Instructor Support Survey iPad Winners

Thank you to all the instructors who participated in completing the the Learning Technology Center’s (LTC) Instructor Support Survey! We had over 100 instructors participate and will be using the results to ensure that the LTC is meeting instructors needs in regards to our services, support, and programming.

We held the iPad drawing and our lucky winners are Andy Dahl and Rachelle Yankelevitz.

Congratulations to our winners and another thank you to everyone who provided feedback!

Final Post: Grades

Hi Everyone!

The semester is coming to an end and Summer is right around the corner!

Before I leave you all I want to talk about Grades in D2L. It’s important to check your grades before the semester is over to make sure everything looks correct before professors submit your final grades. Once professors submit your grades they are final, and they cannot be adjusted.

Professors who post final grades to D2L can be found at the top of the Grades page in D2L, as shown below. CaptureNot all professors will use to D2L to post final grades. If you do not see your final grades in D2L they will be posted in WINS.

Also, be aware of a visual change in D2L. This will include icons and font. Nothing too major!

I hope you all have an easy finals week as well as an amazing Summer!

Thanks for your time!

Learning Management System Update

As some of you may have heard, the current UW System contract for Desire2Learn (D2L) will end on June 30, 2018. As a result of the D2L contract expiration, the UW System is undertaking a rigorous requirements-gathering process through Summer and Fall 2016. This process will include significant input and feedback from instructors, students and staff from all of the UW System institutions. Information gathered in this process will be used to create and issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) near the end of Fall 2016 with the objective of selecting the digital learning environment for the UW System by the conclusion of Spring 2017.

This is an excellent opportunity to truly evaluate what our instructors, students and staff need in a digital learning environment and for the UW System to select the product that best suits these needs in alignment with our strategic direction.

We will provide updates as we have more information.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact UW-W D2L Support.

D2L eGrading Process Available for Spring 2016

The D2L eGrading process is now available for the Spring 2016 semester.  This process allows instructors to transfer final grades from their Desire2Learn Gradebook directly to their WINS Grade Roster.

If you prefer step by step documentation, that can be found at: WINS eGrading Overview.

If you have any questions or concerns with the eGrading process, please contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.