[RESOLVED] Canvas Embedded Video Issue

RESOLVED 4/22/2021: The issue has now been resolved and videos can once again be embedded into Canvas without issue.

UPDATE: Thank you for your patience with the embedded video issue. There are a number of technical upgrades that have to happen before this issue can be fully resolved. We are currently on target to have this issue resolved by the end of the Spring 2021 semester.

With the latest versions of Google Chrome and Safari, an issue can occur when videos from Rev (http://streaming.uww.edu) are embedded inside of your Canvas course.

We are currently working on a solution. In the meantime, please use one of the following workarounds:

Workaround 1: Use a web browser other than Google Chrome or Safari to access the video in the Canvas course.

Workaround 2: Login to streaming.uww.edu first, and then load the link in Canvas. This will allow the video to load as expected in Canvas. This does work in both Google Chrome and Safari.

Workaround 3: The issue is only impacting videos that are embedded in Canvas. As a workaround, you could change the embedded video to be a link instead. Instructions are available at: https://spaces.uww.edu/x/F4Gc

If you have additional questions about this issue, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Tracking Student Progress in Alternate Formats (8/14/20)

As we near the beginning of the fall semester, you might be wondering how you can keep track of your students’ progress while also navigating the changing learning environment. Please consider joining the Learning Technology Center for a session on tracking student progress in alternate formats. The session description is below:

If you are new to teaching online, hybrid, remote, or any format other than face-to-face, you might be concerned about how you can tell whether your students understand the course material and how you can chart their progress. Join us for a discussion and demonstration on how you can keep track of your students’ progress when teaching in alternate delivery formats.

If you are interested, please register. You will need to login with your UWW credentials to register.

If you have any questions about this session, please contact us at icit-techpilots@uww.edu

Webex Update (08/04/2020)

On Tuesday, August 4, Cisco deployed the Webex Meetings 40.8 update. The highlights of this release are listed below. Full release notes are also available.

  • Music Mode in Meetings and Events. Music mode optimizes the audio processing of the selected microphone source for music. This allows a richer audio experience when transmitting music with the main video benefiting virtual concerts and music lessons. When this mode is disabled, the application will optimize the audio processing for speech. The Music mode icon appears near the top right corner of the client when active.
  • Spacebar Push to Talk. When muted, you can now hold the spacebar down to momentarily unmute. Simply press and hold the spacebar when you want to talk. You’ll see an indicator that you are temporarily unmuted. Release the spacebar to go back on to mute.
  • Video Layout Enhancements for the Desktop App. The “Grid View” is now the default when on content is being shared. Your self-view is now shown as part of the other participant videos for a more natural experience. You can still float your self-view if preferred.
  • Virtual Backgrounds. On Windows and Mac, users can now select a virtual background. For best results, use images that are 1280 x 720 or larger.
  • Meeting Audio / Video Improvements. The Speaker, Microphone and Camera settings dialog has been improved to easily allow testing of selected device.
  • Host Key Removed from Emails. For improved security, the host key will be removed from scheduler emails. The host key will be changed to a link accessible to the configured hosts of the meeting.
  • VDI Enhancements. Webex now supports dual monitor setup for Windows virtual desktops. Enhancements were also made to deliver the most optimized experience to users of the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) client.
  • Webex Meetings for Android Updates.
    • Added Virtual and Blur Background Support
    • Hosts can now start live streaming
    • Host Mute/Un-Mute Control Improvements

If you have any questions or concerns about this update, please contact the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

LTC Recording Studio Available!

The Learning Technology Center (LTC) recording studio is now available at a reduced capacity for scheduling between 9am and noon on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Schedule your recording using our online form: LTC Studio Scheduling. Please allow at least 1 week for video post production and processing.

What are we doing to keep you safe?

  • The Media Studio setup has been adjusted.  The equipment operator will be outside of the studio room – to allow for proper physical distancing. You will be the only person in the room during the recording.
  • All surfaces in the Media Studio will be sanitized before and after recording appointments.
  • Microphones will be sanitized before and after each use.
  • The studio is currently only open on Monday and Wednesday morning allowing time for the room to air out after scheduled sessions.

