Canvas Update (04/18/2020)

On Saturday, April 14, Instructure will deploy the latest release to the Canvas environment.  The highlights of this release are listed below.  The full release notes are also available.

Instructure has moved to a “Ready Release” method of weekly updates to address pressing issues during the sudden shift to online. The full list of ready release notes are available. We have included what we believe to be the two most notable updates here.

UW-Whitewater Updates

D2L Retirement is progressing.  All information you would like to keep must be exported out of D2L before June 1st, 2020. Whether it’s an old for-credit based course, or an ongoing course – make sure all material is backed up. Once our access is removed, we will not have any way to obtain this data. For more information check out the Desire2Learn Retirement Planning post.

If you have any questions or concerns about the service pack updates, please contact UW-W Canvas Support.

Adaptive/Personalized Learning Presentation this Week

During this academic year, the Learning Technology Center (LTC) has been supporting a group of instructors in piloting the online platform “Cerego,” as a way to incorporate adaptive and personalized learning into their courses.

Join one of the current pilot instructors at 2:00 pm this Thursday (4/9) as he discusses his use of the platform, and what he has learned throughout the experience. The presentation will take place via Webex Meetings, due to the COVID-19 situation.

Registration is requested, so that we can supply you with the link to the Webex Meeting. You can sign up here (please note that you will need to log in, using your UWW username and password).

If you have any questions about this presentation, or would like the link to the Webex Meeting, please contact us at

Update: Linked Learning Pilot Instructor Presentations

The presentations by Linkedin Learning pilot instructors that were scheduled for this week have been moved to Webex Meetings, so that you do not need to be on campus to attend.

Wednesday March 18th at 10:00 AM

Thursday March 19th at 12:00 PM

If you are interested in attending to learn more about using Linkedin Learning, please use the above links to register, and you will then receive an email with a link to the Webex Meeting.

If you have any questions, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Learn about Linkedin Learning

During the Spring 2020 semester, the Learning Technology Center is supporting a small group of instructors in piloting Linkedin Learning. As a part of the project, the pilot instructors will be presenting on how they use Linkedin Learning, and what they have learned, to the campus community.

Linkedin Learning
Linkedin Learning

Pilot instructors will be presenting on their experiences with Linkedin Learning at the following dates, times, locations. Clicking on the session link will take you to the UWW Event Sign-Up page. Please note that you will need to login with your UWW credentials to sign up.

March 18th at 10:00 AM in McGraw 19A
March 19th at 12:00 PM in Hyland 4303
May 1st at 12:00 PM in McGraw 112

If you would like to attend remotely, please register and then contact us at If you have any other questions about the pilot, Linkedin Learning, or any other learning technology, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

March Adaptive and Personalized Learning Meeting (3/19/20)

The Learning Technology Center (LTC) has added an extra adaptive and personalized learning discussion this semester:

Thursday, March 19th at 2:00 PM in McGraw 19A

Registration is suggested, but not required. You can register at the link above (please note that you need to sign in with your UWW credentials to register).

If you are interested but unable to attend in person, please register and then email, and we set you up to attend via Webex.

If you have any additional questions about these adaptive and personalized learning sessions, or other LTC events, please contact the Learning Technology Center

Adaptive and Personalized Learning Discussion this Friday (2/21/20)

The Learning Technology Center (LTC) has been supporting instructors in using adaptive and personalized learning platforms as part of a pilot project since 2018. If you are interested in adaptive and personalized learning, please consider joining us this Friday for a discussion that will include experiences of instructors in the current pilot project.

Registration is suggested, but not required. You can register at the following link (please note that you need to sign in with your UWW credentials to register):

Friday, February 21, 2020 at 10:00 AM

If you are interested but unable to attend in person, please register and then email us at, and we will get you set up to attend virtually.

