Meet Teaching, Learning, and Technology Consultant Candidates

The campus community is invited to attend the open forums to meet the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Consultant candidates.

Sarah Etlinger will be joining us on Wednesday, August 16th from 2:30 – 3:00pm in the University Center, room 264.

James McKay will be joining us on Thursday, August 17th from 11:30 – Noon in the University Center, room 264.



D2L Known Issue: “Deleted Group” when posting to discussions from Mobile

Student posts may not be Deleted Group Picproperly restricted to their own group when creating a Discussion post from a mobile device.  When this occurs, all users with access to that Topic will be able to see the post, and the post will appear to have been made to a “Deleted Group.  This is a bug that has been reported and confirmed by Desire2Learn.

At this time we recommend users avoid creating Discussion posts from mobile devices when possible.

When grading Discussions, Instructors should view “All Groups” to ensure that there are not any posts being excluded from the View.

If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this issue, please contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

Technology Open House – Save the Date!

Faculty and Staff are invited to join us at the annual ICIT Technology Open House!  This year the event will be held on Wednesday, August 30th from 1pm to 4:30pm in the University Center Grand Ball Room (Room 275).

Why should you come to the Tech Open House?

  1. Refreshments, Prizes and Games! Stop in and enjoy some free food and drink along with a chance to win some great prizes.
  2. Active Learning and Classroom Redesign. We have an exciting new active learning facility in store for you!  Want to know more, be sure to come to the event!  We’ve been busy!
  3. Emerging Technology Exploration.  Do you want to try the latest and greatest?  Come find out what projects we have been working on, and bring your own ideas for possible future projects.
  4. Communication Corner.  We have many communication tools available for you to use in your courses – WebEx, D2L, Email, Jabber, etc.  Come see how they interconnect, try things out, and see what works best for you.

Are you convinced?  RSVP NOW to get an additional entry for the prize drawings!  We’ll be there ready to tackle your instructional issues and see what we can dream up!

Help us spread the word and tell your colleagues as well!

Embedding Videos in Desire2Learn with VBrick Rev

On Wednesday, May 24th, 2017 VBrick Rev ( was updated to use our common campus login process (Shibboleth).

Previously, some videos that were embedded into D2L courses and other sites requires users to login again to view them – hence causing a “double login” just to view the videos.  We are excited to say that with this update, the double login screen is gone!  We are now able to seamlessly authenticate the user automatically in the background, removing the second login screen that they were seeing before.

Old Login Screen

Old Rev ( Login Screen

New Login Screen

New Rev ( Login Screen

If you experience any issues with this change, or notice any problems please contact the Learning Technology Center.