Come join the LTC for a discussion on adaptive learning on campus!

If you missed our September meeting, or attended that meeting and would like to talk more about the status of adaptive learning on campus, the LTC is hosting one more meeting on adaptive and personalized learning this fall.

The meeting takes place next Friday, October 25th from 9:30 to 10:15 am in McGraw 19A. All UW-Whitewater faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend. No registration is necessary.

Adaptive learning facilitates personalized pathways for learners.

If you have any questions about this meeting, or would like to attend virtually via Webex, please contact

Deadline Approaching: LTC/LEARN Workshop Series

On behalf of the LTC and LEARN Center, we would like to invite you to attend the second session of a collaborative workshop series aimed at “Humanizing Your Courses.”  The theme of our second sessions focuses on Presence, Empathy and Awareness.

Monday, October 21 | 12:30-1:45PM | McGraw 19A

Presence, Empathy, and Awareness
Presented by Anneke Lisberg, Biological Sciences;
Kate Ksobiech, Communications;
Tony Millevolte, College of Integrated Studies

Sign up:
Please sign up by Wednesday, October 16

Humanizing Your Courses

Presence, Empathy, and Awareness

Inspired by the thinking of Michelle Pacansky-Brock, the “Humanizing Your Courses” series will explore ways to create human-centered learning experiences. This second workshop will feature a panel of some of our most “present” faculty members. We’ll explore examples from their classroom experiences, including face-to-face and online formats. They will provide tips and guidance on how to create a welcoming and human presence in the classroom, sense when students need extra support, and learn how to listen to and understand our students more directly. In addition, they will also discuss the challenges of remaining so highly focused on student needs.

Attendees will discuss:

  • Strategies to be more “present” in the classroom or online.
  • Approaches to displaying empathy and sensing when students need help.
  • Activities to facilitate knowing students better and creating formative feedback loops
  • Tips to be more aware of your OWN needs.
  • Tips for dealing with the challenges and issues associated with increased empathy

If you have any questions or concerns about the transition, please reach out to the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Adaptive Learning Information Session for UW-Whitewater at Rock County on October 21st

Adaptive learning platforms offer a way to structure student learning activities and assessments to personalize the learning experience on how a student performs. The adaptive learning platform provides targeted feedback and additional learning material to help foster student learning. Additionally, adaptive learning platforms typically offer instructors analytics to closely monitor student progress and areas that specific students may struggle.

Cerego Logo

The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center is currently seeking instructors interested in piloting adaptive learning during the Spring 2020 semester. The adaptive learning platform currently being piloted is called Cerego. With Cerego, instructors can create content and, based on the students’ correct and incorrect responses, the Cerego platform determines what specific students need to study. 

Learning Technology Center staff will be at the UW-Whitewater at Rock County campus (HS0027) on Monday October 21st, 2019 from 12:00 to 12:50 pm to provide an information session on adaptive learning. If you are interested in learning more about adaptive learning, and the current adaptive learning pilot, please join us at this session!

If you have any questions about the information session, or adaptive learning more generally, please feel free to contact

Canvas Transition Update

Thank you for your hard work transferring your Desire2Learn courses to Canvas! Starting with the Summer 2019, 100% of our for-credit courses are on Canvas!

While the end of this giant undertaking is in sight, there are still some important things to keep in mind as we close out the Desire2Learn service:

  • Desire2Learn Courses will be set to Read-Only on January 17th, 2020. Are you still using Desire2Learn for a department or ongoing course? If so – now is the time to get your course migrated over to Canvas! Request your Canvas ongoing course using this form.
  • Desire2Learn Student Activity exports now available! We have an export report available that allows us to export student activity for: Checklists, Content, Course Files, Discussions, Dropbox, Grades, Group contribution/locker, Homepages, News, Quizzes and Release Conditions. Fill out this form to request a student activity export. Please allow 7 business days for processing. Requests must be received by March 1st, 2020.
  • UW-System will be removing access to Desire2Learn in June of 2020. All information you would like to keep must be exported out of D2L before June of 2020. Whether it’s an old for-credit based course, or an ongoing course – make sure all material is backed up. Once our access is removed, we will not have any way to obtain this data. Don’t delay, save your course files today!
  • View the Desire2Learn Retirement timeline for additional details.

Tell us about your Canvas support experience. Overall, we have had great success with Canvas 24/7/365 Phone/Chat/Email support. Whether you got an awesome answer from Canvas Support, or if you were wishing they would have provided more information – let us know! We review all support interactions on a regular basis – and we want to make sure you get the support and answers you need! Submit your feedback by going to and clicking on the Vendor Support Feedback button.

If you have any questions or concerns about the transition, please reach out to the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Fall 2019 “Teaching with Webex Teams Bootcamp”

Searching for ways to build community with students in your online class? Looking for a way to facilitate communication and collaboration between your students in your face-to-face class? You may benefit from the Learning Technology Center’s (LTC) “Teaching with Webex Teams Bootcamp!”

Any instructor interested in using Webex Teams is welcome. The LTC’s Fall 2019 “Teaching with Webex Teams Bootcamp” takes place on a series of Thursday afternoons in October (10/10, 10/17, 10/24) from 3:30 pm to 4:15 pm at the UW-Whitewater campus in McGraw Hall. You do not need to attend all sessions, but the second and third sessions build upon the information provided in the first session. Registrations are encouraged.

Webex Teams

Thursday, October 10, 2019: Why Should I Use Webex Teams?

This first session introduces participants to Cisco Webex Teams and why instructors and students might benefit from incorporating it. Participants will be introduced to the concepts of “Teams” and “Spaces.” Facilitators will provide examples to help participants understand what Webex Teams is (and is not), how Webex Teams works, and the purpose in using Webex Teams.

