Webex Update (9/8/2020)

On Tuesday, September 8, Cisco deployed the Webex Meetings 40.9 update. The highlights of this release are listed below. Full release notes are also available. Please note, some of the updates outlined in the full release notes are not yet available. We expect these to launch next Tuesday, September 15.

Optimized Audio and Video Preview
The larger, optimized Audio/Video Preview window makes it easier to look your best and find the settings you need before joining a meeting.

Webex preview window

Updated Controls in Meetings and Events
The look of the controls in Meetings and Events has changed to make them more intuitive and easier to use. Meeting controls are now clearly labeled and located at the bottom of your meeting window, which means you’ll always have them in sight, but without them covering up shared content or video.

Clear and easy-to-find meeting controls

Contextual Option Menus
Audio settings and camera settings can now be conveniently accessed in the menus at the right of their respective mute and camera buttons.

An easier way to adjust your setting

Consolidated Panel Controls
Panel controls (like Participants, Chat, and Q&A) can be found towards the right, where the panel opens.

Panel controls

Additional Virtual Background Improvements and Support
Cisco has added more virtual background images to choose from in your Meetings and Events. The virtual background feature is now supported on Macs with dual-core processors.

Virtual background preset images

Other Updates to Note:
-Users of Amazon Echo Show or Google Home Hub Smart Display devices will now be able to use Webex Meetings on these devices. Amazon Echo Show devices will be able to display meeting and recording lists, as well as play back recordings. Google Nest Hub devices will be able to display meeting and recording lists, play back recordings, and schedule meetings.
Facebook Portal users will now be able to leverage their Webex Meetings app directly from all Facebook Portal devices! The experience will match what currently exists in the Android app.
Cisco is officially retiring Support for Internet Explorer 10 and Windows 7. While users on these platforms won’t be prevented from joining or starting meetings, Cisco will no longer provide bug fixes or updates for this operating system and browser going forward.

If you have any questions or concerns about this update, please contact the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series Fall 2020 “Reprise”

The Learning Technology Center’s (LTC) 2020 Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series was one of the most popular offerings in LTC history!

Given the popularity of this series, we have put together a fall “reprise” of this series highlighting many of the most popular sessions in a shorter format. The “Blending Face-to-Face and Online Assessment” sessions are even all available in one day on Friday, September 11th.

Planning for Flexibility:

Using Technology for Learning in the Physical and Online Classroom (Thursday, September 10th at 9:00 am)

Blending Face-to-Face and Online Assessment:

Assignment Options (Friday, September 11th at 9:00 am)

Peer Review of Student Work (Friday, September 11th at 10:00 am)

Exams & Quizzes (Friday, September 11th at 11:00 am)

The Blended Class:

Instructor Presentation of Content Part I (Tuesday, September 15th at 9:00 am)

Instructor Presentation of Content Part II (Wednesday, September 16th at 9:00 am)

Student Presentations (Friday, September 18th at 9:00 am)

Student-Student Interaction (Monday, September 21st at 9:00 am)

These sessions are applicable to instructors teaching online, hybrid, remote, HyFlex, or even potentially traditional face-to-face.

If you have any questions, please contact icit-techpilots@uww.edu

[RESOLVED] Canvas Embedded Video Issue

RESOLVED 4/22/2021: The issue has now been resolved and videos can once again be embedded into Canvas without issue.

UPDATE: Thank you for your patience with the embedded video issue. There are a number of technical upgrades that have to happen before this issue can be fully resolved. We are currently on target to have this issue resolved by the end of the Spring 2021 semester.

With the latest versions of Google Chrome and Safari, an issue can occur when videos from Rev (http://streaming.uww.edu) are embedded inside of your Canvas course.

We are currently working on a solution. In the meantime, please use one of the following workarounds:

Workaround 1: Use a web browser other than Google Chrome or Safari to access the video in the Canvas course.

Workaround 2: Login to streaming.uww.edu first, and then load the link in Canvas. This will allow the video to load as expected in Canvas. This does work in both Google Chrome and Safari.

Workaround 3: The issue is only impacting videos that are embedded in Canvas. As a workaround, you could change the embedded video to be a link instead. Instructions are available at: https://spaces.uww.edu/x/F4Gc

If you have additional questions about this issue, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

HyFlex Teaching “Office Hours”

If you are teaching in a HyFlex or video-enhanced classroom this fall, the Learning Technology Center is offering “office hours” during the first three weeks of September for assisting you with any questions or ideas relating to teaching in a HyFlex style.

The dates and times, with sign up links, are below:
(please note that you will need to sign in with your UWW credentials in order to register)

Friday, September 4th at 1:00 PM
Friday, September 4th at 2:00 PM

Friday, September 11th at 1:00 PM
Friday, September 11th at 2:00 PM

Friday, September 18th at 1:00 PM
Friday, September 18th at 2:00 PM

If you have any questions about these “office hours,” please contact the Learning Technology Center.

HyFlex Training Opportunities

We have scheduled the following HyFlex Training Opportunities. These courses are designed for the instructors who are teaching in the video enabled HyFlex Classrooms listed below. If you are not teaching on those rooms and have questions on classroom technology please attended one of our General Classroom Technology Training Sessions.

