Respondus Lockdown Browser Update

CaptureWe have deployed an additional enhancement to the Respondus Lockdown Browser for the Spring semester.  In previous versions, students needed to open the Lockdown Browser separately, login, and browse to the quiz.  Now, there is an easy way!

In any browser, the students will see a “Launch LockDown Browser” button on configured quizzes.  When they click the button, the Lockdown Browser will launch, and students will automatically be logged in and taken directly to the quiz in D2L.  This helps improve the user experience for the student.  If LockDown Browser is not installed, a message will be displayed telling them to download it from the above link.

Student facing documentation has been updated to reflect the change.  These documents can be found at: LockDown Browser: Getting Started (Students).

If you have any questions about this change, please contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

LockDown Browser Legacy Config Fix

respondus-ldbThe D2L upgrade in June of 2016 introduced a new way to configure and setup quizzes to use the Respondus Lockdown Browser.  We were recently made aware that if you copy content into your course that was created prior to June 8th 2016, the quiz will not work until you visit the new “LockDown Browser” Dashboard and fix the settings.

There are 3 issues to be aware of:

  1. Content created prior to June 8th, 2016 will be copied with the legacy config.  Follow the steps below to correct the issue.
  2. The first time you load the LockDown Browser Dashboard in the course, it may not show the correct information.  Be sure to load the dashboard at least 2 times to confirm your quiz configuration is correct.  This issue is confirmed and being worked on by Respondus.
  3. When configured, the quiz name will have “Requires Respondus LockDown Browser” added to the end of the name.  You cannot remove this or it will break the configuration.  If you did remove it, follow the steps below to correct the issue.

To correct this issue, perform the following:

  1. In your Course, click on the “Quizzes” item on the menu.
  2. Select the “LockDown Browser” item. (Due to an additional issue, you will have to load the screen at least 2 times before the correct information shows)
  3. If you see “Fix It” buttons, click them for each quiz to fix the configuration issues.
  4. Be sure to load the LockDown Browser dashboard at least two times to verify that everything is correct.

Fix It LockDown Browser

If you have any questions or comments about this issue, please contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

Save the Date! Thursday, May 18, 2017

Celebrating Teaching and Learning: Strategies that Transform Educational Experiences and Enhance Student Success


Save the date:  Thursday, May 18, 2017 from 8:30am-4:30pm.

The LTC is pleased to announce a special event on May 18 to showcase the wide variety of ways UW-Whitewater transforms the lives of students through teaching and learning.

The event will include instructor-led break-out presentations and discussions, as well as featured sessions from campus teaching support units and related initiatives that focus on sharing strategies that are being used to make even better learning experiences for our students. 

Call for proposals and registration coming soon!

If you have any questions about the event, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Spring 2017 Updates from the Learning Technology Center

Over the last year, the Learning Technology Center has been hard at work refining our mission.  The full mission statement can be found on our website:

WE BELIEVE in integrating pedagogy and technology to assist instructors in developing effective learning experiences.

WE SUPPORT instructors in their pursuit of excellence in teaching and student learning.

WE INNOVATE with instructors by initiating emerging technology exploration projects that investigate learning technology trends in higher education.

WE CONNECT people on campus and beyond who have the same interests and are doing the same things to create community among instructors.

WE PARTNER collaborate, and communicate with colleges, programs, departments, instructors, and tech-liaisons to understand and meet university instructional needs.

WE LEAD learning technology initiatives and extend expertise to campus wide initiatives.

The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center (LTC) is here and ready to help you! Our team of experts have a wide range of skills to tackle all of your instructional course related needs.

New LTC Website

Along with the updated mission statement, we also revamped our website to better align with the new mission.

webbyThe LTC Team. Do you want to know who makes up the LTC and some fun facts about them?  Put a face to that name and check out our new LTC Team page.

Quality Services. The list of service offerings on campus may be overwhelming at times.  We put together a simple list of our supported services all in one place, with links to easily view more information about them.

Timely Assistance.  We may not be here 24/7, but we do have resources that are available at all hours of the night.

Emerging Technology Exploration Projects.  We are always looking for the next best thing, and watching trends to see what’s on the horizon.  See what we are up to this semester!

Creating Community.  No one likes to sit around alone, in the dark, struggling on their own.  Our goal is to create communities and enable users to work together to collaborate on new approaches and ideas.

Cutting Edge Programming.  Things change every day, so we do our best to offer workshops and events to keep everyone up to speed on the current education technology and trends.

Head on over to the site ( ) and check it out.  Feedback is always welcome!

LTC Staffing

degenWe are happy to welcome Shane Degen into the LTC family.  Shane was hired back in October of 2016 in the role of Learning Management System Admin and Student Advocate (aka D2L Admin).  Shane is a UW-Whitewater Alum and has extensive experience with online education and D2L.  Welcome Shane!

The LTC is actively recruiting for a new Learning Technology Specialist Position.  This position will allow us to further our exploration of emerging technology and also provide additional support related to pedagogy and instructional technology.  More information on the position is available at:

The LTC is also hiring for the Technology Promotion and Adoption Specialist Position.  This position will work with departments to understand technology needs and promote technology adoption to meet those needs. More information on this position is available at:

Weekly Email Updates

figure3_4Did you know that you can get a weekly email update about what’s going on in the LTC? Every Monday morning, you’ll get an email that contains a summary of the latest items from our blog. To sign up for these updates, just fill out the form below!

Spring Book Group

The LTC will be holding a book group this spring.  Motivating and Retaining Online Students is a research-based book which provides effective online strategies that help minimize student dropout, increase student retention, and support student learning.  This group will include an opportunity to interact with one of the authors, allowing participants the chance to learn from her experience.

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Meeting Dates: January 31, February 14, February 28, March 24, March 28 & April 11

Register at:

Upcoming Events

Check your calendars and save the date!  We have a number of events coming up this semester that you won’t want to miss!

  • Celebrating Teaching and Learning: Strategies that Transform Educational Experiences and Enhance Student Success. Save the date:  Thursday, May 18 from 8:30am-4:30pm. This special forum is meant to showcase the wide variety of ways we are all transforming the lives of our students through teaching and learning.  It will include break-out presentations, discussions, and a keynote address.
  • Summer 2017 Institute for Online/Blended. This highly interactive workshop demonstrates teaching best practices using a variety of teaching methods and technology tools.  The structure of this course not only allows you to explore new teaching and course design methods, but it also enables you to participate in activities that provide you with experience in being an online “student.” Applications will be available in early February.
  • Discussion Basics. This LEARN/LTC workshop series is focused on how instructors might most effectively utilize discussion in our courses (both face-to-face and online).  The first session (2/16) is on discussion basics – core principles and purpose of discussions as well as sharing strategies and tips for more effective discussions.  The next sessions will focus on difficult discussions (3/8) and discussions conducted in D2L (4/13).- a collaboration with the Learn Center.

LTDC Virtual Showcase – Save the Date

2017SaveTheDate3c-1Save the Date! The UW System Learning Technology Development Council (LTDC) Showcase 2017 will be held virtually April 4-5, 2017.  This year’s theme is Humanizing Learning.

This virtual conference offers an opportunity for sharing your successes and challenges in teaching with technology. This conference will provide you with the opportunity to virtually connect with other practitioners and requires neither travel expense nor a significant time commitment.

Watch our blog for updates once the showcase schedule is released!

Course Repository

icit-ltc-course-repoStarting with the Spring 2017 semester, we launched a new storage offering called Course Repository – aka Course Repo.  Course Repo is designed to offer classwork specific storage on a per semester basis.  Specialty course storage by request is also available.

The idea behind this storage offering is to offer an easy way for a course to collaborate that has unique file storage needs which cannot be met by other existing storage solutions.

Course Repo is a replacement for some old storage offerings which some of you may have known as student storage or class storage.

Documentation and training materials are available on the website: Course Repo.

If you are interested in having a repo setup for your spring 2017 courses, contact the Learning Technology Center to schedule a consultation and we’ll make sure it’s the right solution for you!

Turnitin Dropbox Dates

Since the D2L Upgrade last summer, we have been made aware of an ongoing issue that is impacting how Turnitin works inside of the Dropbox.

Some users may be receiving a message reading “Error communicating with Turnitin.  Try to resubmit the file.  If this issue persists, contact your administrator”.

tii-logoIf you are seeing this error message, please make sure that you have both a start date AND end date set on your Dropbox in Desire2Learn.  Once you have set the start and end date, the issue should be resolved and you can resubmit the file.

Desire2Learn is working on a solution to this problem, however at this time we don’t have any information on when it will be released.  Until then, hang tight and remember to set a start and end date on your dropbox!

More information on this issue is available at: Turnitin Date Management within D2L.

Respondus Lockdown Browser Update

CaptureWe have deployed an additional enhancement to the Respondus Lockdown Browser for the Spring semester.  In previous versions, students needed to open the Lockdown Browser separately, login, and browse to the quiz.  Now, there is an easy way!

In any browser, the students will see a “Launch LockDown Browser” button on configured quizzes.  When they click the button, the Lockdown Browser will launch, and students will automatically be logged in and taken directly to the quiz in D2L.  This helps improve the user experience for the student.  If LockDown Browser is not installed, a message will be displayed telling them to download it from the above link.

Student facing documentation has been updated to reflect the change.  These documents can be found at: LockDown Browser: Getting Started (Students).

Exploration: New Technologies

shutterstock_382942804We have been exploring a number of cool technologies and have some new things for you to try out!

  • Pattern. A few UW-Whitewater classes are testing a tool called Pattern in the spring semester of 2017.  Pattern is a tool to help students track and measure your learning patterns, providing analytics and insights to become better learners.  The tool allows users to track how they spend time in and out of the classroom, and provides a personalized visualization of their data.
  • Desire2Learn Intelligent Agents. The Intelligent Agents tool allows instructors to have D2L email students who meet Release Conditions in their course.
  • Desire2Learn Awards Tool. The Awards tool allows instructors to provide students with non-grade incentive to meet short term goals through the creation and distribution of awards.

Need Desire2Learn Help?

We are here to help you with all your Desire2Learn (D2L) course needs! The best way to request support is by using our online support form which is located at


We do our best to respond to all support requests within 1 business day of receiving them. We do monitor the box on evenings and weekends for critical issues on a best effort basis.

Don’t forget to request for spring semester courses! Course creation must be completed every semester, and it is a manual process on our end. Courses created by 3pm on business days are typically available the next day. Request for your courses at

Don’t forget to Visit Us

Are you still with us? If so – great, you made it to the end!  Did you know the LTC employs a former kids train conductor, a guitarist, a first time college grad in the family, an Eagle Scout, a former EMT and a brewmaster?  If you didn’t then you haven’t explored the website enough.  Go look at it now! Be sure to stop by the LTC throughout the semester to visit. As a reminder, we are located in McGraw Hall, Suite 120 and are around between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM weekdays. We can also be reached at or 262.472.1004. We’ll always be willing to help, and have plenty of treats on hand for your sweet tooth. Have a great semester!

Access Issues with Rev Streaming Videos

Known IssuesCurrently, we are aware of an access issue that is impacting some videos that are hosted on VBrick Rev (

The issue is currently impacting the playback of “private” videos that have course specific access configured.  At this time, the only work around would be to change the access level of the video to “All Users”.  We are working towards a resolution and will post an update once the issue has been resolved.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this issue is causing.  Please contact UW-W D2L Support if you have any questions about this issue.

Spring Book Group: Motivating and Retaining Online Students

Motivating and Retaining Online Students: Research-Based Strategies that Work

By: Rosemary M Lehman and Simone C. O. Conceição

Motivating and Retaining Online Students is a research-based book which provides effective online strategies that help minimize student dropout, increase student retention, and support student learning. This group will include an opportunity to interact with one of the authors, allowing participants the chance to learn from her experience.

