D2L Account Settings and Profile

Hey Everyone!

Did you know you can create a personal profile through the Profile tool in D2L? This feature is a great way to get to know other students that are in your class.

To access your profile click on your name in the top right corner and then click on Profile
Profile”. Here you can enter information about your social networks, contact information, education and work, and personal details such as your birth date, hobbies, favorite things, and download a profile picture.

You can also edit your account settings. To access your account settings click on your name in the top right corner then click “Account Settings“. Here you can change account settings, Discussion settings and Emails settings.





For more information or if you have any questions, contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

Thanks for your time!


Media Lab Specialty Printing

Hey Everyone!

Today I’m going to talk about color printing, large poster printing and laminating that can be done here on campus!

We have produced a short video that explains some general information about the general printing process and where it is located!

We ask that large poster prints be saved as a PDF. We are also able to print Photoshop (PSD), Illustrator (AI) and any image file. Price of the prints depends on the size of the paper and the type of paper used. You can also purchase Poster Tubes to protect your posters for only $5!

The Media Lab only accepts Purple Points and are able to charge departmental and project org codes. They cannot accept cash payments or add the payment to your student bill.

The Media Lab is not responsible for any grammatical or design errors discovered in the printed versions, so check over your projects before you print them!

Poster files can be dropped off in the Media Lab or emailed to medialab@uww.edu. Please do not email files larger than 10 megabytes in size. When your poster has completed you will be notified via phone or email.

Any questions regarding this can be directed to: medialab@uww.edu

Additional information is available on the Media Lab website.

Thanks for your time!

D2L Calender

Hi everyone!

Today I want to talk about the Calendar tool in D2L. To access your calendar first go to the D2L homepage.

Next click on the ‘Tools‘ tab located on the far right of the navigation bar. A drop down menu will appear, click on the ‘Calendar‘ link. Capture

This will take you to the calendar homepage. Here you can see what you have due in each of your classes within the month.Capture22

Anything that your professor has chosen to give an opening or closing date to will appear on the calendar. Any changes the professor makes will automatically be updated on your personal calendar.

You can switch to different views of your upcoming events by clicking on the different options at the top; Agenda, Day, Week, Month, and List.Capture2

The month view can be the most useful because you can see what weeks will have more assignments due than others so you can plan accordingly.

Your calendar could potentially contain content from every class that you are currently enrolled in as well as other things like ongoing jobs and general Whitewater content.Capture4

You can manage what you see on the calendar by going to ‘All Calendars’. Here it shows all the calendars that you are subscribed to. You can add and remove any calendar that you want. This means you can add on your work times or club activities if you wanted. The display colors can be also be customized to your liking!

The last and maybe most important aspect of the calendar, is the fact that you can add your own tasks and reminders to it. You can do that by typing them in the bar on the right hand side of the page.


You can also export a calendar from D2L.

  1. To do this first access the Calendar from the tools drop down menu.
  2. Next click Setting.                               capture 1
  3. In the settings menu, check the Enable Calendar Feeds box. Click Save when you are done.                                           capture 4
  4. A Subscribe option should appear. click Subscribe.Capture.5PNG
  5. Choose which calendar and/or task to subscribe to. Then, copy and paste the appropriate URL into another calendar application in order to subscribe to events for your chosen calendar.                         Untitled.1png
  6. You can also either click Download to receive an iCal file to import another calendar. Or, you can click Reset to receive a new URL. Note: If you reset your link, it will break the old URL. Make sure to replace any old calendar links with the new one.
  7. Click Close when you are done.

For more information or if you have any questions, contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

Thanks for your time!

How well do you know D2L Dropbox?

Hey everyone!

Today we are going to discuss how the Dropbox in D2L works. Many professors use Dropbox as a way to easily collect your assignments so it’s important to understand how the Dropbox works so you don’t forget to turn in your assignments!

To get to the Dropbox page, simply click on your desired class, and click the Dropbox link located in the navigation bar.

Dropbox Icon

The first column that you will notice upon clicking the Dropbox link in the course navigation bar is the Folder column. This holds all of the assignments that need to be turned in. There are different types of symbols that can be found next to the assignment folders.Dropbox Submission

Plagerism Symbol

The symbol to the right means that this assignment is “Originality Check Enabled” so that professors can check and verify that the work you submit is 100% your own.

The second symbol means that the folder contains a group assignment.Group Symbols In a group Dropbox assignment, any one person could submit something to it, but the score and the feedback for that submission will be given to everyone within the group.

The Score column is where the professor enters in your grade in the form of a numeric fraction. If nothing has yet been submitted, or if the professor has yet to enter in your grade, then it will show a dash instead of a number (ex. – / –). In the case displayed below; a perfect score would be 5/5.
capture 3

Under the submissions column you can see how many times you have submitted an assignment, as shown above.

Feedback  is what your professors give you in response to what you have submitted. This might be just your grade or a rubric sheet of the professor’s own creation. It could even be a response to your work; explaining in detail why you got the grade that you did.

feeback-due date

Finally, last but certainly not least, is the Due Date column. Professors are able to choose when assignments are due so pay close attention to the due date column so you don’t forget to turn your assignments in on time!