Please note that the following are required:

At this time outside building doors are locked.  Please come to McGraw Door #5 and call the LTC (262.472.1004) and someone will come down and let you in for the recording.

If you have any questions or concerns about your recording session please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Canvas Workshops – July and August 2020

During the Summer of 2020, the Learning Technology Center (LTC) will be offering opportunities to learn the Canvas basics, make simple changes to your courses to improve the student experience, and to dig deeper into Canvas features.  For self guided assistance, please view the Canvas Service Page.

Canvas Basics 
Whether you are brand new to Canvas, or just want to brush up on the basics, this training will put you on the right path. We will focus on

  • Creating a new Module
  • Adding files to Modules
  • Adding Assignments to Modules
  • Setting up your gradebook

What Students Want in Canvas 
There are many good ways to set up a course. This training will focus on making a series of small, easy, and optional, shifts from your current course design to a setup backed by feedback from student panels conducted right here at UW-Whitewater. We will focus on

  • Matching your Assignments and Grades area to your course syllabus
  • Reorganizing Modules to a chronological layout
  • Getting assignments and tasks populated to student calendars
  • Utilizing the description area of Quizzes and Assignments

The goal is not to change how you teach, just how students view the course.

Canvas BasicsThursday, July 16th
2:00pm – 3:00pm
What Students Want In CanvasThursday, July 23rd
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Canvas BasicsTuesday, August 11th
1:00pm – 2:00pm
What Students Want In CanvasThursday, August 13th
3:00pm – 4:00pm

Canvas Deep Dives (1 Hour)
We will focus on a single tool, and dive deep into various options and use cases for how that tool works.

  • Quizzes: This will touch on different question types, building in targeted feedback in auto-graded quizzes, and most likely spend the bulk of the time in the Question Bank area to help instructors get a feel for Canvas Question Bank.
  • Assignments: We will focus on tasks such as creating a place for students to digitally turn in work, and setting up your gradebook.
  • Discussions: We will look at setup (including threaded vs unthreaded), visibility, the lack of a “Forum” in Canvas (compared to how D2L had it), group setup, and grading.
  • Webex Tools: Webex is usable through Canvas, but does take some initial setup there.  If you are interested in using Webex for your classes, this is the workshop for you.
QuizzesTuesday, July 28th
10:00am – 11:00am
AssignmentsThursday, July 30th
2:00pm – 3:00pm
DiscussionsTuesday, August 4th
11:00am – Noon
Webex ToolsThursday, August 6th
3:00pm – 4:00pm

If you have any questions about these sessions, please reach out to the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Canvas Workshops – Summer 2020

During the Summer of 2020, the LTC will be offering opportunities to make simple changes to your courses to improve the canvas exerance for you and your students, and to dig deeper into Canvas features.  For self guided assistance, please view the Canvas Service Page.

What Students Want in Canvas 
There are many good ways to set up a course. This training will focus on making a series of small, easy, and optional, shifts from your current course design to a setup backed by feedback from student panels conducted right here at UW-Whitewater. We will focus on

  • Matching your Assignments and Grades area to your course syllabus
  • Reorganizing Modules to a chronological layout
  • Getting assignments and tasks populated to student calendars
  • Utilizing the description area of Quizzes and Assignments

The goal is not to change how you teach, just how students view the course.

Thursday, May 28th
1:00pm – 2:00pm
Tuesday, June 2nd
11:00am – Noon
Wednesday, June 10th
10:00am – 11:00am
Thursday, June 25th
3:00pm – 4:00pm
Tuesday, July 7th
10:00am – 11:00am

Canvas Deep Dives (1 Hour)
We will focus on a single tool, and dive deep into various options and use cases for how that tool works.

