LTC Recording Studio Available!

The Learning Technology Center (LTC) recording studio is now available at a reduced capacity for scheduling between 9am and noon on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Schedule your recording using our online form: LTC Studio Scheduling. Please allow at least 1 week for video post production and processing.

What are we doing to keep you safe?

  • The Media Studio setup has been adjusted.  The equipment operator will be outside of the studio room – to allow for proper physical distancing. You will be the only person in the room during the recording.
  • All surfaces in the Media Studio will be sanitized before and after recording appointments.
  • Microphones will be sanitized before and after each use.
  • The studio is currently only open on Monday and Wednesday morning allowing time for the room to air out after scheduled sessions.

Please note that the following are required:

At this time outside building doors are locked.  Please come to McGraw Door #5 and call the LTC (262.472.1004) and someone will come down and let you in for the recording.

If you have any questions or concerns about your recording session please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Canvas Workshops – July and August 2020

During the Summer of 2020, the Learning Technology Center (LTC) will be offering opportunities to learn the Canvas basics, make simple changes to your courses to improve the student experience, and to dig deeper into Canvas features.  For self guided assistance, please view the Canvas Service Page.

Canvas Basics 
Whether you are brand new to Canvas, or just want to brush up on the basics, this training will put you on the right path. We will focus on

  • Creating a new Module
  • Adding files to Modules
  • Adding Assignments to Modules
  • Setting up your gradebook

What Students Want in Canvas 
There are many good ways to set up a course. This training will focus on making a series of small, easy, and optional, shifts from your current course design to a setup backed by feedback from student panels conducted right here at UW-Whitewater. We will focus on

  • Matching your Assignments and Grades area to your course syllabus
  • Reorganizing Modules to a chronological layout
  • Getting assignments and tasks populated to student calendars
  • Utilizing the description area of Quizzes and Assignments

The goal is not to change how you teach, just how students view the course.

Canvas BasicsThursday, July 16th
2:00pm – 3:00pm
What Students Want In CanvasThursday, July 23rd
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Canvas BasicsTuesday, August 11th
1:00pm – 2:00pm
What Students Want In CanvasThursday, August 13th
3:00pm – 4:00pm

Canvas Deep Dives (1 Hour)
We will focus on a single tool, and dive deep into various options and use cases for how that tool works.

  • Quizzes: This will touch on different question types, building in targeted feedback in auto-graded quizzes, and most likely spend the bulk of the time in the Question Bank area to help instructors get a feel for Canvas Question Bank.
  • Assignments: We will focus on tasks such as creating a place for students to digitally turn in work, and setting up your gradebook.
  • Discussions: We will look at setup (including threaded vs unthreaded), visibility, the lack of a “Forum” in Canvas (compared to how D2L had it), group setup, and grading.
  • Webex Tools: Webex is usable through Canvas, but does take some initial setup there.  If you are interested in using Webex for your classes, this is the workshop for you.
QuizzesTuesday, July 28th
10:00am – 11:00am
AssignmentsThursday, July 30th
2:00pm – 3:00pm
DiscussionsTuesday, August 4th
11:00am – Noon
Webex ToolsThursday, August 6th
3:00pm – 4:00pm

If you have any questions about these sessions, please reach out to the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

LEARN & LTC’s TEACH is now available!

We are proud to announce that LEARN and LTC’s TEACH self-paced, asynchronous online course is now available!

The first 300 instructors to complete all of the TEACH modules before Friday, August 28 will be eligible to receive a $100 stipend. In addition, 100 instructors will be able to complete an application project for a $250 stipend. Details on how to apply will be available in the final module of the course. Please note that to be eligible for these stipend opportunities, you must be an instructor of record in a Fall 2020 course.

To enroll and get started on the first modules, visit the following link:

Blending Face-to-Face and Online Assessment: Assignment Options (7/8/20)

The next set of workshops in the Learning Technology Center’s Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series begins with a session focusing on different ways that you can develop flexible assignments that could be used face-to-face or online. The summary for the session is below:

This session will help you work through your existing face-to-face course assignments and look for ways to leverage blended teaching and learning principles in ways that are easy for students to follow, and meet your assignment learning goals. Facilitators will discuss considerations in moving assignments submissions online in primarily face-to-face courses. Participants will identify assignments and activities in current face-to-face courses that could be moved into an optional online format.