Video Enabled HyFlex Rooms
Heide: HE112, HE113, HE216, HE309
Hyer: HY213, HY215
Hyland: HH1300, HH1311, HH2300, HH2305, HH2307, HH2311, HH2319
McGraw: MG115, MG117
Rock Campus: AH106, HS06, HS23, WM130
Roseman: RS1040
Upham: UH140, UH141
Williams Center: WC183A, WC183C
Winther: WH2005, WH2008, WH2014, WH2015, WH2016, WH3002, WH3006, WH3013

We created a 5 minute video that will give you a quick example of what the HyFlex perspective will be from all audiences: in-person students, remote students, instructor, and the recorded presentation for later viewing.

HyFlex Technology Training Overview – (60 Minutes Virtual)

Prerequisite: None

This workshop will go over how to use the technology in the video enabled rooms on campus. This session will provide a first person view of how the equipment will work, what buttons to push on the touch panel, and how to connect up your laptop and microphone.

HyFlex Technology Training Hands-On – (60 Minutes In-Person)

Prerequisite: HyFlex Technology Training Overview

This session has no formal agenda and will allow attendees a hands-on opportunity to try out the equipment in a video enabled room. ICIT staff will be on hand during the training session to answer questions and demonstrate as needed. Sessions are limited to a max of 6 people each.

Getting Started with Teaching in a “HyFlex” Style(45 Minutes Virtual)

Prerequisite: None

In this session we will consider different teaching and learning approaches consistent with the HyFlex framework. Please note that this session focuses on teaching practices that could be used in a HyFlex or video-enhanced classroom, as well as potentially in “Hybrid” or “Remote” courses. This session is not a classroom technology training session, which is available separately.

If you have any questions about these trainings, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Canvas Update (08/15/2020)

On Saturday, August 15, Instructure will deploy the latest release to the Canvas environment.  The highlights of this release are listed below.  The full release notes are also available.

If you have any questions or concerns about the service pack updates, please contact UW-W Canvas Support.

Tracking Student Progress in Alternate Formats (8/14/20)

As we near the beginning of the fall semester, you might be wondering how you can keep track of your students’ progress while also navigating the changing learning environment. Please consider joining the Learning Technology Center for a session on tracking student progress in alternate formats. The session description is below:

If you are new to teaching online, hybrid, remote, or any format other than face-to-face, you might be concerned about how you can tell whether your students understand the course material and how you can chart their progress. Join us for a discussion and demonstration on how you can keep track of your students’ progress when teaching in alternate delivery formats.

If you are interested, please register. You will need to login with your UWW credentials to register.

If you have any questions about this session, please contact us at icit-techpilots@uww.edu

Webex Update (08/04/2020)

On Tuesday, August 4, Cisco deployed the Webex Meetings 40.8 update. The highlights of this release are listed below. Full release notes are also available.

  • Music Mode in Meetings and Events. Music mode optimizes the audio processing of the selected microphone source for music. This allows a richer audio experience when transmitting music with the main video benefiting virtual concerts and music lessons. When this mode is disabled, the application will optimize the audio processing for speech. The Music mode icon appears near the top right corner of the client when active.
  • Spacebar Push to Talk. When muted, you can now hold the spacebar down to momentarily unmute. Simply press and hold the spacebar when you want to talk. You’ll see an indicator that you are temporarily unmuted. Release the spacebar to go back on to mute.
  • Video Layout Enhancements for the Desktop App. The “Grid View” is now the default when on content is being shared. Your self-view is now shown as part of the other participant videos for a more natural experience. You can still float your self-view if preferred.
  • Virtual Backgrounds. On Windows and Mac, users can now select a virtual background. For best results, use images that are 1280 x 720 or larger.
  • Meeting Audio / Video Improvements. The Speaker, Microphone and Camera settings dialog has been improved to easily allow testing of selected device.
  • Host Key Removed from Emails. For improved security, the host key will be removed from scheduler emails. The host key will be changed to a link accessible to the configured hosts of the meeting.
  • VDI Enhancements. Webex now supports dual monitor setup for Windows virtual desktops. Enhancements were also made to deliver the most optimized experience to users of the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) client.
  • Webex Meetings for Android Updates.
    • Added Virtual and Blur Background Support
    • Hosts can now start live streaming
    • Host Mute/Un-Mute Control Improvements

If you have any questions or concerns about this update, please contact the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

The Blended Class: Student-Student Interaction (8/7/20)

The Learning Technology Center’s Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series, and our exploration of the blended class, concludes with a session on student-student interaction. The session summary is below:

This session will discuss various ways to manage and assess technology-mediated student-student interactions. Facilitators will discuss ways to encourage students to interact with each other using technology for activities and assessments. Participants will identify opportunities in their courses for technology-mediated student-student interactions into their courses. Opportunities for and challenges of mixing synchronous and asynchronous interactions will explored.

If you are interested in this session, please register so that we can send you the Webex Meeting link, for the synchronous session, and the link to the asynchronous Canvas course for the workshop series.

We thank you so much for your support of the LTC and this workshop series over the summer! If you have any questions, please contact us at icit-techpilots@uww.edu

The Blended Class: Student Presentations (8/5/20)

The Learning Technology Center’s Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series continues exploring how to facilitate a blended course with a session on student presentations. The session summary is below:

This session will discuss various means of facilitating and assessing student presentations using technology. Facilitators will discuss ways for individuals and small groups of students to give technology-mediated presentations suitable for online, blended, or remote formats. Participants will develop an approach to facilitate and assess technology-mediated student presentations.

If you are interested in this session, please register so that we can send you the Webex Meeting link for this synchronous session, and the information for the asynchronous workshop series Canvas course.

If you have any questions about this session, please contact us at icit-techpilots@uww.edu