  • Groups: This training will discuss what the tool is, how it differs from what we are use to in D2L, when it should be used, and when it shouldn’t be used.
  • Webex Tools: Webex is usable through Canvas, but does take some initial setup there.  If you are interested in using Webex for your classes, this is the workshop for you.
  • Content: This training will walk through embedding video content, linking to other course content, and utilizing the student “to-do” list.
  • Rubrics: This training will start with the general creation of rubrics, then expand to specific use cases of instructors attending the session.
Event NameDate/TimeLocationRegister
GroupsWednesday, June 3rd
1:00pm – 2:00pm
Webex ToolsWednesday, June 3rd
3:00pm – 4:00pm
ContentThursday, June 4th
1:00pm – 2:00pm
RubricsThursday, June 4th
3:00pm – 4:00pm
GroupsMonday, June 15th
11:00am – Noon
Webex ToolsTuesday, June 16th
11:00am – Noon
ContentMonday, June 29th
1:00pm – 2:00pm
RubricsTuesday, June 30th
1:00pm – 2:00pm

If you have any questions about these sessions, please reach out to the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Final Cerego Project Instructor Presentation this Thursday (5/14)

The Learning Technology Center has been supporting instructors during the past two academic years on implementing the adaptive/personalized learning platform “Cerego” into their course.

If you are interested in adaptive/personalized learning, please consider joining us this Thursday (5/14) at 10:00 am for a presentation by a Cerego pilot instructor on experiences piloting the platform. Registration is requested so that we can provide with a link to the Webex Meeting.

If you have any questions about the Cerego pilot project or this presentation, please contact us at icit-techpilots@uww.edu.

Summer 2020 Online/Blended Teaching Institute Applications due May 13th

The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center (LTC) is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the Summer 2020 Online/Blended Teaching Institute.
Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 13th, 2020. Deans will select participants from their College’s pool of applicants.

online learning

Online/Blended Teaching Institute Summer 2020

The overall goal of the institute is to align quality course design with best practices in online teaching, preparing faculty for online course development, and teaching in future academic terms.

The Summer 2020 Institute will be offered entirely online via a combination of synchronous Webex seminars and asynchronous content in Canvas.  You will be able to complete the Institute remotely!

The schedule for the 2020 Online/Blended Teaching Institute:

June 19, 2020: choice of EITHER 9:00 am – noon OR 1:00pm – 4:00pm
June 26, 2020: choice of EITHER 9:00 am – noon OR 1:00pm – 4:00pm
July 10, 2020:  9:00 am – 12:00 pm
July 17, 2020:  9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Submission of final Institute content July 31, 2020.

For any additional information or questions, please contact the LTC.
Learning Technology Center
(262) 472-1004

Apply here:

Final Linkedin Learning Presentation of the Semester this Friday (5/1/20)

This semester the Learning Technology Center has been supporting a small pilot of Linkedin Learning. The final Linkedin Learning pilot project instructor presentation this semester takes place this Friday (May 1st) at 12:00 PM via Webex Meetings.

You can register for the presentation here. Registration is requested, so that we can get you invited to the Webex Meeting.

If you have any questions about the presentation, please feel free to contact icit-techpilots@uww.edu. If you have any questions about Linkedin Learning more generally, please see ICIT’s technology service page on Linkedin Learning, or contact the Learning Technology Center.

Final Adaptive/Personalized Learning Meeting (4/21/20)

For the past two years, the Learning Technology Center has worked with instructors to pilot adaptive and personalized learning platforms into their courses. Please consider joining us on Tuesday April 21st at 2:00 pm for a final meeting to discuss the past, present, and future of adaptive learning on campus. Some instructors who have participated in the pilot will also share their experiences with implementing adaptive learning at this meeting.

Registration is suggested but not required. You can register at this link. You will need to login with your UWW credentials in order to register. If you do not register but would still like to attend, please email icit-techpilots@uww.edu so that we can get you the link to the Webex Meeting session.

If you have any questions about adaptive learning or this pilot, please contact the technology pilots team at icit-techpilots@uww.edu. If you have any general learning technology questions or concerns, please contact the Learning Technology Center.