If you have any additional questions about these adaptive and personalized learning sessions, or other LTC events, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Learn about how instructors are using Linkedin Learning on campus this semester

During the spring 2020 semester, the Learning Technology Center is supporting a small group of instructors in piloting Linkedin Learning. As a part of that project, pilot instructors will be presenting on how they incorporate Linkedin Learning into their course design and facilitation.

Linkedin Learning

There are three sessions. Each session focuses on a different use.

March 18, 2020 10:00 AM (McGraw 19A)

*College of Business & Economics “Brown Bag” Session*
March 19, 2020 12:00 PM (Hyland Hall 4303)

April 24, 2020 12:00 PM (McGraw 19A)

Please note that you’ll need to login in order to register.

If you have any questions about Linkedin Learning or these sessions, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Canvas Update (02/15/2020)

Vendor Updates

On Saturday, January 18, Instructure will deploy the latest release to the Canvas environment.  The highlights of this release are listed below.  The full release notes are also available.

  • Commons Favorites Direct Import: Instructors can copy individual course items that have been favorited in Canvas Commons. Using this feature, they can be copied directly into the intended location..
  • New Quizzes – Moved to Quizzes: Instructors wishing to use the “New Quizzes” tool will now find it in the Quizzes area.
    • Please note that “New Quizzes” is still in Beta and UW-Whitewater recommends the use of the standard quizzing tool.
  • Responsive Layout: Canvas provides a more responsive experience for content scrolling according to web accessibility initiative guidelines.

UW-Whitewater Updates

D2L Retirement is progressing.  All information you would like to keep must be exported out of D2L before June 1st, 2020. Whether it’s an old for-credit based course, or an ongoing course – make sure all material is backed up. Once our access is removed, we will not have any way to obtain this data. For more information check out the Desire2Learn Retirement Planning post.

If you have any questions or concerns about the service pack updates, please contact UW-W Canvas Support.

Canvas Update (1/18/2020)

Vendor Updates

On Saturday, January 18, Instructure will deploy the latest release to the Canvas environment.  The highlights of this release are listed below.  The full release notes are also available.

  • Direct Share Course-Level Features: Instructors can copy individual course items to another course and share individual items with other users.
  • Personal Pronoun feature description: Users can select pronouns to associate with their account in Canvas. The initial set of options will be: He/His, She/Hers, They/Theirs.
  • Postable Submission Comments: Assignments with the “Manual” Posting Policy will now be able to have Comments posted for students to see before entering a grade.
  • New Quizzes – Answer Shuffling: Instructors using the “New Quizzes” tool will now be able to shuffle answers on multiple choice, multiple answer, and matching quiz questions.
    • Please note that “New Quizzes” is still in Beta and UW-Whitewater recommends the use of the standard quizzing tool.
  • Rich Content Editor Update: Instructors can start using the Rich Content Editor update early by enabling it in their settings area. Instructure plans to make the updates on by default in a future update.

UW-Whitewater Updates

Winterim 2020 grades are due 4:00pm, Tuesday January 21. Directions for eGrading are available for instructors who wish to use this process.

Remember to Publish your courses. Spring 2020 courses start Tuesday January 21. It is important to remember that students will be unable to enter the course, and instructors will be unable to us the Inbox to message students until the course is published.

If you have any questions or concerns about the service pack updates, please contact UW-W Canvas Support.

Join a discussion about adaptive and personalized learning on campus!

Since 2018, the Learning Technology Center has been exploring adaptive and personalized learning. The LTC would like to invite any UW-Whitewater faculty, staff, or student interested in adaptive and personalized learning to discuss the state of adaptive and personalized learning on campus.

Come join the discussion on adaptive and personalized learning!

These are open discussions. Registration is suggested but not required. There are two meetings this spring 2020 semester. Please feel free to attend either or both:

Friday, February 21, 2020 10:00 AM

Tuesday, April 21, 2020 2:00 PM

Remote attendance for these meetings is possible as well (please just contact after registering to receive a Webex link to join virtually). If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the Learning Technology Center.