Thursday, October 17, 2019: How Do I Use Webex Teams?

This second session provides participants with a hands-on technical training with Cisco Webex Teams. Participants will practice creating “Teams” and “Spaces,” as well using Webex Teams to communicate and collaborate with others. We will also touch on the use of the Webex integration in Canvas. Please bring a laptop or mobile device in order to get the most of the hands-on training experience.

Thursday, October 24, 2019: Now What Do I Do With Webex Teams?

This third, and final, session provides participants with a forum to discuss potential applications of Webex Teams in their teaching. Facilitators will provide participants with “best practices” for using Webex Teams based on instructor use at UW-Whitewater.

If you have any questions about the “Teaching with Webex Teams Bootcamp,” or any other LTC training or workshop, feel free to contact the UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center.

Please note: The LTC does not provide a stipend for attending the “Teaching with Webex Teams Bootcamp.” However, if you complete all three sessions, you will receive a digital badge. 

Canvas Workshops – Fall 2019

During the Fall 2019 Semester, the LTC will be offering opportunities to work on and learn about Canvas features.  For self guided assistance, please view the Canvas Service Page.

Canvas Open Lab 
We will be available to answer your Canvas questions during the sessions below! Whether you are working on your current course, or planning for the future – stop on by!

Date/Time Location Register
Tuesday, October 8th
8:00am – 10:00am
McGraw 19c, Whitewater Campus In-Person Registration
Wednesday, October 16th
Noon – 4:00pm
Williams 29, Rock Campus In-Person Registration
Wednesday, October 23rd
2:00pm – 4:00pm
McGraw 19b, Whitewater Campus In-Person Registration
Tuesday November 5th
1:00pm – 3:00pm
McGraw 19c, Whitewater Campus In-Person Registration
Wednesday, November 13th
8:00am – Noon
Williams 29, Rock Campus In-Person Registration
Wednesday, November 20th
10:00am – Noon
McGraw 19b, Whitewater Campus In-Person Registration
Tuesday, December 3rd
Noon – 4:00pm
Williams 29, Rock Campus In-Person Registration
Wednesday, December 4th
1:00pm – 3:00pm
McGraw 19b, Whitewater Campus In-Person Registration

Canvas Deep Dives (1 Hour)
We will focus on a single tool, and dive deep into various options and use cases for how that tool works.

  • Groups: This training will discuss what the toolis, how it differs from what we are use to in D2L, when it should be used, and when it shouldn’t be used.
  • Webex Tools: Webex is usable through Canvas, but does take some initial setup there.  If you are interested in using Webex for your classes, this is the workshop for you.
Event Name Date/Time Location Register
Groups Monday, October 7th
9:00am – 10:00am
McGraw 19c, Whitewater Campus In-Person Registration
Webex Tools Monday, November 18th
9:00am – 10:00am
McGraw 19c, Whitewater Campus In-Person Registration

If you have any questions about these sessions, please reach out to the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Spring 2020 Adaptive Learning Project – Call for Participants

The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center (LTC) is currently looking for instructors to explore the use of adaptive learning during the Spring 2020 semester.

About Adaptive Learning

Adaptive learning platforms offer a personalized learning experience for students, where the content “adapts” based on how students perform. The LTC’s current adaptive learning project focuses on the use of the platform Cerego.

Cerego Logo
Cerego adaptive learning platform

Project Purpose

Participants in the LTC’s adaptive learning project will utilize the adaptive learning platform Cerego, which is designed to comprise roughly between 7 and 10% of the learning activities/assessments in a course. The purpose of this Spring 2020 semester project is to explore the new upgrade of the Cerego adaptive learning platform.

Project Requirements

Pilot instructors have flexibility in determining the course in which to implement the Cerego adaptive learning platform. By taking part in the project, instructors agree to fully participate in, and complete, all project requirements. These requirements include attendance at instructional development sessions with LTC staff.

The following semester-by-semester breakdown conveys the expectations for participating instructors:

Fall 2019
-Attend brief (~1 hour) introductory instructional development session with LTC staff (date TBD).

Winterim 2019-2020
-Attend one-day instructional development session with LTC staff (date TBD).
-Create content in Cerego adaptive learning platform to comprise roughly 10% of the course (i.e., not used as extra credit).

Spring 2020
-Conduct at least one course using Cerego adaptive learning platform.
-Complete “check-ins” with LTC staff.
-Support the LTC in administering an end-of-semester (IRB approved) survey about the course to students.
-Present on experiences using the adaptive learning platform at a LTC workshop or event.

Project Compensation

Instructors participating in the adaptive learning project will receive a stipend to compensate the work they put into their course redesign. If all required components are completed, participating instructors can expect to receive a stipend of $1000.


The Qualtrics application form is available here. The deadline for applications is October 31st, 2019. After that date, LTC staff will be in contact with applicants.

Need additional information?

Please feel free to attend the LTC’s adaptive learning meeting in October! If you have any questions about the adaptive learning project, feel free to contact

You are invited to discuss adaptive learning on campus!

You are invited to join the Learning Technology Center for a conversation about adaptive learning on campus. The meeting takes place next Friday, September 27th, from 9:30 to 10:15 am in McGraw 19A. All UW-Whitewater faculty, staff, and students are welcome to join this discussion. No registration is necessary to join the meeting, so please feel free to join us!

The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center Mission Statement

If you are interested in learning more about adaptive learning, EDUCAUSE has a short (less than five minute) video on “3 Reasons to Try Adaptive Learning Courseware.”

If you have any questions about this meeting, or would like to attend virtually via Webex, please contact the UW-W Learning Technology Center.