To “lean in” or “pull back”

An interesting article and accompanying video on a subject that has to hit “close to home” for several of you out there. How to balance the need to have a successful career and be a good mom? This is definitely a subject I won’t say much about (not a mom, not married to a mom, etc.), but I would like your opinions.

8 responses to “To “lean in” or “pull back””

  1. Ariana Hansen says:

    I think that having a balance between being a mother and being a hard worker is important. Although the role of motherhood should be top priority, one also has to provide for their family; especially single mothers. I think that employers who have women that are mothers, should offer flextime policies. Mothers can also use the FMLA, Family Medical Leave Act, which offers 12 weeks of absence for mothers who have just given birth. Each mother should find a balance in their life.

  2. Jessica Ortiz says:

    I totally agree with Ariana a woman should have a great balance between being a mother and being a successful working woman. it can be hard at times but a mothers top priority is being able to be the best mom and providing for her child. mothers should find balance in their lives.

  3. Joey Pierron says:

    Like Dr. Gregory, I am also not a woman, so I don’t exactly have much credibility on this topic. Although, I do think that it is important that women have a balance between their careers and their families. My mom was a teacher, but then became a stay at home mom when I was born. She raised my sister and I, and started working part-time as we got older. Long story short she is currently pursuing her doctorate in administration, and is very successful in her career. I feel this is important because it shows women can make small sacrifices but also have success in their careers. I think its interesting that Sandberg argues that women stop reaching for opportunities, even without realizing it. When it comes down to it, if the decision needs to be made by women between family and work, it seems that family will win out almost every time. Although society is changing and women are climbing closer and closer to the glass ceiling, I still think that family will always come first. Therefore, the “glass ceiling” effect that occurs in our society for women may never leave, simply because women may choose family over work.

  4. Jenna Otterholt says:

    Even though it would be aweome to have a balance between paid work, unpaid work, and leiure, the fact is that rarely anyone achieve this. I think this applies even more to people with children. Trying to be a responsible and caring parent while still trying to live up to the ideal worker norm is nearly impossible. I think stating that mothers should have a balanced life is easier said that done. The problem worsens when there is no father around and/or the workplace the mother is in is unsupportive and hard to negotiate with as far as flextime and things of that nature go.

  5. Mariah Galarza says:

    I believe women deserve more credit for the hard work they put in at home and working regardless of the career that the mother is in. Any job just adds to the heavy load that a women/ mother already carries on a day to day basis. It is priority for a women to naturally take care of home first which include both children and husband and then worry about self last. Society should just be more appreciative of the hard work women put in to keep a balance between the two. I understand the myth and where one could say that women can’t obtain or uphold both positions because of the hard work it requires but women are strong willed and dedicated to anything that their apart of. Yes the job of being a mother and the breadwinned becomes more stressful when their is no help from either the father or other guardian. But the job gets done. My mother is a prime example of a single parent with a great job. I turned out pretty well.

  6. Laura Schwartz says:

    I agree that it is important for there to be balance in a working mother’s life. Children need to have their mothers around for basically every aspect of their lives. Being always at work will not be helpful for the child/children, it may help the mother accomplish career goals but being around her children is crucial. It is a natural instinct for a mother to want to take care of her kids so if she believes that a promotion will disrupt her ability to do that, then I don’t think that she should be looked at as holding herself back. I agree that men have more leadership jobs but I think this is mostly because society still somewhat lives thinking that men should be the main breadwinners of the household. People have the option to choose what responsibilities they have in their lives and if a woman is choosing not to climb the career ladder then it’s her choice.

  7. Amber Nichols says:

    I agree that I think it is important for women to be able to balance work and family, however achieving this balance can be more difficult than some realize, including Sheryl Sandberg. Not everyone is able to have a multi-million dollar company and able to hire people like nannies and tutors for their children so they can advance their career. Sometimes career’s do have to take the back burner to families and I think job’s should come second to families, not first. I do believe, however, that it is possible to find the balance between having a successful career and successful family life with the right support system and circumstances.

  8. Kate Hazelbauer says:

    I don’t think that women should have to give up their jobs just because they have children but I do believe that there should be a great balance between the job and family. Some companies offer daycare services while the mothers/parents are working–which I think is an amazing idea. That gives the women the freedom to work but to still know that their child is in the same building as them and they would be making fewer work-related sacrifices.

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