Registration Open: 2017 Summer Institute for Online/Blended Teaching

DSC_3940The Learning Technology Center is pleased to announce that registration is open for the 2017 Summer session of the Institute for Online/Blended Teaching.

If you need to design a new (or refresh an older) online or blended course, please consider participating in this unique opportunity to collaborate with other UW-Whitewater instructors and explore proven course design strategies and best practices. This intensive and highly interactive workshop demonstrates teaching best practices using a variety of teaching methods and technology tools. The structure of this course not only allows you to explore new teaching and course design methods, but it also enables you to participate in activities that provide you with experience in being an online “student.”

The session will consist of online components, face-to-face meetings on the Whitewater campus, and web conferencing sessions.

Dates and Requirements:

The focus of the institute is to learn and practice online teaching skills, and will only briefly address D2L mechanics.  Applicants must have familiarity with basic D2L features, such as creating content, discussions, and drop-box assignments.

There are 5 mandatory meetings for the Institute; three “in-person” face-to-face sessions on the UW-Whitewater campus, and two web-conferencing meetings. The institute begins with a one-half day orientation session on April 28,  a full day meeting on May 26, and a concluding half-day meeting on July 28. In addition, there are two WebEx meetings scheduled for June 2 and June 30.

All faculty and academic staff who will be teaching at UW-Whitewater during the 2017-2018 academic year are eligible to apply. However, the workshop will be limited to 15 participants. Applications are due Friday, March 31, 2017.

Apply Here:  Summer 2017 Application

If you have any questions, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Save the Date! Thursday, May 18, 2017

Celebrating Teaching and Learning: Strategies that Transform Educational Experiences and Enhance Student Success


Save the date:  Thursday, May 18, 2017 from 8:30am-4:30pm.

The LTC is pleased to announce a special event on May 18 to showcase the wide variety of ways UW-Whitewater transforms the lives of students through teaching and learning.

The event will include instructor-led break-out presentations and discussions, as well as featured sessions from campus teaching support units and related initiatives that focus on sharing strategies that are being used to make even better learning experiences for our students. 

Call for proposals and registration coming soon!

If you have any questions about the event, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Spring Book Group: Motivating and Retaining Online Students

Motivating and Retaining Online Students: Research-Based Strategies that Work

By: Rosemary M Lehman and Simone C. O. Conceição

Motivating and Retaining Online Students is a research-based book which provides effective online strategies that help minimize student dropout, increase student retention, and support student learning. This group will include an opportunity to interact with one of the authors, allowing participants the chance to learn from her experience.

Facilitators: Nicole Weber ( Director of Learning Technology) & Elizabeth Simpson (Instructional Design Specialist)

Meeting dates/times: Tuesdays 12:30-1:30 (January 31, February 14, February 28, March 14, March 28, April 11

Room: McGraw 1

To register for this book group, click here:  Registration

The UWW Academic Innovation Snowbox: A Space for Collaboration and Creativity

snowflakeCan you name one needed change that will advance student learning? Develop your idea, find partners, and write a formal proposal all in one day! Make January 20th a day of real change.

Higher education has always innovated at the intersection of precarities like economic hardship, gender, race, age, while also pursuing the development of public discourse that is predicated on educational outcomes aimed at empowering graduates for success. This Snowbox, or winter sandbox activity, is a place for broad-based collaborative engagements among faculty, academic staff, administration, and students, to catalyze and sustain a culture of Academic Innovation that relates high impact practices to our core principles such as inclusive excellence. The forecast is for a flurry of ideas!

The outcome of this blizzard of activity will be the formation of teams focused upon innovative problem solving in each of the following areas:

  • Reduce students’ time to degree,
  • Reduce equity gaps,
  • Reduce barriers to creative solutions,
  • Foster greater student learning,
  • Create new opportunities for students to engage with contemporary
    content and issues using high impact practices.

Each participant in the Snowbox workshop will receive a $100 stipend for the day, provided by the Provost. By the end of the day we expect a snowstorm of ideas and each person will be eligible to apply for the first cohort of the Academic Innovation Summer Institute 2017 (bring your sunscreen!).

Friday January 20, 8:30-4:00 pm
To register for the Snowbox:
Register before January 10, space is limited.

If you have any questions, contact David Reinhart, Academic Innovation Coordinator;

Community of Practice for Online/Blended Education

DSC_3940All University of Wisconsin-Whitewater faculty and staff are invited to participate in a campus-wide community of practice for online and blended education.

The Community of Practice for Online and Blended Education began in the spring of 2015, thanks to a grant from OPID.  Its purpose is to serve as a campus-wide forum to develop, share, and document best practices in teaching online and blended (hybrid) courses at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.  In addition, it provides a support network for those teaching with technology.

The purpose of our meetings is to build community and meet others who are excited about teaching in the online and/or blended format.

Next Meeting:

Thursday December 1, 2016
2:00-3:30 pm, UC259a

In this session, the recipients of the Community of Practice project grant will share the results of their projects.  Two projects were funded:  the development of an accessibility template for the ECE4U program, and the creation of assessment videos.

If you have questions about this please contact the Learning Technology Center at or 262.472.1004.

Unique Challenges of Active Learning: Active Learning in the Online/Blended Environment

activeThursday, November 17, 2016

11-12pm, UC 262

Lunch included, please register by November 15, 2016

The final session of the active learning series will focus on the unique challenges and opportunities of the online/blended modalities. This session will focus on teaching strategies and tools, including options for collaborative work, discussions, blogs, wikis, clickers, and synchronous meetings. We will also have the opportunity for hands-on practice with the tools discussed.