If you are interested in this session, please register so that you can receive the Webex Meeting link for this synchronous workshop session and the self-enrollment link for the asynchronous Canvas course that accompanies this workshop series. You will need to log in with your UWW credentials to register.

If you have any questions about this session, or the workshop series in general, please contact

Planning for Flexibility: Designing Student Small Group Activities (7/7/20)

On Tuesday, July 7th, the Learning Technology Center closes out the first set of workshops, on planning for flexibility, in the Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series. The last topic in this first grouping of workshops focuses on small group activities that could be applicable in low enrollment physical classrooms and/or situations where students do group work online. The summary for the session is below:

This session discusses ways that you can make in-class and online student group work more organized and central to your course. Particular focus will be on devising meaningful collaborative group opportunities that take place face-to-face, online, and in mixed modality. Facilitators will overview different approaches to utilize, and manage, smaller groups of students (e.g., approx 5-10). Participants will work through current learning activities and assessments, and identify opportunities to incorporate small groups.

If you are interested in this topic, please register so that you can receive the Webex Meeting link for the session, and to receive access to the workshop series Canvas course site (if you have not previously registered for a session in this workshop series). You will need to login using your UWW credentials in order to register.

If you have any questions about this session, or the summer workshop series in general, please contact us at

Planning for Flexibility: Using Technology for Learning in the Physical and Online Classroom (6/30/20)

The Learning Technology Center’s Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series continues on Tuesday, June 30th with a session focused on technologies that can be used whether students attend a class session face-to-face or online. The summary for this session is below:

This session introduces small ways that you can start encouraging meaningful technology use in the physical or online classroom, using technology that students already have. We will discuss reasons that “technology bans” may be detrimental to student success, particularly during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, and talk about small ways to start leveraging student personal technology in the classroom. Facilitators will overview benefits in leveraging students’ personal technology in the classroom. Participants will explore different classroom technology uses, and identify one learning activity that could benefit from student personal technology use. Some of these technologies could allow students to participate in the face-to-face class remotely if they need that option for safety.

If you are interested in this topic, please register for this session so that you receive access to the synchronous session on Tuesday, as well as the asynchronous Canvas course for the workshop series. You will need to login with your UWW credentials to register.

If you have any questions about this session, or the Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series in general, please contact us at

Planning for Flexibility: Overview of Blended Design and Scheduling (6/24/20)

The Learning Technology Center’s summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series begins this Wednesday (6/24/20), with an overview on blended design and scheduling. Below is the description for the session:

This session introduces ways to think about how you schedule your course activities for different options of mixing face-to-face and online delivery. We will discuss scheduling possibilities and scaffolding of activities and assignments in a way that allows you to incorporate benefits of blended teaching and learning. Facilitators will overview different approaches to creating online learning activities. Participants will work through current course schedules and activities to identify specific activities that could leverage online components. Options for giving students flexibility to choose online or face-to-face sessions will be explored.

If you are interested, please register for the session, so that you can receive the Webex Meeting link, and the link to enroll in the summer workshop series Canvas course. You will need to log in with your UWW credentials in order to register.

We hope that you will consider attending. If you have any questions about this workshop series, please contact

Summer Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series

This summer the Learning Technology Center is hosting a Flexible Blended Faculty Development Workshop Series. Definitions of blended learning vary but generally represent a structure that mixes online components into face-to-face teaching and learning, without being fully online (EDUCAUSE, 2020). This series builds from the context of providing online and face-to-face options to students (rather than the more traditional replacing some face-to-face class sessions with online class sessions) and planning toward moving components online later in the fall, following Thanksgiving break.

The series is divided into three categories, Planning for Flexibility, Blending Face-to-Face and Online Assessment, and The Blended Class. These sessions do not focus on specific learning technologies (other Learning Technology Center workshops do) but instead focus on technology-mediated activity design and development to help you plan for the next academic year.

UW-Whitewater faculty and instructors, with Learning Technology Center staff will facilitate these sessions. This summer workshop series also has a connected LTC Summer Blended Faculty Development Series Canvas course, with a variety of resources, which you will receive access to after you register for a session.

Planning for Flexibility Sessions

The Planning for Flexibility sessions aim to assist instructors with thinking through how they might modify their fall 2020 courses in a way that incorporates blended learning principles.

