Learning Environment Requirements Gathering – Your Opinion Counts!

uws-logo-whiteOur contract with Desire2Learn (D2L) for their Brightspace learning management system (LMS) is currently set to expire June 30, 2018. The UW System is preparing for a Request for Proposal (RFP) and would like to gather your perspective of what is needed in a learning management system. The survey will take you approximately 10 minutes and will allow you to share your perspective regarding what is needed, as well as be a voice for our university. Your responses will be anonymous and need to be completed by October 14, 2016 at 5:00pm.

To take the survey, please click on the following link:

If you would like to learn more about the Learning Environment Requirements Gathering Project, please visit the following website:

Thank you for your participation!

Turnitin Date Management within D2L

tii-logoSome users may be receiving a message reading “Error communicating with Turnitin.  Try to resubmit the file.  If this issue persists, contact your administrator”.  If you are seeing this error message, please make sure that you have both a start date AND end date set on your Dropbox in Desire2Learn.  Once you have set the start and end date, the issue should be resolved and you can resubmit the file.

Warning – Technical explanation below:

With the new Turnitin integration, the way default dates work has been slightly changed.  There are actually two separate date settings in play.  First, there are the settings that you can create on the Dropbox – start date, end date and due date.  Second, there are dates behind the scenes with Turnitin that are calculated based on the settings you choose for the Dropbox.

We have recently discovered that if you create a Dropbox that does not have any start date or end date, the end date that is configured with Turnitin is set to 8 days from the current date.  What this means, is that even though the Dropbox is always open, papers will not submit to Turnitin after that 8 day period, and will cause an error to display inside of Desire2Learn when you are trying to review the papers.

Luckily, in order to fix this issue, you simply need to set a start date and end date on the Dropbox.  Once these are set, the dates will be updated in Turnitin also which will allow you to resubmit the files.  Desire2Learn is working on adjusting this logic for a future release.  In the mean time, we highly suggest that you create both a start date and end date when creating a Dropbox that user Turnitin to avoid this problem.

D2L TurnItIn
Start Date Set? End Date Set? Start Date value End Date value
No No Current Date 1 week + 24 hours
Yes No D2L Start Date 2 weeks from start date + 24 hours
No Yes Current Date D2L End Date + 24 hours
Yes Yes D2L Start Date D2L End Date + 24 hours

Table Source: https://community.brightspace.com/blogs/product/turnitin_date_management

If you have any questions regrading this, please contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

Video Usage in Education

The University of Wisconsin – Whitewater has designated that the instructor is responsible for verifying and clearing copyright for any material in their course.  This includes videos that are used online and videos that are shown in the classroom.  We have put together a resource to help you get started and point you in the right direction.

Video Usage in Education: https://spaces.uww.edu/x/NwFp

If you have questions about this, or any other LTC resources, feel free to contact us:  ltc@uww.edu

Survey: UW System web-based, real-time collaboration tool

LTC_Logo_FBAs you may be aware, our current UW System contract with Blackboard for their Collaborate tool will expire June 30, 2017. As a result, we are preparing for a potential Request for Proposal (RFP) for a web-based, real-time collaboration tool to support teaching and learning.

UW System is now in the requirements gathering phase, with the goal of obtaining input from all UW institutions to ensure instructional needs for collaboration are identified. While no single tool is likely to support all instructional needs, the information you provide via this survey will be used to inform user stories and identify requirements.

The survey requires approximately 15 minutes to complete. The information in this study will be used only for internal purposes and your responses are anonymous.


Please provide your input into the requirements gathering process by completing the survey above by October 10, 2016. Thank you for your input in this important project!

If you have questions about this feel free to contact us:  ltc@uww.edu

Request for Participation: Learning Analytics Tool Chest

Request for Instructor Participation: Spring 2017

Emerging Technology Exploration Project- Learning Analytics Tool Chest

1-pattern-screensExploration Purpose

The UW-Whitewater (UWW) Learning Technology Center (LTC) is participating in the UW System Learning Analytics Tool Chest Exploration Project for the Spring 2017 semester. Learning analytic software allows students, instructors, advisors, and administrators insight into specific avenues that can influence student success in a course. The current exploration focuses on student and instructor use of learning analytic tools.

The UW System Learning Analytics Tool Chest Exploration Project features the Learning Analytics Tool Chest (LATC). The LATC consists of different learning analytic tools including the Analytics & Recommendations Plug-In (A&R), Study Pattern (Pattern), and the Workflow Visualization System (WVS). As part of the project, the UWW LTC is seeking 10 instructors to implement at least one of these LATC tools into a Spring 2017 semester course. Participating instructors will receive LATC training, and assistance with technical issues that arise while working with the LATC tools. Details on the specific LATC tools are provided in the snapshot below.

