Spending time in clink for the marginalized…

April 18th, 2010



Just flew in this morning from TX.  What a world wind of a weekend (I think I spent more time in airports and train stations than out).  I did get to celebrate with family so it’s all worth it.  Anyway I read this article while on the Metra Train from Chicago and thought it might spark some lively discussion.

Actor (and social activist) Danny Glover was arrested recently for trespassing while demonstrating against the global company Sodexo due to unfair business practices.  You can watch some of the comments from the demonstrators as well as their eventual arrests in the videos above.

So I’ve got to “come clean” and say that I’ve never been arrested-does that make me a bad sociologist? I mean part of sociology is working to make the world a better place for marginalized people and groups, right? Moreover, demonstrations are definitely a method to shed light on injustice.  It was Martin Luther King who said “An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law.” So I wonder, as my train passes the nice and posh city of Barrington, IL, “Am I a bit of a hypocrite if I haven’t went to the clink for those individuals/groups who don’t have a voice (or their voice isn’t loud enough to be heard)?

Plain Jane?

April 11th, 2010

Anyone know who this is? She recently had this “plain jane” picture taken, which will be published in a entertainment magazine.  Any ideas? Click HERE to find out.

My question this week is which look do you like more? The dressed up or plain jane one? Both seem pretty nice to me.  Does our society really need all the cosmetic makeup, hair extensions, and coloring stuff? Thoughts?

One Day Without Shoes

April 4th, 2010


This week’s blog focuses on an event that the Sociology Anthropology Student Association (SASA) is sponsoring on the UWW campus.  On Thursday (4/8), we are going barefoot for One Day Without Shoes. It might be cold, it’ll probably be uncomfortable, and our feet will certainly get dirty, but by doing so, we’ll help raise awareness of the impact a simple pair of shoes can bring to a child’s life.

One Day Without Shoes is an annual event hosted by TOMS Shoes in which students, friends, parents, strangers, and co-workers host or join barefoot events. Some go barefoot for an hour, some for the whole day, but all become a part of a greater movement toward change. Your involvement will captivate and educate UWW, and impact the lives of children around the world. 

I’d love you to join me at 12:30pm on 4/8 at the UC to participate.  Hope to see you there!

Perks to working for TSA

March 28th, 2010

Who says that working airport security doesn’t have its perks, right? Read this ARTICLE and watch the video.  These new body scanners are pretty interesting aren’t they? And although this story takes place in the UK, these scanners are being used at U.S. ariports as well.  Any thoughts you’d like to share about the use of this technology should be placed here.

Next Blog Post will be March 28

March 8th, 2010

We will take a break from blogging as mid-terms are approaching.  I will make my next blog post the Sunday we return from Spring Break (March 28).


March 1st, 2010

So there were obvious problems with the poll last week (UWW Helpdesk fixed the issue on Thurs).  Sorry. 

Today I have placed a blog and poll here regarding the Olympics.  My question is “Does our society need the Olympics?” What benefit does it bring the world? I mean with all the other major problems in the world (wars, natural disasters, poverty, etc.), should we use that synergy to do something better than the Olympics (maybe pool all of the money used by governments for the Olympics to end 3rd world debt?). Don’t misunderstand I like sports as much as the other person, but wonder the utility of it-thoughts?

Tiger Woods National News?

February 22nd, 2010

So here’s a simple blog for this week: Please answer the poll to the right of this column regarding professional golfer Tiger Woods.  After that please explain why you voted they way you did.

If you have no idea what i’m referring to, click HERE (You should know that ALL national networks (CBS, NBC, ABC) as well as the other cable channels carried this video live).

Ten Ideas from TED

February 14th, 2010

Click HERE to view a video and watch the short video about the T.E.D. 2010 Conference. Essentially this conference is a venue for individuals to share their ideas on improving society. It’s pretty interesting. Here’s my question: Which of TED’s 10 top ideas (listed in the article) do you like most and least and why?

In the Midst of Footballmania…

February 8th, 2010

Since we are only hours past the mayhem of the Superbowl I thought I’d join in the discussions.  However, my contribution is not exactly what you may think.  I don’t really care who you were pulling for last night (I actually liked both teams), but am more interested in discussing an ARTICLE I read on Sunday afternoon that focuses on the utility of instant replay.

Now you may be saying “I hate football! Why do I have to read an article on the sport” Ah, good try.  I’m sure there is some sport (skating, swimming, softball, tennis, basketball, bowling) that you have an affinity for so just transfer the “meat” of the article to that sport (most of the aforementioned have instant replay)/

So what do you think? Is it a curse or blessing?

Oh yeah, Go Pokes!

All This Football Is Giving Me A Headache??

January 31st, 2010

I know, I know, somebody will say “Oh Paul, this post is such a downer! I mean, the Superbowl is next weekend!” You’re probably wondering if I even follow football, right? Well, yes I do.  I cheer and give ALL allegiance to the ONLY team-God’s Team-The Dallas Cowboys.

Now that approximately 90% of you are completely turned off by this blog, I’ll continue.  Check out this ARTICLE that focuses on concussions and football.  It’s actually very interesting (and scary if you play football or wrestle, box, MMA, etc.).  Anyway, what’s your opinion? More research, right? ALOT more needed it seems.