Desire2Learn Scheduled Maintenance – January 5th, 2017 (UPDATED)

Winterim Instructors: On Thursday, January 5th, 2017 there will be scheduled infrastructure maintenance taking place between 8am and 11am.  During this time, Desire2Learn will not be available.  The scheduled work is not expected to take the entire time, and access will be restored as soon as possible after the work has been completed.

As you are working on and preparing your winterim courses, please adjust your course assignments and due dates accordingly.

If you have any questions about this outage, please contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

Group Project Rooms for Students

Need a room for a group project? Collaboratory meeting rooms are available for 3-6 students to work on group projects in Andersen General Access Lab, L1008.

Rooms are equipped with:

  • A desktop computer with the same software as a lab computer
  • A projector connected to the desktop computer
  • A SMART Board for projection and collaborative note-taking

Reserve one of the Collaboratory meeting rooms (L1008D, L1008E, L1008F, L1008G, L1008H ) from the comfort of your home through See lab attendant upon arrival.

If you have any questions regarding this, please call 262.472.1234.

Community of Practice for Online/Blended Education

DSC_3940All University of Wisconsin-Whitewater faculty and staff are invited to participate in a campus-wide community of practice for online and blended education.

The Community of Practice for Online and Blended Education began in the spring of 2015, thanks to a grant from OPID.  Its purpose is to serve as a campus-wide forum to develop, share, and document best practices in teaching online and blended (hybrid) courses at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.  In addition, it provides a support network for those teaching with technology.

The purpose of our meetings is to build community and meet others who are excited about teaching in the online and/or blended format.

Next Meeting:

Thursday December 1, 2016
2:00-3:30 pm, UC259a

In this session, the recipients of the Community of Practice project grant will share the results of their projects.  Two projects were funded:  the development of an accessibility template for the ECE4U program, and the creation of assessment videos.

If you have questions about this please contact the Learning Technology Center at or 262.472.1004.

VBrick Rev Service Update (11/25)

On Friday, November 25, ICIT will be deploying the VBrick Rev 7.12 update to our environment between 7am and 2pm.  During this time, the Rev system ( will not be available. With no classes scheduled, Friday was chosen as the optimal window to minimize disruption to the campus

In this latest update, the following fixes and enhancements will be included:

  • (New) Bulk Video Editing and Deleting.  Users can now bulk edit video access settings, video status, video categories, video tags and video settings.  Users can also bulk delete videos.
  • (New) Ability to set content Publish Date.  Inactive videos can now have a “Publish Date” configured.  The video will be automatically set to “Active” on the selected date.
  • (New) Ability to set content Expiration Date.  Active videos can now have a “Expiration Date” configure.  The video can either be set to inactive or deleted upon expiration.
  • (New) Ability to replace a video file.  This allows the file to be updated without needing to replace links or update embed code.  This can be done by any user that has “Edit” access to the video.
  • (New) Playlists can now be shared with users.  Previously, playlists were only visible by the user who created them.
  • (New) Responsive Embed Code.  There is a new “Responsive” option when generating the video embed code.  Using this option is recommended and will allow the video to automatically scale for the best possible user experience.
  • (New) Variable Speed Playback.  Users can now play videos at 1.0x, 1.25x, 1.5x and 2.0x speeds.  This feature is only supported in the HTML5 player and may not currently work in all browsers.
  • (Update) Redesigned Usage Reports.  Video reports on the video play form have been redesigned.
  • (Fixed) Audio/Video sync issue has been corrected on some videos when using Chrome or Firefox on PC or Mac.
  • (Fixed) An issue impacting multicast video playback using the Edge browser on Windows 10 has been corrected.
  • (Fixed) Corrected an issues where embedded videos were not playing in Safari & Internet Explorer 9/10 browser when set to All Users or Private access.

If you have any questions or concerns about this update, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Unique Challenges of Active Learning: Active Learning in the Online/Blended Environment

activeThursday, November 17, 2016

11-12pm, UC 262

Lunch included, please register by November 15, 2016

The final session of the active learning series will focus on the unique challenges and opportunities of the online/blended modalities. This session will focus on teaching strategies and tools, including options for collaborative work, discussions, blogs, wikis, clickers, and synchronous meetings. We will also have the opportunity for hands-on practice with the tools discussed.

Please register by November 15:  Register Here

Upcoming Turnitin Maintenance – November 5th, 8am to 1pm

turnitin_logoOn Saturday, November 5th between 8:00AM and 1:00PM and Turnitin integration with Desire2Learn will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance.  This maintenance will be performed on internal network hardware at Turnitin to increase capacity and ensure continue dependable service.