Submitting something to D2L can be tricky from time to time; so I will go through it step by step.

First you click on the Folder column that you would like to make a submission to.


Click on the “Add a File” button and then click “upload” to choose your assignment from its saved location, or you can drag and drop your assignment into the box. If you would like to add something that you have saved to your locker or ePortfolio; you may do that as well.

Upload a file

When you are finished choosing, click the blue “Add” button.

You are free to write additional details about the submission or the assignment in the white box below. When you click on it, basic writing and editing tools appear. After you are finished with your message, or if you do not want to write one, click the blue “Submit” button below.

For more information or if you have any questions, contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

Thanks for your time!

D2L Discussions

Today we’re going to discuss how to navigate through the discussion tab in D2L. Most teachers utilize discussions in their class so it’s more than likely that you will have to compose your own thread and respond to others in the Discussion tab in D2L.

First to get to the Discussions page click on the link in the course navigation bar.


This will take you to your Discussions List Page.disussion list

Here you have the ability to collapse everything, then you have the ability to look at just one discussion forum at a time and collapse past discussion forms.

capture #1

To view a discussion topic click on the discussion post you would like to view or add content too.

On the right side of the page there are announcements on who last posted to the discussion and when. You can also organize the posts by; ‘Unread’, ‘Flagged’, and ‘Drafts’. Posts can be sorted a number of different ways, such as “Most Recent Activity” and “Least Recent Activity”. If you would like an update about these as soon as they happen, there is a ‘Subscribe’ button with a star next to the post.


To compose your own thread click on the ‘Start a New Thread‘ button. Here you can create your post and may subscribe to the thread from here if you so choose. You can also upload files under ‘Add attachments‘. If you aren’t ready to post you can save it as a draft or cancel your post.

new thread

To reply to someone else’s post simply click on their post, click ‘Reply to Thread‘, write your response and click ‘Post‘.

If you want more information about Discussions check out our YouTube videos!

For more information or if you have any questions, contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

Thanks for your time!


Customize Your D2L Notifications

Did you know you can get D2L notifications sent to your phone? You can easily edit what notifications you want sent to your phone, e-mail, or no notifications at all! Easily know when classes are cancelled, grades are updated, quizzes are due, and more!


If you don’t like checking your e-mail, or checking D2L, then D2L mobile notification’s is your new best friend! To edit your D2L notifications, click on your name and picture at the top right corner of D2L, and click on Notifications.

Click on “Register your mobile”. Choose your Country, Mobile Carrier and lastly enter in your mobile number. When you enter in your number do not add a 1 at the beginning (ex. (262-123-4567). Click Save when your are done entering in your information. Next a pop up will appear, sending a confirmation code to your phone. Enter the code, then hit Confirm.

Now that your mobile device is connected you can choose which notifications are sent to your e-mail, mobile device, or not at all under Instant Notifications.

You can also exclude classes and groups you do not to receive notification’s from. First, click on “Manage my course exclusions“. Click on the X to the right of the group or class you do not want to receive notification for, and click Close when you are done.

When you are done changing your settings make sure to click Save at the bottom of the page.

Now you can get real time updates about class cancellation’s, grades, new content and more!

For more information or if you have any questions, contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

Thanks for your time!

Did you know? – D2L Mobile

If you have a smartphone or tablet you can learn on the go and interact with your courses wherever and whenever you’d like! Desire2Learn (D2L) mobile supports multiple tools like content, grades, discussions, drop box, and many others.

In order to access the mobile version, grab your smartphone or tablet and navigate to the D2L login page.  D2L will detect that you are using a mobile device and will display a mobile friendly version of your course material.

If you have any questions or concerns, please Contact D2L Support.

Did you know? – D2L Browser Support

Having issues with D2L? Did you know that in order for D2L to work to its full potential, it needs to run on a supported browser?  We recommend that if you are having issues make sure that your browser has been updated to a supported version before contacting D2L Support. Below is a list of the browsers that are supported by D2L:

Operating System Browser Version Status
Windows Internet Explorer 10 Investigation
9 Supported (recommended)
8 Maintenance
7 Unsupported
Firefox Newest Supported (recommended)
10.0 Maintenance
Chrome Newest Supported
Operating System Browser Version Status
Mac OS X Safari 5.1 Supported
5.0 Maintenance
4.0 Maintenance
Firefox Newest Supported (recommended)
10.0 Maintenance
Chrome Newest Supported

A complete list of supported browsers and portable/mobile devices is available at: D2L Platform Requirements.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact UW-W D2L Support.

Did you know about D2L account profiles?

Did you know you can create a personal profile through the Profile tool in D2L? This feature is a great way to get to know other students that are in your class. Click on your name in the top right corner and then click on “Profile”.  You can enter information about your social networks, contact information, education and work, and personal details such as your birth date, hobbies, favorite things, and download a profile picture.  You can further customize your account be going to the “Account Settings” option.

For any additional questions about D2L visit FAQ for Students or for technical support Contact D2L Support.