Please register by November 15:  Register Here

Incorporating Active Learning Strategies into your Teaching: Evidence-Based Practices, Case Studies, and Stories from the Field

activeWednesday, October 19, 2016

12:30-2:00 pm, UC 259

Lunch Included

This session is intended to showcase examples from the UW-Campus with a special panel presentation made of experienced UW-Whitewater instructors. Our panel members include Kris Curran (Biological Sciences), Sara Deschner (IT and Supply Chain Management), Teri Frame (Art and Design) and Anne Tillett (Continuing Education). Following the presentation, attendees will be able to discuss active learning strategies with their colleagues and resources will be distributed to help instructors implement active learning within their own courses.

Please register:  Link to Registration

If you have questions regarding this, feel free to contact us:


Registration Open: 2016 Winter Institute for Online/Blended Teaching

DSC_3940The Learning Technology Center is pleased to announce that registration is open for the winter session of Institute for Online/Blended Teaching.

This highly interactive workshop demonstrates teaching best practices using a variety of teaching methods and technology tools.  The structure of this course not only allows you to explore new teaching and course design methods, but it also enables you to participate in activities that provide you with experience in being an online “student.”

By the conclusion of the institute, participants develop a D2L learning module which includes pedagogically-appropriate assessments, discussions, and additional learning materials. This module will be created with the assistance of instructional designers and feedback from colleagues. Additionally, participants become proficient in using web conferencing, creating high-quality video in an on-campus media studio, and using web-based tools to encourage student academic integrity.


  1. Develop a D2L-based module for the online or blended course you will be teaching
  2. Demonstrate pedagogically-sound course design in the D2L course module
  3. Demonstrate proficiency in utilizing the following instructional technologies:
    1. D2L Learning Management System
      1. D2L Dropbox
      2. D2L Quizzes
      3. D2L Discussions
    2. D2L Rubrics
    3. D2L Grade Center
    4. Turnitin Suite
    5. Respondus LockDown Browser
    6. WebEx
    7. On-campus recording studios
  4. Investigate and evaluate various approaches to ensuring online course quality
  5. Evaluate techniques to provide effective feedback in the online environment
  6. Describe and demonstrate approaches to building community online

Dates for the 2016 Winter Institute:

  • December 2: Face-to-Face meeting, 1:00-4:00 pm
  • December 9: WebEx, 1:00-3:00 pm
  • January 6: Face-to-Face meeting, 9:00 am-4:00 pm
  • February 10: WebEx, 1:00-3:00 pm
  • March 10: Face-to-face, 1:00-4:00 pm

All faculty and academic staff who will be teaching at UW-Whitewater during the 2016-2017 academic year are eligible to apply to attend. However, the workshop will be limited to 15 participants. Applications are due Monday, November 7, 2016.

Link to Application:  2016 Winter Institute Application

If you have questions about this, or any other LTC resources, feel free to contact us:

Community of Practice for Online/Blended Education

DSC_3940All University of Wisconsin-Whitewater faculty and staff are invited to participate in a campus-wide community of practice for online and blended education.

The Community of Practice for Online and Blended Education began in the spring of 2015, thanks to a grant from OPID.  Its purpose is to serve as a campus-wide forum to develop, share, and document best practices in teaching online and blended (hybrid) courses at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.  In addition, it provides a support network for those teaching with technology.

The purpose of our meetings is to build community and meet others who are excited about teaching in the online and/or blended format.

Fall Meetings:

Thursday October 13, 2016
2:00-3:30 pm, UC259a

In this session, Stephanie Douglas and Jodi Galvan will share the materials they created for an Online Bootcamp for General Learners, as part of a LEAP project.  Galvan and Douglas piloted these resources in courses in Spring 2015 and surveyed their students for feedback.

The students responded positively, and stated that they helped them to understand if online learning is a good fit for them, reduced fear and anxiety, and gave them time management skills to help them succeed.  Given the success of the project, most of these materials were integrated into the UW-Whitewater Starter Course template.

Thursday December 1, 2016
2:00-3:30 pm, UC259a

In this session, the recipients of the Community of Practice project grant will share the results of their projects.  Two projects were funded:  the development of an accessibility template for the ECE4U program, and the creation of assessment videos.

If you have questions about this please contact the Learning Technology Center at or 262.472.1004.

Active Learning Workshop Series

Active Learning:  Engagement, High-Level Thinking & Enhanced Learning

ClassroomIn 1987 Chickering and Gamson wrote that “learning is not a spectator sport,” and in 2016 their words still fit.  Active learning involves students in the learning process, leading to better retention and student outcomes.  The LTC and LEARN Center are please to co-sponsor a 3-part workshop series focused on active learning.  This series will explore a variety of approaches to active learning, applicable to both face-to-face and online learning environments.

Attendance at all 3 sessions is encouraged, but not mandatory.

Session 1:  Active Learning, an Introduction
September 15th, 11 am – noon, UC 262
Facilitators:  Elizabeth Simpson & Barbara Beaver
Signup at:

This session will examine the definitions and possibility of active learning, and explore why it is a continuing trend in higher education.  We’ll address examples from here on the UW-W campus, as well as others from UW System and across the nation.  Participants will gain suggestions for the integration of active learning in their own courses, examples assignments, and techniques.

Upcoming Sessions:

Session 2:  Incorporating Active Learning Strategies into your Teaching: Evidence-Based Practices, Case Studies, and Stories from the Field.
October 19th, 12:30-2 pm

Session 3:  The Unique Challenges of Active Learning in an Online/Blended Environment.
November 17th, 11 am – noon

If you have any questions about these workshops, please contact