Interested in Adaptive Learning?

The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center (LTC) is currently looking for instructors to take part in the Fall 2018 emerging technology exploration project on adaptive learning. Please see the call for participants for full details on this opportunity. A brief summary is below.

What is the project?
Adaptive learning platforms employ an online, mastery-based learning system that is individualized to each student. Instructors in this project will utilize the adaptive learning platform Cerego, which is designed to comprise roughly between 7 and 10% of the learning activities/assessments in a course. If all required project components are completed, participating instructors can expect to receive a stipend of $1000.

What do I have to do?
Instructors have flexibility in determining the course in which to implement the adaptive learning platform. For more information on participant expectations, please view the original call for participants.

To apply, please complete the application in Qualtrics:

Please apply by Wednesday, April 25th for priority consideration.

If you have any questions about the adaptive learning emerging technology exploration project, feel free to contact the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Time Saving Tips for Teaching: April 25

10:00 am – 10:45

Looking for ways to stay on top of the end of semester madness?  Join the LTC for a “Time Saving Tips for Teaching” discussion.  This timely and time sensitive conversation will help you organize and prioritize your activities.  We will emphasize practical solutions to your immediate problems.  Bring your specific challenges.  You might be able to use what you learn immediately to save time!
Register here:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this event, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Teaching with Spark Bootcamp Begins This Week!

If you are looking for a tool to facilitate communication and collaboration between your students, you might be interested in the Learning Technology Center’s (LTC) first ever “Teaching with Spark Bootcamp!”

The bootcamp will take place in McGraw 19A on a series of Tuesday afternoons this April (4/10, 4/17, 4/24) from 3:30 pm to 4:20 pm. Please see the video below for a reflection from a UW-Whitewater instructor who used Spark in the Fall of 2018.

UW-Whitewater now has a campus license for Spark, so, feel free to bring your computer or mobile device to the bootcamp sessions and log into Spark (be sure to bring your device if you attend the “hands-on” session on April 17th)! If you would like to download Spark prior to attending, please see our documentation on how to install Spark on a desktop device, and on a mobile device.

All faculty and instructional staff are welcome to attend the “Teaching with Spark Bootcamp.” Registration is recommended, but walk-ins are also welcome.

Bootcamp Summary:

April 10th, 2018: Why Should I Use Spark?

Registration Link:

This first session introduces participants to Cisco Spark, and why they might benefit from incorporating it into their teaching. Participants will be introduced to the concepts of “Teams” and “Spaces.” Facilitators will provide examples to help participants understand what Spark is (and is not), how Spark works, and the purpose in using Spark.

April 17th, 2018: How Do I Use Spark?

Registration Link:

This second session provides participants with a hands-on technical training with Cisco Spark. Participants will practice creating “Teams” and “Spaces,” as well using Spark to communicate and collaborate with others.

April 24th, 2018: Now What Do I Do With Spark?

Registration Link:

This third, and final, session provides participants with a forum to discuss potential applications of Spark in their teaching. Facilitators will provide participants with “best practices” for using Spark based on recent pilots of Spark conducted with UW-Whitewater instructors.

Please note: There is no stipend associated with attending the “Teaching with Spark Bootcamp.” However, if you complete all three sessions, you will receive a badge.

If you have any questions about the “Teaching with Spark Bootcamp,” or any other LTC training or workshop, feel free to contact the UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center. Info Sessions – Wednesday, April 25th

The Learning Technology Center and would like to invite you to signup for some great Lynda events we have planned for Wednesday, April 25th. Our representatives will be on campus and will be offering the following presentations. Registration is required.

Closing the Skills Gap with – Register Now
Time: 10:00AM – 10:45AM
Audience: Instructors and Staff
From Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite applications to time management, leadership fundamentals, and more, our vast online library of instructional videos offers training on hundreds of topics.  In this session, representatives from will go over ways Lynda can help improve softcore skills and build professional relationships.

Informational Table in the University Center – No Registration Required
Time: 11:00AM – 1:00PM
Audience: Everyone
Stop by and ask your questions!

How to Incorporate in the Classroom – Register Now
Time: 2:00PM – 2:45PM
Audience: Instructors

We all know about how has tons of software videos, but as an instructor you may be asking, “What does that matter to me? I already go over that content.” In this Session, we will go over different ways to incorporate Lynda in the classroom in a way that helps reinforce learning for the student and gives you, the instructor, more in-class time.

Get the “Scoop” on Learning with – Ice Cream Social – Register Now
Time: 3:00PM – 3:45PM
Audiences: Everyone
Trying to learn a new skill? Lynda can help! In this afternoon session, students, faculty and staff are welcome to stop by and learn all about what Lynda has to offer. Spoiler Alert, it’s not just for class. Lynda can teach you about different skills for your small business. It can also help you become the EDM Producer that you day dream about in your 8:00am Marketing Class. Come for the Ice Cream, stay to start learning online, on your time!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this event, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Canvas Hands-On Introduction & Deep Dive Workshops – April 2018

During the month of April, the Learning Technology Center (LTC) will be offering a series of workshops to help instructors start diving into Canvas and preparing their courses.  We will continue to offer workshops throughout the summer.

Canvas Hands-On Introduction (2 Hours)

We will cover the basic function of the core tools in the Canvas platform.  There will be time to ask questions along the way.  If this is your first time touching Canvas, this workshop is the one for you!

Date/Time Location Register
Tuesday, April 10th 1:00pm – 3:00pm McGraw 19c Signup Now!
Monday, April 16th 10:00am – 12:00pm Williams Center 187 Signup Now!
Tuesday, April 24th 8:00am – 10:00am Center for the Arts 2059 Signup Now!

Canvas Hands-On Introduction – Beyond the Basics (2 Hours)

This Hands-On Introduction workshop is designed for the power user. We will move at a faster pace, and dive a little deeper into the advanced functions of the core tools in the Canvas Platform.  Have you used Canvas before?  Are you eager to talk about some advanced topics in each of the core tools?  If so, then this workshop is the one for you!

Date/Time Location Register
Thursday, April 12th 1:00pm – 3:00pm McGraw 19c Signup Now!
Wednesday, April 18th 10:00am – 12:00pm Williams Center 187 Signup Now!
Thursday, April 26th 8:00am – 10:00am Center for the Arts 2059 Signup Now!

Canvas Deep Dives – Tool Specific (1 Hour)

We will focus on a single tool, and dive deep into various options and use cases for how that tool works.

Tool Date/Time Location Register
Content Friday, April 13th 1:00pm – 2:00pm McGraw 115 Signup Now!
Assignments Wednesday, April 18th 2:00pm – 3:00pm Williams Center 187 Signup Now!
Grades Thursday, April 26th 3:00pm – 4:00pm Center for the Arts 2051 Signup Now!

If you have any questions about these sessions, please reach out to the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Adaptive Learning Project – Call for Participants

The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center (LTC) is currently looking for instructors to take part in the Fall 2018 emerging technology exploration project on adaptive learning.

About Adaptive Learning

Adaptive learning offers a customizable way to structure student learning activities and assessments. Adaptive learning platforms employ an online, mastery-based learning system that is individualized to each student. In adaptive learning, content and/or assessments continuously adapt based on how a student performs, providing customizable feedback and additional learning material so the student can better understand, and master, the course material.

Project Purpose

The UW-Whitewater LTC’s Emerging Technology Exploration Project on adaptive learning will utilize the adaptive learning platform Cerego, which is designed to comprise roughly between 7 and 10% of the learning activities/assessments in a course. The purpose of this project is to explore the impact of an adaptive learning platform on student success. Initial guiding questions for this exploration are:

  1. How does adaptive learning influence student learning?
  2. How does adaptive learning influence course attrition?
  3. How does adaptive learning influence student satisfaction?

Project Requirements

Instructors have flexibility in determining the course in which to implement the adaptive learning platform. By taking part in the project, instructors agree to fully participate in, and complete, all project requirements. These requirements include a series of scaffolded, interactive, face-to-face instructional development sessions. These sessions are designed to assist instructors in successfully implementing adaptive learning in one of their courses.

The following semester-by-semester breakdown conveys the expectations for participating instructors:

Spring 2018

  • Attend faculty development session(s) with LTC staff (dates TBD); and
  • Create, and present, a detailed plan for use that specifies how adaptive learning will be used in one Fall 2018 course (this may move to Summer 2018, depending on project timing).

