Who do you run for?

Who do you run for?

Do you ever think while running outside, on a treadmill, riding a bike, rollerblading, etc., about how lucky you are that you have the ability to perform that activity? Sometimes we even say “go do that for me” because we are too lazy to perform 

So You Want to Run a 5K?

So You Want to Run a 5K?

Maybe you’ve run multiple 5k’s and want to improve your time. Maybe you ran your first 5k and now you are addicted. Maybe you’ve never run a day in your life and want to try your first 5k. No matter what your story is, training 



By: Mary Marren “People who think that an IRONMAN is unattainable – I tell them that it is possible. I can take anyone – a person that does not have an athletic bone in their body and make them into a triathlete if they’re willing 

Learning to love that A.M. workout

Learning to love that A.M. workout

By: Kenzi Weidman I am not a morning person, nor have I ever been one. I cherish every second of sleep I can get, so I could never imagine waking up early to go work my butt off when I could be sleeping! All summer