Celebrating Teaching and Learning – Register Now!

After a one-year hiatus, the Celebrating Teaching and Learning conference is back in an online format on Wednesday May 19th, 2021. The day will start with a workshop led by the UW-W Equity Ambassadors followed by presentations from the Cisco/Presidio Teaching with Technology honorarium winners.

Registration is available at: Celebrating Teaching and Learning Event Registration.

Morning Session – 10 AM to Noon
The conference will start with an Equity in the Classroom workshop led by the LEARN Center Equity Ambassadors. The workshop will begin with a panel discussion followed by interactive breakout sessions focused on practices that you could use to create a more equitable and inclusive learning environment. For more on the Equity Ambassadors: https://www.uww.edu/learn/equityambassadors

Afternoon Session – 1 PM to 4 PM
The afternoon will consist of virtual presentations from the 5 finalists for the 2021 Cisco/Presidio Teaching with Technology Honorarium. The session will wrap up by announcing the individual selected as the 2021 Teaching with Technology Innovator.

All sessions will be held via Cisco Webex. Please contact us as soon as possible for any accessibility accommodations.

Please contact the Learning Technology Center if you have any questions about the event.

Canceled – 2020 Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference

We regret to inform you that we have decided to cancel the 2020 Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference due to the many “new normals” resulting from COVID-19.

We would like to thank everyone who submitted a proposal, and we will be working with presenters on how we can capture and share the great work that everyone is doing at UW-Whitewater!

We are planning to hold this conference again in the future – so be sure to watch for news and announcements next year! Thanks for your understanding!

If you have any questions, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

Call for Proposals: Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference 2020

As a member of the UW-Whitewater community, you are invited to submit a session proposal for the campus event 2020 Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference, “2020 Vision for Student Success.”  This special forum is meant to showcase the wide variety of ways we are all transforming the lives of our students through teaching and learning.  The Conference will be held Wednesday, May 20, 2020 on the UW-Whitewater campus.  It is sponsored by the LEARN Center, the Learning Technology Center, and the Office of Academic Assessment.

Proposals are due March 2nd, 2020.

Concurrent presentation sessions will last 45 minutes.  You are welcome to structure time to fit your presentation.  Remember Q&A!  A typical session consists of approximately 35 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers. 

We encourage proposals in the following themes:

  • Student Engagement: Topics may include learner engagement strategies, discussing different ways of supporting students in courses, incorporating active learning strategies, measuring student success, or other engaging teaching activities.
  • Integrating Teaching and Technology: Topics may include lessons learned from Canvas, integrating emerging technology into teaching, using mobile devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, etc.) or apps, leveraging analytics to improve teaching or learning, ePortfolio, or preparing students for 21st century skills (e.g., evaluating information, being a digital collaborator).
  • Access and Inclusion: Topics may include accessibility (Universal Design and supporting students with disabilities), access to remote learners, closing the equity gap for underrepresented minority students, meeting the needs of Hispanic-speaking and Latinx students, and supporting non-traditional students.
  • High Impact Practices: Topics may include showcasing high impact practices, community based learning, undergraduate research, collaborative teaching practices, first year experiences, or LEAP projects.
  • Something Else: Have an idea that doesn’t fit into the themes above? That’s okay! Submit your idea using the “Something Else” theme!

Sessions that involve collaboration and creativity are encouraged!

If you have any questions about the conference, please reach out to the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

2019 Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference Recap

On May 22nd, 2019, the LEARN Center and Learning Technology Center held the 2nd Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference.  We had 107 attendees – with almost 50 presenters and 30 volunteers we really owe it to you for making this a successful event!

There were a number of great talks on a wide variety of topics, and a great keynote presentation “Even Online Students” from Dr. Evie Oregon of Western Kentucky University. If you want to see some of the handouts from the sessions,or view the recording of the keynote presentation – jump on over to the conference site: http://blogs.uww.edu/ctl/schedule

Most importantly, we heard your feedback loud and clear –and planning is underway for the 2020 Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference, which will be held on Wednesday, May 20th, 2020!  That’s a lot of 20s!  Be sure to subscribe to our blog, and keep your eye out for more information.

Don’t be a stranger in the meantime, look for a great lineup of workshops and events for the next academic year!

Conference Schedule Available – Celebrating Teaching & Learning

The conference schedule has been published and is now available at: http://go.uww.edu/ctl

Faculty and Staff: The LEARN Center and Learning Technology Center (LTC) invite you to register for the Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference on May 22nd, right here on the Whitewater campus in the University Center. 

There is still time to register!  Registration is open until May 12th!  Register at: http://blogs.uww.edu/ctl/registration

We look forward to seeing you for a great day of sessions on May 22nd!

Why should you attend?

Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference Proposals Open through March 8th

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference 2019. There is still time to submit applications! Proposals will be considered through Friday, March 8th.

This special forum hosted by the LEARN Center and the LTC showcases the wide variety of ways we are all transforming the lives of our students through teaching and learning. The Conference will be held Wednesday, May 22, 2019 on the UW-Whitewater campus. Concurrent presentation sessions will consist of 45 minute presentations with 30 minutes to discuss their topic and 15 minutes for questions and answers.

We encourage proposals in the following themes:

  • Student Engagement
  • Integrating Teaching and Technology
  • Civil Discourse and Diversity
  • High Impact Practices
  • Something Else

    To submit a presentation proposal or learn more about this year’s Celebrating Teaching and Learning conference visit: Conference Website

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference 2019

Celebrating Teaching and Learning Call for Proposals

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference 2019. This special forum hosted by the LEARN Center and the LTC showcases the wide variety of ways we are all transforming the lives of our students through teaching and learning. The Conference will be held Wednesday, May 22, 2019 on the UW-Whitewater campus. Concurrent presentation sessions will consist of 45 minute presentations with 30 minutes to discuss their topic and 15 minutes for questions and answers.

We encourage proposals in the following themes:

  • Student Engagement
  • Integrating Teaching and Technology
  • Civil Discourse and Diversity
  • High Impact Practices
  • Something Else

To submit a presentation proposal or learn more about this year’s Celebrating Teaching and Learning conference visit: Conference Website


Call for Proposals: Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference 2019

Celebrating Teaching and Learning

As a member of the UW-Whitewater community, you are invited to submit a session proposal for the campus event Celebrating Teaching and Learning Conference 2019.  This special forum hosted by the LEARN Center and the LTC showcases the wide variety of ways we are all transforming the lives of our students through teaching and learning.  The Conference will be held Wednesday, May 22, 2019 on the UW-Whitewater campus.

Proposals are due February 22, 2019.

Presentations — Concurrent Presentation Sessions will consist of 45 minute presentations with presenters having 30 minutes to discuss their topic and 15 minutes for questions and answers.

We encourage proposals in the following themes:

Student Engagement: Topics may include learner engagement strategies, discussing different ways of supporting students in courses, incorporating active learning strategies, or other engaging teaching activities.

Integrating Teaching and Technology: Topics may include lessons learned from Canvas,  integrating emerging technology into teaching, managing mobile devices or apps, ePortfolio, or preparing students for 21st century skills (e.g., evaluating information, being a digital collaborator).

Civil Discourse and Diversity: Topics may include effective discussions, cultural navigation skills advocacy, relationship building, and a campus culture of belonging.

High Impact Practices: Topics may include showcasing high impact practices, community based learning, undergraduate research, first year experiences, or LEAP projects.

Something Else: Have an idea that doesn’t fit into the themes above? That’s okay! Submit your idea using the “Something Else” theme!

To submit a presentation proposal or learn more about this years Celebrating Teaching and Learning conference visit: Conference Website