Instructors are encouraged to modify assignment due dates either before or at least several hours after the scheduled maintenance window.

If you have any questions or concerns about this outage, please contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

Common Student Issues with Desire2Learn

shutterstock_110236751Now that the Fall semester is well underway, we wanted to share some common issues and resolutions with you to help you avoid headaches while working on your coursework in Desire2Learn (D2L)!

  • Dropbox.  If you are having trouble submitting a file, first check to make sure you are not using any special characters or quotes in the file name.  If that doesn’t work, try using a different browser on your computer.
  • Quizzes.  Can’t find the start button for your quiz?  Some courses require the use of Respondus Lockdown Browser.  If you go to launch the quiz, but don’t see the start button, odd’s are you aren’t in the Lockdown Browser.  The Lockdown Browser is installed in all labs on campus.  You can download it for personal computers by going to:
  • Discussions.  Unable to view any posts in the discussion forum? Some courses require you to first create a post before you can read any of the other entries in the discussion forum.  You’ll see the words “Must post first” directly under the discussion forum name if this is enabled in your course.
  • Other Issues?  We have a full FAQ, Tutorial Videos and a User Guide all at your disposal 24×7.

If you are having issues, or running into problems, help is only a click away!  Contact us at anytime with your questions or issues by filling out the UW-W Desire2Learn Support Form.

Request for Instructor Participation–Study Pattern Emerging Technology Exploration Project

Interested in understanding how student behaviors impact their success in your course? If so, our spring emerging technology exploration project might be for you!

1-pattern-screensThe UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center (LTC) is proud to announce support for 10 instructors interested in integrating the Study Pattern tool into their spring courses. Study Pattern is an exciting tool that has the potential to empower students in their learning and enable instructors with the information they need to make decisions regarding their course in way that is easy to use and digest.

Empowering Students
Pattern gives students a space to track their study and learning activities, as well as rate their duration and productivity. Inputting this information creates personalized visualizations of their data and allows them to compare habits with their peers in the same course, empowering them to reflect on the time they are spending on the different learning activities and when they are most productive to ensure they are on the most successful path.

Enabling Instructors
At a glance instructors are able to see aggregated student data for their course (e.g., productivity by day of the week or hour of the day, productivity by activity, number of hours spent on course activities, etc.) through their dashboard, enabling them to make data-driven decisions about course activities and design.

Easy to Access, Use, and Digest
This tool is easily accessed by students and instructors as it is available through a mobile app (both iOS and Android) and/or web interface. Students can easily use the tool to input their activities and instructors and students alike can quickly view their dashboards to gain valuable insights about learning activities and success.

About the Exploration Project
UWW has been allotted 300 licenses from the UW System’s learning analytic tool chest pilot for this specific exploration project. The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center has funding to support 10 instructors in their exploration of Pattern. Upon satisfactory completion of the project, instructors will receive $1000 for their participation. Satisfactory completion includes:

  • Participating in educational offerings on Study Pattern to get better acquainted to using the tool;
  • Incorporating Study Pattern into at least one of their Spring 2017 courses by requiring student use of the tool and student sharing of their information;
  • Partnering with the LTC to assist and support student use of Study Pattern;
  • Participating in periodic focus groups, interview sessions, and/or surveys facilitated by the LTC and the UW System that that gathers instructor perceptions of the tool in regards to ease of use, usefulness, impact, and satisfaction;
  • Having students complete an online survey near the end of the semester that gathers their perceptions of the tool in regards to ease of use, usefulness, impact, and satisfaction.
  • Providing information on their experience implementing Study Pattern through personal testimonial, video interview, and/or speaking at LTC event.

How Do I Get Involved?
To express interest in participating in this emerging technology exploration project, please complete the following Qualtrics submission form by Sunday, October 30:

If you have any questions about this project, please contact the

Incorporating Active Learning Strategies into your Teaching: Evidence-Based Practices, Case Studies, and Stories from the Field

activeWednesday, October 19, 2016

12:30-2:00 pm, UC 259

Lunch Included

This session is intended to showcase examples from the UW-Campus with a special panel presentation made of experienced UW-Whitewater instructors. Our panel members include Kris Curran (Biological Sciences), Sara Deschner (IT and Supply Chain Management), Teri Frame (Art and Design) and Anne Tillett (Continuing Education). Following the presentation, attendees will be able to discuss active learning strategies with their colleagues and resources will be distributed to help instructors implement active learning within their own courses.

Please register:  Link to Registration

If you have questions regarding this, feel free to contact us: