Want to be more efficient managing your teaching workload?

Join the LTC for a “Time Saving Tips for Teaching” discussion.  This timely conversation will help you organize, prioritize, and “Get Things Done!”.  We will emphasize practical solutions to your immediate end of semester problems.
Join us April 25th from 10:00 am – 10:45am
Register here:  https://my.uww.edu/signup/Registration/Details/15528

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this event, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Reserve a Room for Group Projects

Looking for a space to work on a group project or have a small meeting? Try out the collaboratory meeting rooms in the Andersen General Access Lab L1008 (lower level). These rooms are great for groups of up to 6 people to work together. They are equipped with a conference table, computer, projector, and SMART board.


Reserve your room ahead of time by going to http://www.uww.edu/reserve . Make sure to check in with the lab attendant when you arrive. Rooms can be reserved for up to 3 hours at a time with extensions available if there are no other reservations.

If you have any questions regarding this, please call 262.472.1234


Request for Instructor Participation–Study Pattern Emerging Technology Exploration Project

Interested in understanding how student behaviors impact their success in your course? If so, our spring emerging technology exploration project might be for you!

1-pattern-screensThe UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center (LTC) is proud to announce support for 10 instructors interested in integrating the Study Pattern tool into their spring courses. Study Pattern is an exciting tool that has the potential to empower students in their learning and enable instructors with the information they need to make decisions regarding their course in way that is easy to use and digest.

Empowering Students
Pattern gives students a space to track their study and learning activities, as well as rate their duration and productivity. Inputting this information creates personalized visualizations of their data and allows them to compare habits with their peers in the same course, empowering them to reflect on the time they are spending on the different learning activities and when they are most productive to ensure they are on the most successful path.

Enabling Instructors
At a glance instructors are able to see aggregated student data for their course (e.g., productivity by day of the week or hour of the day, productivity by activity, number of hours spent on course activities, etc.) through their dashboard, enabling them to make data-driven decisions about course activities and design.

Easy to Access, Use, and Digest
This tool is easily accessed by students and instructors as it is available through a mobile app (both iOS and Android) and/or web interface. Students can easily use the tool to input their activities and instructors and students alike can quickly view their dashboards to gain valuable insights about learning activities and success.

About the Exploration Project
UWW has been allotted 300 licenses from the UW System’s learning analytic tool chest pilot for this specific exploration project. The UW-Whitewater Learning Technology Center has funding to support 10 instructors in their exploration of Pattern. Upon satisfactory completion of the project, instructors will receive $1000 for their participation. Satisfactory completion includes:

  • Participating in educational offerings on Study Pattern to get better acquainted to using the tool;
  • Incorporating Study Pattern into at least one of their Spring 2017 courses by requiring student use of the tool and student sharing of their information;
  • Partnering with the LTC to assist and support student use of Study Pattern;
  • Participating in periodic focus groups, interview sessions, and/or surveys facilitated by the LTC and the UW System that that gathers instructor perceptions of the tool in regards to ease of use, usefulness, impact, and satisfaction;
  • Having students complete an online survey near the end of the semester that gathers their perceptions of the tool in regards to ease of use, usefulness, impact, and satisfaction.
  • Providing information on their experience implementing Study Pattern through personal testimonial, video interview, and/or speaking at LTC event.

How Do I Get Involved?
To express interest in participating in this emerging technology exploration project, please complete the following Qualtrics submission form by Sunday, October 30:


If you have any questions about this project, please contact the ltc@uww.edu.

ICIT Technology Open House – Monday, August 29th

Faculty and staff are invited to join us at the annual ICIT Technology Open House!  This year the event will be held on Monday, August 29th from 2pm to 5pm in the University Center Grand Ball Room (UC275).

Add Reminder to Calendar (iCal)

Why should you come to the tech open house?

  1. New for Fall 2016.  We have a number of new and exciting things going on in the Learning Technology Center.  Stop by to learn about them and see how you can apply them in your courses.
  2. Meet the Experts.  The majority of our interaction with users is via email or phone, we never get to see your face.  Stop by and introduce yourself!
  3. Meet the Vendors.  We will have some of our vendors on hand who will be able to talk to you directly, answer questions and take feedback.  So start thinking of your questions now, and bring them with!
  4. Free Stuff!  There will be light refreshments, swag and drawings!  We have some pretty awesome prizes lined up!

We hope to see you all at the event!  Help us spread the word and tell your colleagues as well!

CANCELLED – Lynda.com Info Sessions – Tuesday November 10th

lynda_logo1k-p_1x1Update: Due to extenuating circumstances, the Lynda.com Representative has canceled today’s sessions.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

The Learning Technology Center and Lynda.com would like to invite you to signup for some great Lynda events we have planned for Tuesday, November 10th.  Our Lynda.com representative will be on campus and will be offering the following presentations.  In addition, there will also be a display table setup in the UC from noon until 2:00pm on Tuesday, November 10th.

Teaching and Learning with Lynda.com
Date: Tuesday, November 10th 10:00am – 10:45am
Location: UC 264
Signup: http://my.uww.edu/signup/Registration/Details/14392

In this 45-minute session you will learn how to:

  • Access lynda.com anytime, anywhere!
  • Leverage the vast number of topics available including professional development and day-to-day productivity.
  • Incorporate lynda.com content into your classroom.
  • Quickly navigate the library for “just in time” learning – getting in and out with your answer in a hurry.
  • Advanced tips and tricks ranging from effectively searching & sharing content and even curating your own content!

Light refreshments will be served.

Lynda Tips and Tricks
Date: Tuesday, November 10th 11:00am – 11:45am
Location: UC 264
Signup: http://my.uww.edu/signup/Registration/Details/14391

In this 45-minute session you will learn how to:

  • Access lynda.com anytime, anywhere!
  • Leverage the vast number of topics available to make you an even more invaluable part of the team.
  • Quickly navigate the library for “just in time” learning – getting in and out with your answer in a hurry.
  • Advanced tips and tricks ranging from effectively searching & sharing content and even curating your own content!

Light refreshments will be served.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Call for Proposals: Accessibility Grant

Media LabThe UW Learning Technology Development Council is pleased to announce grant funding for learning technology projects related to universal design and accessibility for persons with disabilities.

This funding can be used for small projects at UW-Whitewater, or with partnering campuses in the UW-System. Possible projects include addressing the accessibility of course materials, showcasing campus best practices, or creating and incorporating guidelines and policies around accessibility issues in higher education.  Proposals are due May 1, 2015.

For further details, refer to UW-LTDC Accessibility Project Application and Guidelines

For more information, contact Elizabeth Simpson at the LTC