November 23rd, 2008
Many of you are aware that I teach 2 sections of social problems each semester at UWW. I have to say that I really have grown to love this class, as it alludes to the idea of working together to help those in need. Last year CNN began a contest entitled the CNN Hero of the Year. Basically they present a list of 10 individuals who are doing some extraorinary things around the globe to be voted on by the public. Check out this ARTICLE on the 2008 winner who started the St. Bernard Parish Project (click HERE to watch a YouTube video on the project).
Although I’m aware that I’m getting older and probably tend to dwell on what many students may characterize as “less important”, but I have to say I’d love to take a trip down to New Orleans this coming Spring Break to help out with this project. Much of the study of social problems tends to concentrate on the causes of problems; however, this project is centered on being part of the solution to a major problem (I think it’s just a really cool program).
Anyway, I know you’re busy this semester with exams and all, but take a little time out and check these two articles out (as well as the YouTube video) and let me know what you think. Like I stated, I’d love to get a team of students together and cruise down to the Ninth Ward to help out.
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Posted by gregoryp
November 9th, 2008
Wow, there are so many good articles out this week. It was rather difficult for me to decide which one to choose. That said i want to ask you to click on the link below and read about one of the oldest professions in our history, prostitution:
So, howe do you feel about this profession? Should it be legalized in all U.S. States to make it safer for the individuals who enter the profession or should we close the doors to all of these types of establishments? Is it “just another job” like the one woman says?
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Posted by gregoryp
November 2nd, 2008
This is the first blog since the mid-term exams. Please be sure you save youre entries in case we experience more problems with the site.
Todays topic focuses on law enforcement reductions. This is something you rarely see in U.S. society. The ARTICLE addresses the increasing trend of reductions in law enforcement agencies in response to the dismal economy. Departments threatening lay offs as well as freezing hiring positions. Personally, this is something i’ve not seen since graduating college. Could it be a larger trend or just a blip on the screen? Any thoghts?
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Posted by gregoryp