Summer 2018

  • Attend faculty development session with LTC staff; and
  • Revise detailed plan for use, and submit revised plan to LTC.

Fall 2018

  • Conduct one Fall 2018 course using adaptive learning as described in your plan for use; and
  • Complete early semester “check-in” form for LTC staff; and
  • Attend faculty development session focused on sharing experiences using adaptive learning (date TBD); and
  • Support the LTC in administering an end-of-semester (IRB approved) survey about the course to students.

 Winterim/Spring 2019

  • Complete video reflection on using adaptive learning in the course. This video reflection will be scheduled during Winterim or Spring 2019, at your convenience. The purpose of the video reflection is to share what was learned with other instructors who may be interested in using adaptive learning in the future.

Project Compensation

Instructors participating in the LTC’s Fall 2018 Emerging Technology Exploration Project on adaptive learning will receive a stipend to compensate the work they put into their course redesign. If all required components are completed, participating instructors can expect to receive a stipend of $1000.


The Qualtrics application form is available at this link:

 Need Additional Information?

If you have any questions about the adaptive learning emerging technology exploration project, feel free to contact the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Teaching with Spark Bootcamp – Why Should I Use Spark?

If you are interested in learning more about using technology to aid in communicating and collaborating with your students, you might want to attend the LTC’s first ever “Teaching with Spark Bootcamp” series. This series of three workshops kicks off on Tuesday, April 10th with the first session: Why Should I Use Spark?

This first session introduces participants to Cisco Spark, focusing on the concepts of “Teams” and “Spaces.” This first session is primarily an overview, intended to introduce participants to Spark. The hope is that by the end of the session, you’ll be able to see some ways that you could use Spark in your teaching. Follow up sessions will be more focused on how to use Spark.  Additional details about each session in this series are available.

You can register for this first session at the following link:

You do not need to attend all three sessions in order to gain value, and use Spark in your teaching. However, if you attend all three, you will earn a digital badge.

Please be on the lookout for future blog posts on the second and third sessions. If you have any questions about the “Teaching with Spark Bootcamp” feel free to contact the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Canvas – Start Your Transition Today!

Over the last few months, teams across the UW-System have been working on getting the new Learning Management System ready for access.  We are happy to announce that all instructors now have access to the Canvas platform!  Instructors have access to start trying things out, migrating their course materials and mocking up content.  Here are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • Setup and Configuration Ongoing.  We are still working on configuring and testing integrations such as TurnItIn, Respondus Lockdown Browser, Redshelf, textbook publisher integrations, and more. These will be made available as they are tested and implemented by UW-System.
  • User roles are not yet determined.  There is a team at UW-System that is working on finalizing the roles (Student, Graduate Assistant, Grader, Reviewers, Guest Lecturers, etc) that will be available to our campus.  As soon as we receive that information, we will pass it along.
  • Course Complexity Analysis.  UW-Whitewater and UW-Superior were part of a team to develop a tool to help you analyze your existing Desire2Learn course. The goal of the tool is to provide some estimates on what areas of your existing course will require the most focus and time for migration.  This tool is available at
  • We have 24/7/365 Email, Phone and Chat support included with the new Canvas platform.  This is available today!  As you are testing things out, please reach out via those channels as a first line of defense. Questions that they cannot answer will be escalated to the Canvas Support Team here at UW-Whitewater.
  • Blank Courses for Migration.  All users who have taught in the last year have been setup with 3 blank courses in Canvas. These courses are there for testing, or starting to migrate and setup your actual courses. Just like in Desire2Learn, these courses would be copied into the actual timetable course once those are available. If you need more test courses, please reach out to Canvas Support.

The official login page and support channels for Canvas are located at

What’s next?
We are currently in the process of meeting with each college to discuss the overall migration and training plans.  Once those plans are set, they will be published on the Canvas Transition Website. In the meantime, you can start reviewing the FAQs and training resources on the website.   Access the Canvas Transition Website here:

When can I start using Canvas for my courses?
The first opportunity for courses in the Canvas platform will be the Fall 2018 semester.  We are targeting to have all course migrations completed before Summer 2019.

If you have any questions or concerns about the transition, please reach out to the UW-W Learning Technology Center.