LATC Tool Snapshot

  • Analytics & Recommendations Plug-In (A&R)
    • The A&R provides a visual index of student task completion and performance in D2L. Students and instructors can track student participation and performance in course activities and assessments. Instructors can view and compare student performance within the class, as well as compare current student performance with data from previous courses to assist in identifying “at risk” students. For students, the A&R provides comparison metrics to high performing students, and provides students with recommendations for achieving higher grades.
  • Workflow Visualization System (WVS)
    • The WVS allows instructors to create diagrams of learning activities, lesson plans, and/or chapters/units within the D2L course shell. By keeping track of student progress throughout the course, instructors can gain insight into whether students worked through the course materials and activities in the manner that the instructor designed them, or whether certain elements of the course could benefit from re-tooling and/or re-design.
  • Study Pattern (Pattern)
    • Unlike the A&R and WVS, Pattern does not require D2L, or any LMS, integration. Pattern is a “stand alone” software program accessible via mobile devices (Android, iOS), and/or a web-based application (i.e., “app”). For students, Pattern keeps record of time spent on studying/learning activities, as well as how productive the studying/learning sessions were perceived to be. Instructors can then access class breakdowns of the activities (ex. writing), and time spent.

Want to learn more about these tools? Check out these resources:

Exploration Participation Expectations

By participating in this exploration, instructors agree to develop a plan to integrate one LATC tool into at least one Spring 2017 course, utilize the tool in the course, and provide information on their experience throughout the process. Below is a breakdown of what will be expected of instructors by semester:

Fall 2016

  • Develop and submit a project proposal describing how you plan to integrate at least one of the LATC tool(s) into at least one Spring 2017 course.
  • If selected, work with LTC staff to set up LATC tool(s) for at least one Spring 2017 course.
  • Participate in educational offerings provided by the LTC and/or UW System regarding learning analytics and the LATC (dates: TBD).

Spring 2017

  • Utilize LATC tool(s) in at least one course.
  • Assist students in use of LATC tool(s), if necessary for the tool you are using.
  • Participate in periodic focus groups, interview sessions, and/or surveys facilitated by the LTC and the UW System. These activities will focus on assessing ease of use, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction with the selected LATC tool.
  • Have students complete an online survey (administered by the LTC and/or the UW System) providing feedback on LATC tool(s) used in the course.

Summer/Fall 2017

  • Provide information on experience implementing LATC tool(s)  through personal testimonial, video interview, and/or speaking at LTC event.

If all components are completed, instructors can expect to receive $1000 for their participation in the LATC Pilot. This exploration project will be limited to 10 instructors and is contingent on the UW System offering these tools for use by the campuses.

How Do I Apply?

To express your interest in being included in this emerging technology exploration project, please complete the Qualtrics submission form here by Sunday, October 9:


Questions will collect information relative to:

  • The Spring 2017 course where you will be using the LATC tool; and
  • The LATC project you are proposing (i.e., goal for using the tool,how you plan on using the tool, how you plan on implementing it in your course, and how you would determine if the tool was successful in meeting your goal).

If you have any questions about this exploration project, please contact the Learning Technology Center (ltc@uww.edu).

TurningPoint Cloud Update

shutterstock_110236751Here is a quick overview of some discoveries and workarounds that we have found with TurningPoint Cloud.

ResponseWare Test Licenses Available – Process Change Required.  We have a small number of test licenses and can assign a single license to your account.  If you have a test license, you will need to adjust your ResponseWare Session when you are polling in the classroom.  In the Session Options, you will need to check the “Require Participant Accounts” option.  Additional details available at: https://spaces.uww.edu/x/hIAV

When you obtain the participant list, the first name and last name fields are switched for users that do not have an active license.  This issue is under active investigation by Turning Technologies and we hope to have a resolution soon.

Participant lists are now locked when they are retrieved from D2L.  If students incorrectly input their device ID, they must update it on the clicker registration site.  Once that is complete, you can “update” the participant list to retrieve the additional information.

TurningPoint Cloud Icon is now available on the desktop in classrooms.  TurningPoint Cloud is installed on all classroom machines.  Initially, the icon was not available on the desktop but we have resolved this issue and the shortcut should again appear on the desktop like previous versions.

My student purchased a license but is still not showing in the participant list, what’s going on?  We have noticed a number of students are buying a license directly from the Turning Technologies Dashboard, but are not clicking on the link in D2L.  Make sure your students are clicking on the link through D2L.  This links the students D2L account to the Turning Technologies account and should resolve the issue.

As of 9/16/2016, no students have taken advantage of the rebate.  Please remind your students that they can get a $15 back by filling out the rebate form. The form is located at: https://rebates.turningtechnologies.com/  Rebate code: Ruww15

If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding TurningPoint cloud, please contact Elaina Barr or Aaron Axelsen at 262.472.1004 or ltc@uww.edu.


Registration Open: 2016 Winter Institute for Online/Blended Teaching

DSC_3940The Learning Technology Center is pleased to announce that registration is open for the winter session of Institute for Online/Blended Teaching.

This highly interactive workshop demonstrates teaching best practices using a variety of teaching methods and technology tools.  The structure of this course not only allows you to explore new teaching and course design methods, but it also enables you to participate in activities that provide you with experience in being an online “student.”

By the conclusion of the institute, participants develop a D2L learning module which includes pedagogically-appropriate assessments, discussions, and additional learning materials. This module will be created with the assistance of instructional designers and feedback from colleagues. Additionally, participants become proficient in using web conferencing, creating high-quality video in an on-campus media studio, and using web-based tools to encourage student academic integrity.


  1. Develop a D2L-based module for the online or blended course you will be teaching
  2. Demonstrate pedagogically-sound course design in the D2L course module
  3. Demonstrate proficiency in utilizing the following instructional technologies:
    1. D2L Learning Management System
      1. D2L Dropbox
      2. D2L Quizzes
      3. D2L Discussions
    2. D2L Rubrics
    3. D2L Grade Center
    4. Turnitin Suite
    5. Respondus LockDown Browser
    6. WebEx
    7. On-campus recording studios
  4. Investigate and evaluate various approaches to ensuring online course quality
  5. Evaluate techniques to provide effective feedback in the online environment
  6. Describe and demonstrate approaches to building community online

Dates for the 2016 Winter Institute:

  • December 2: Face-to-Face meeting, 1:00-4:00 pm
  • December 9: WebEx, 1:00-3:00 pm
  • January 6: Face-to-Face meeting, 9:00 am-4:00 pm
  • February 10: WebEx, 1:00-3:00 pm
  • March 10: Face-to-face, 1:00-4:00 pm

All faculty and academic staff who will be teaching at UW-Whitewater during the 2016-2017 academic year are eligible to apply to attend. However, the workshop will be limited to 15 participants. Applications are due Monday, November 7, 2016.

Link to Application:  2016 Winter Institute Application

If you have questions about this, or any other LTC resources, feel free to contact us:  ltc@uww.edu

Online Teaching Bootcamp: January 11-13 2017

DSC_3940New to online teaching?  In need of some additional ideas for your online class?  The Learning Technology Center is pleased to announce the second annual Online Teaching Bootcamp.

This program will be held January 11-13, 1:00-4:00 pm each day, in Hyer 210.   It will be a mix of demonstration, hands-on practice, and discussion, geared to address the most common concerns in online teaching.  All faculty and instructional staff are welcome.  Registration is recommended, but walk-ins are welcome.

There is no stipend associated with this workshop series.

Program Summary:

January 11: Hands-On D2L, Hyer 210
Registration:  https://my.uww.edu/signup/Registration/Details/14886

  • The basic layout of D2L
  • Arranging content into modules
  • HTML editor
  • Moving from Microsoft Word to D2L
  • Discussions—basics
  • Dropbox—Basics
  • Grades

January 12: Online Assignments, Hyer 210
Registration:  https://my.uww.edu/signup/Registration/Details/14887

  • Creating, facilitating, and grading discussions
  • Creating and grading papers, posters, presentations, and other common assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Online gradebooks
  • Tools external to D2L: Blogs, wikis, Google Drive

January 13: Instructor Presence and Presentations, Hyer 210
Registration:  https://my.uww.edu/signup/Registration/Details/14888

  • Instructor presence online
  • GradeMark
  • Webex
  • Studio resources
  • Presentation best practices

If you have questions about this, or any other LTC resources, feel free to contact us:  ltc@uww.edu

Desire2Learn User Guide Updated

Logo_Brightspace_rgb_1200x630We have recently updated the vendor documentation for Desire2learn (D2L) to reference the latest versions for D2L 10.6.  The documentation can be found on the “My Home” screen when accessing the course in the Student / Instructor Resources Widget located on the right hand side of the screen.

We also have a number of resources and custom tutorials available on our wiki located at: https://spaces.uww.edu/display/instructional/Desire2Learn

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.