Facilitators: Nicole Weber ( Director of Learning Technology) & Elizabeth Simpson (Instructional Design Specialist)

Meeting dates/times: Tuesdays 12:30-1:30 (January 31, February 14, February 28, March 14, March 28, April 11

Room: McGraw 1

To register for this book group, click here:  Registration

The UWW Academic Innovation Snowbox: A Space for Collaboration and Creativity

snowflakeCan you name one needed change that will advance student learning? Develop your idea, find partners, and write a formal proposal all in one day! Make January 20th a day of real change.

Higher education has always innovated at the intersection of precarities like economic hardship, gender, race, age, while also pursuing the development of public discourse that is predicated on educational outcomes aimed at empowering graduates for success. This Snowbox, or winter sandbox activity, is a place for broad-based collaborative engagements among faculty, academic staff, administration, and students, to catalyze and sustain a culture of Academic Innovation that relates high impact practices to our core principles such as inclusive excellence. The forecast is for a flurry of ideas!

The outcome of this blizzard of activity will be the formation of teams focused upon innovative problem solving in each of the following areas:

  • Reduce students’ time to degree,
  • Reduce equity gaps,
  • Reduce barriers to creative solutions,
  • Foster greater student learning,
  • Create new opportunities for students to engage with contemporary
    content and issues using high impact practices.

Each participant in the Snowbox workshop will receive a $100 stipend for the day, provided by the Provost. By the end of the day we expect a snowstorm of ideas and each person will be eligible to apply for the first cohort of the Academic Innovation Summer Institute 2017 (bring your sunscreen!).

Friday January 20, 8:30-4:00 pm
To register for the Snowbox:
Register before January 10, space is limited.

If you have any questions, contact David Reinhart, Academic Innovation Coordinator;

D2L eGrading Process Available for Fall 2016

The D2L eGrading process is now available for the Fall 2016 semester. This process allows instructors to transfer final grades from their Desire2Learn Gradebook directly to their WINS Grade Roster.

If you prefer step by step documentation, that can be found at: WINS eGrading Overview.

If you have any questions or concerns with the eGrading process, please contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

Call for Proposals: LTDC Virtual Conference

2017showcasecallproposals-1024x683The UW System Learning Technology Development Council (LTDC) Showcase 2017 will be held virtually April 4-5, 2017. Faculty, teaching staff and learning technology support staff – please join us and submit a proposal to present or facilitate by December 9, 2016! Proposals may be submitted at the following website:  Virtual Showcase 2017

Our theme is Humanizing Learning, but feel free to submit any relevant topic that you feel strongly about. The idea behind the theme is that while we work with more technology than ever, the human touch is still a vital quality in regards to learning.

This virtual conference offers an opportunity for sharing your successes and challenges in teaching with technology. This conference will provide you with the opportunity to virtually connect with other practitioners and requires neither travel expense nor a significant time commitment.

All presentations will be conducted virtually with technology training and orientation available prior to the conference. The presentations will be approximately 30 minutes in length with 15 min Q&A following. Proposals are sought in the following six general categories:

  1. Innovative Approaches (Hot Topics) – Tell us about how you’re working and teaching. Are mobile applications a part of your learning and knowledge portfolio? How have you taken traditional teaching and enhanced it through an innovative approach? Can you share a successful case study?
  2. Engagement of Students – How are your students connecting with each other and you? What works now or what do you expect might be a future method of engaging students? Can you share a successful case study?
  3. Faculty Development – How are you supporting your faculty? Are you facilitating learning communities? How are you engaging faculty to try new approaches to teaching and learning? Do you have a successful case study to share?
  4. “How To” and Resources – Do you have a skill to share? Have you created a wonderful set of resources for faculty and students? We’re interested in successful case studies; what can you share?
  5. Best Practices – Are you using a particular learning technology (or set of technologies) and know through evaluation that it definitively engages students and promotes learning?
  6. Emerging Topics – Do you have a proposal that doesn’t quite fit into the other topics?

We look forward to learning more about your teaching and learning experiences!  If you have any questions contact the Learning Technology Center.