D2L Quiz Tips

We have a few tips and tricks for you to keep in mind the next time you take a quiz in D2L.  The items below will help you avoid the most commonly reported issues with quizzes.

  1. You should always “Save” a  response after you have answered a question.
  2. If you close out your browser while taking your quiz the timer will not stop.
  3. Know when the quiz ends and how much time you have to take the quiz so that you can plan accordingly.
  4. Be aware of how many attempts you have to take a quiz.
  5. Before you submit your quiz, click on the “Save all Responses” to make sure that all of your answers have been saved.

If you have any questions please, Contact D2L Support.

Media Lab Specialty Printing

Starting on May 28th, 2013 the iCIT Media Lab will only be accepting purple points for faculty and staff specialty printing (color prints, poster prints, and laminations).  The ability to charge departmental and project org codes will still be available.

We have produced a short video that explains the changes and also the general printing process.

Additional information is available on the Media Lab website.

The Media Lab printing services are available for use by all students, faculty and staff.  Any questions regarding this can be directed to: medialab@uww.edu

Did you know? – D2L Browser Support

Having issues with D2L? Did you know that in order for D2L to work to its full potential, it needs to run on a supported browser?  We recommend that if you are having issues make sure that your browser has been updated to a supported version before contacting D2L Support. Below is a list of the browsers that are supported by D2L:

Operating System Browser Version Status
Windows Internet Explorer 10 Investigation
9 Supported (recommended)
8 Maintenance
7 Unsupported
Firefox Newest Supported (recommended)
10.0 Maintenance
Chrome Newest Supported
Operating System Browser Version Status
Mac OS X Safari 5.1 Supported
5.0 Maintenance
4.0 Maintenance
Firefox Newest Supported (recommended)
10.0 Maintenance
Chrome Newest Supported

A complete list of supported browsers and portable/mobile devices is available at: D2L Platform Requirements.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact UW-W D2L Support.

Did you know about D2L account profiles?

Did you know you can create a personal profile through the Profile tool in D2L? This feature is a great way to get to know other students that are in your class. Click on your name in the top right corner and then click on “Profile”.  You can enter information about your social networks, contact information, education and work, and personal details such as your birth date, hobbies, favorite things, and download a profile picture.  You can further customize your account be going to the “Account Settings” option.

For any additional questions about D2L visit FAQ for Students or for technical support Contact D2L Support.


Google Sites

Google Sites is for staff, faculty and students to create their own website where multiple people can collaborate and share files.  Anyone in the UW-Whitewater community with proper ID credentials has been granted owner access to this service.  Google Sites is not intended to replace UWW Faculty/Staff Web sites but serves as a supplemental option for creating Web sites that may be used by faculty, staff and students at UW-Whitewater.

With Google Sites, people can work together on a Site to add file attachments, including information from other Google applications like Google Docs, Google Calendar, YouTube and Picasa.  Creating a site together is as easy as editing a document, and you always control who has access, whether it’s just yourself, your team, or your whole organization. You can even publish Sites to the world.

Everything is available to get you started.  Features include creating a page with single-click (no HTML knowledge necessary), personalizing the content or used a predefined template, plus the ability to upload files and attach documents.  Site creators, or anyone granted owner access to a site, can add collaborators or change their site sharing settings.

The tutorial is available at: Google: Docs and Sites or sign up for training at http://signup.uww.edu.

If you have any additional questions regarding this, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

ePortfolio Tutorial Videos – Now Available!

The Learning Technology Center (LTC) has created a new video tutorial series for Desire2Learn ePortfolio to help guide students through the basics of the ePortfolio tools.

ePortfolio is a user-centered application for students to store, organize, reflect on, and share items that represent what they have learned. Students can present a professional webpage of their personal learning journey by including documents, graphics, video files, audio files, and presentations that they have created during their collegiate career. This user friendly program will allow students to share their work, achievements, knowledge, and reflections to advisers, potential employers, and their peers.  The videos are available below and can be found on our YouTube channel.

If you have any additional questions regarding this, please contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

Google Docs

Google Docs (Drive) is a web-based office suite and data storage service offered by Google, which allows users to create and edit documents online, while collaborating in real-time with others, from any computer with internet access.

Faculty and students have the ability to upload and create Documents, Spreadsheets, Forms, Drawings, and Presentations online without having to install any software. Google Docs serves as a collaborative tool for editing in real time, allowing documents to be shared, opened, and edited by multiple users at the same time.  Additionally, the application can notify users when a comment or discussion is made or replied to, facilitating collaboration and supplying a revision history, allowing users to see what changes were made.

Google Drive is primarily intended as a convenient online location where students and faculty can store files, completely eliminating or reducing the need to rely on portable USB drives.  This functionality extends beyond simple file storage: files stored on Google Drive can easily be shared with on- and off-campus colleagues or coworkers, eliminating the need for sending bulky e-mail attachments.  Now you can simply include a link to the file stored on Google Docs, and recipient will always have access to the most recent information.

The tutorial is available at: Google: Docs and Sites, or sign up for training at http://signup.uww.edu.

If you have any additional questions regarding Google Docs, please contact the UW-W TSC Helpdesk.

Message from LEARN@UW on D2L Performance

Faculty, Staff and Students:

On behalf of our Learn@UW Executive Committee, I/we want you to know that we are taking steps now to improve the performance of Desire2Learn (D2L) systems at all UW campuses.

We are aware that many of you have experienced slow or delayed responses in D2L over the past few days. After D2L was upgraded to version 10 this summer, we noticed some occasional performance issues. Immediately, Learn@UW technical staff (the entity at UW-Madison’s Division of Information Technology that manages the D2L System) and D2L staff began working on solutions to improve performance. Later, Microsoft experts were engaged to help solve the problem.  Numerous patches to the system have been applied. However, these efforts have yielded only temporary success, and the root cause of these performance problems has not yet been identified. This is not uncommon in a complex environment like ours, but it is still very, very frustrating.

We will not tolerate this level of performance. While technical experts continue around the clock to resolve the issues, the Learn@UW Executive Committee is exploring alternatives. We are consulting with top D2L executives to determine what assistance D2L can provide beyond finding the problem and what viable alternatives exist.

We are confident that we are receiving the best attention possible from both vendors. Top leadership at UW System, Learn@UW Utility and Desire2Learn are engaged in this process.

As we work through this we ask for your continued patience, and we will continue to keep you posted on our efforts to restore the level of performance that faculty, staff, and students deserve.

Thank you.
Chris Clements, Chair
Learn@UW Exec Committee

Lorna Wong
Director, Learning Technology Development
University of Wisconsin System Administration