Fall 2014 Semester is here…

September 3rd, 2014
pgregory70's Social chat slideshow album on Photobucket


You probably haven’t stumbled onto this blog. Chances are you being somewhat coerced to visit my humble social chat site. No matter the reason: Welcome!

Above are some pics from this past summer. Hope you enjoyed yours.

I blog once per week. Almost always on Sundays after MY TEAM whips some other lowly NFL team. Some of my posts are brief reactions to videos, while others may comments regarding a short article. Not all focus on criminology/sociology, but many do.

Please note that your first comment will be held until I approve it. After that it should automatically post to the site.

Importantly, I welcome differing points of view. However, I won’t tolerate language that disparages another person’s opinion (I will take it down). All of us need to learn how to respectfully disagree. Keeping an open mind is always nice as well (watch out, you might learn something new).

My first official post for the semester will be September 7.

John Dear…do I hate?

March 23rd, 2014

I just finished a book by John Dear entitled PEACE BEHIND BARS: A Peacemaking Priests Journey From Jail. It’s his recounting of the 9 months he spent incarcerated as a result of his (and 3 others) non-violent protests against the U.S.’s nuclear armament.

First off, great book…second: Mr. Dear, I hate you…

Actually I don’t hate you. I’ve seen you twice at the Wildgoose Festival and read two other books you’ve penned.

No, actually, I’m pretty envious of your convictions (and by that I mean your dedication to task). For I find myself failing miserably in comparison. What is my problem? I read books about topics such as non-violent peacemaking, restorative justice, etc. But that’s all I seem to do…read, read, read. I need to make the next big step and “do.”

What’s keeping you from the “doing” part, you ask? Well, if I knew that I’d probably not be posting this, right?

I’m not sure why I can’t move beyond mere observance of others as they engage in activities such as peace advocating and such. Is it just laziness? Or do I not wholly believe in their plights?


To Mirandize or Not

April 22nd, 2013

So the Boston bombers are allegedly in custody. So what’s up with this Miranda warning stuff? Shouldn’t we mirandize the remaining bomber? Some believe we don’t need to. Check out this VIDEO and give me your thoughts.

Another telling look at Inequality in America

April 14th, 2013

Don’t let others “pull the wool over your eyes” and tell you how much better things are getting for everyone here in the US. Life is getting better for some, while also deteriorating for a growing number. Check out this new VIDEO on the growing inequality within the US. It’s pretty interesting. Thoughts…

Medicine, Doctors, and Bankruptcy

April 8th, 2013

Hmm, I must admit that this ARTICLE is curious. The increase in bankruptcy’s for medical doctors here in the USA. Obviously the overall numbers are still significantly smaller when compared with other fields, but what do you think of it? Coupled together with the information regarding Doctor Salaries, I find it even more curious. Sure our changing healthcare system over the last decade can be blamed for some of the problem; however, I think something else may be at play here.

I wonder if medical doctors need to get used to simply making less money? Maybe they should sell that 3 rd house in Tuscany. Ouch.  That was pretty mean, right?


To “lean in” or “pull back”

March 11th, 2013

An interesting article and accompanying video on a subject that has to hit “close to home” for several of you out there. How to balance the need to have a successful career and be a good mom? This is definitely a subject I won’t say much about (not a mom, not married to a mom, etc.), but I would like your opinions.

Something from the past…or future?

March 3rd, 2013

This week’s ARTICLE focuses on something old (some of you may not even remember polaroid pics) being brought back to the present. I found it quite interesting since so many people take all their pictures on their phones. This company is attempting to bring back the old polaroid days claiming that only “paper is permanent”. Hmm, interesting…thoughts?

A New Kind of Presidency?

February 17th, 2013

The ARTICLE for this week focuses on the fact that the position of president of the USA has become too complex for one person. I’m not sure that there isn’t some truth to this idea. However, I’m less sure of the 3 alternate proposals for the presidency. Thoughts?

Mark Zuckerberg ALWAYS costs us money.

February 11th, 2013

So I didn’t post last night as I’ve been quite sick this weekend. I apologize for my tardiness, as I sure most of you were perched next to your laptops/iPads waiting for 10pm to arrive.

I thought about doing a post about the pope retiring/quitting, but hey, he’s the pope so he can do whatever he wants, right?

So this week I’m posting about the fact that Mark Zuckerberg costs us money constantly. We get a FB account and invariably it costs us money. We buy apps, music, ringtones, and somehow it’s probably connected to our obsession with social media (which is some way or another is connected to Zuckerberg).

Another case in point, read this ARTICLE about a dad who paid his 14-year old daughter to deactivate her FB account. Yeah, you heard me right. This dad paid his daughter $200 to get off of FB. Thoughts?

Another interesting finding was the fact that 61% of FB users have taken a break from FB for at least 2 weeks. How many of you have been able to NOT use FB at for 2 weeks (come on be honest). Just wondering.

Sex, babies, bills, and pills…

February 3rd, 2013

So this weeks ARTICLE/VIDEO is somewhat more focused toward women (sorry guys) and centers on the issue of mandating that all women have access to birth control pills (or whatever contraception method one may desire). Some religious organizations (from the Catholic Church to religious educational institutions) are crying fowl, saying not only that the government can’t mandate anything, but also is guilty of abridging religious freedoms. On the other side are the more left-leaning groups who have been accused of wanting to hand out pills, rings, and whatnot to all.

I’ve got my opinion, but would like to hear from you. Is it a good idea for women to have free access to contraceptives? Do you think such a mandate will result increased sexual activity and is that a bad thing? Moreover, is it the government’s job to force society in such a direction?