Overview of Blended Design and Scheduling (Wednesday June 24th, 9:00 am)

Using Technology for Learning in the Physical and Online Classroom (Tuesday June 30th, 9:00 am)

Designing Student Small Group Activities (Tuesday July 7th, 9:00 am)

Blending Face-to-Face and Online Assessment Sessions

The Blending Face-to-Face and Online Assessment sessions seek to assist instructors with creating online activities applicable across course delivery formats. The selected topics reflect findings from the ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2019 (Gierdowski, 2019), where students rated assignments, exams/quizzes, and peer reviews as top online activities.

Assignment Options (Wednesday July 8th, 9:00 am)

Exams & Quizzes (Tuesday July 21st, 9:00 am)

Peer Review of Student Work (Friday July 24th, 9:00 am)

The Blended Class Sessions

The Blended Class sessions explore possible methods to transition face-to-face components that might be most challenging to you, and your students, in moving online. These topics arise from areas that students rated most highly for face-to-face delivery in the ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2019 (Gierdowski, 2019).

Options for Instructor Presentation of Content (Tuesday August 4th, 9:00 am)

Student Presentations (Wednesday August 5th, 9:00 am)

Student-Student Interaction (Friday, August 7th, 9:00 am)


EDUCAUSE (2020). Blended learning.

Gierdowski, D. C. (2019, October). ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2019. Research report. Louisville, CO: ECAR.

For more specific information on these sessions, please click on the sign up tool links above (you will need to login). For any additional questions, please contact

Canvas Workshops – Summer 2020

During the Summer of 2020, the LTC will be offering opportunities to make simple changes to your courses to improve the canvas exerance for you and your students, and to dig deeper into Canvas features.  For self guided assistance, please view the Canvas Service Page.

What Students Want in Canvas 
There are many good ways to set up a course. This training will focus on making a series of small, easy, and optional, shifts from your current course design to a setup backed by feedback from student panels conducted right here at UW-Whitewater. We will focus on

  • Matching your Assignments and Grades area to your course syllabus
  • Reorganizing Modules to a chronological layout
  • Getting assignments and tasks populated to student calendars
  • Utilizing the description area of Quizzes and Assignments

The goal is not to change how you teach, just how students view the course.

Thursday, May 28th
1:00pm – 2:00pm
Tuesday, June 2nd
11:00am – Noon
Wednesday, June 10th
10:00am – 11:00am
Thursday, June 25th
3:00pm – 4:00pm
Tuesday, July 7th
10:00am – 11:00am

Canvas Deep Dives (1 Hour)
We will focus on a single tool, and dive deep into various options and use cases for how that tool works.

  • Groups: This training will discuss what the tool is, how it differs from what we are use to in D2L, when it should be used, and when it shouldn’t be used.
  • Webex Tools: Webex is usable through Canvas, but does take some initial setup there.  If you are interested in using Webex for your classes, this is the workshop for you.
  • Content: This training will walk through embedding video content, linking to other course content, and utilizing the student “to-do” list.
  • Rubrics: This training will start with the general creation of rubrics, then expand to specific use cases of instructors attending the session.
Event NameDate/TimeLocationRegister
GroupsWednesday, June 3rd
1:00pm – 2:00pm
Webex ToolsWednesday, June 3rd
3:00pm – 4:00pm
ContentThursday, June 4th
1:00pm – 2:00pm
RubricsThursday, June 4th
3:00pm – 4:00pm
GroupsMonday, June 15th
11:00am – Noon
Webex ToolsTuesday, June 16th
11:00am – Noon
ContentMonday, June 29th
1:00pm – 2:00pm
RubricsTuesday, June 30th
1:00pm – 2:00pm

If you have any questions about these sessions, please reach out to the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

Canvas Update (05/16/2020)

On Saturday, May 16, Instructure will deploy the latest release to the Canvas environment.  The highlights of this release are listed below.  The full release notes are also available.

UW-Whitewater Updates

D2L Retirement is progressing.  All information you would like to keep must be exported out of D2L before June 1st, 2020. Whether it’s an old for-credit based course, or an ongoing course – make sure all material is backed up. Once our access is removed, we will not have any way to obtain this data. For more information check out the Desire2Learn Retirement Planning post.

If you have any questions or concerns about the service pack updates, please contact UW-W Canvas Support.