is in place and services are being restored. Amazon will continue to monitor the situation and we will provide another update once everything is fully restored.

On Tuesday, December 7th, 2021 beginning at around 9:45AM CST Amazon Web Services has been experiencing some intermittent outages. So far we know that this outage has impacted the following services:

  • Canvas
  • Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor
  • Respondus Studymate

As of 2:50PM, Amazon has identified the cause of the outage and is working on a resolution. We will provide updates as services are restored.

Please contact the Learning Technology Center if you have any questions about this outage.

LAST CALL: Winterim 2022 Online Blended Institute

The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center (LTC) is pleased to announce that applications are now open for a Winterim 2022 Online Blended Institute in a shortened hybrid format. The overall goal of the institute is to align quality course design with best practices in blended teaching, preparing faculty for online course development, and blended teaching in future academic terms. The course models a blended course including readings, materials, and short homework assignments. Participants will be required to build a fully online unit of a course they could teach.

Close-up Photography of Woman Sitting Beside Table While Using Macbook.  Pexels photo by Andrew Neel

This institute is intended for people designing a course for Summer or Fall 2022 or for those teaching in Spring 2022. It would also be appropriate for instructors designing a new course.

If you are interested in course prep for Spring 2022, try our new course prep boot camp.

There are six required synchronous workshops M/W/F scheduled from 1:00 pm to 2:30pm in Webex from January 3 through January 14. These will include a student panel discussion and a peer to peer review session to share ideas and collaborate on online course designs in progress. Final course materials will be due January 28th.

We will be accepting 20 applicants into the Institute this winter. Preference will be given to those faculty and full-time instructional academic staff who fully complete the application in a first come, first serve basis and who have not previously completed the Online Blended Institute since the summer of 2018. Applicants will be emailed regarding their acceptance on Wednesday, December 8.

The application takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. We recommend completing the application on a computer, as some questions involve typed responses.

For any additional information or questions, please contact the LTC.
Learning Technology Center
(262) 472-1004

Apply here: http://uwwhitewater.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d07cFDl4NTCDvgO

New! Course Prep Boot Camp

Strapped for time, and looking for a guiding hand on all the things you need to do to get a Canvas course up and running for Spring?  Now is your chance! Join us for hands-on workshops broken up between quick demonstrations, and supported work time.

Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

These sessions are designed for instructors looking to get their Spring 2022 course up and running, but all faculty and staff are welcome. Come with previous content ready to be updated, or moved from paper into Canvas (ie moving a quiz or rubric into a digital form). This series of workshops will provide you the how-to and time to complete specific tasks to get your course set up. Enroll in one, a handful, or all of them; even if it is just for a way to schedule your time.

Getting Started

Monday, January 3: 9:00-10:30 AM | Signup

Building Your Content

Wednesday, January 5: 9:00-10:30 AM | Signup

Assignments and Setting Up Grades

Friday, January 7: 9:00-10:30 AM | Signup


Monday, January 10: 9:00-10:30 AM | Signup


Wednesday, January 12: 9:00-10:30 AM | Signup

Wrapping Up

Friday, January 14: 9:00-10:30 AM | Signup