Women, Drugs, and Lead

May 4th, 2009

This will be the last post for the semester.  As a result, be sure to turn your blog entries into the appropriate dropbox by next Monday.

Todays’ ARTICLE invovles a British woman on trial for drug trafficking in Thailand.  This by itself isn’t necessarily that interesting; however, her possible punishement of death by a firing squad is.

Yes, you heard right.  This woman, if found guilty, could be sentenced to death by firing squad for bringing a little over 1lb of heroin into Thailand.  A couple thoughts come to mind regarding this article:

I guess Thailand’s justice system doesn’t prescribe to the idea of retribution, do they (Retribution is the idea that one’s punishment should be proportional to the crime committed)?  Now, I don’t believe bringing in an illegal drug into a foreign country is a good idea; however, is it proportional? This leads me to my second thought: what do they do with individuals who are convicted of murdering another human being (it doesn’t seem like there will be any worst punishments remaining).

What are your thoughts?