Take Back the Wheel with Drive

Hey Guys,

With finals coming up and projects looming ahead I’ll bet many of you are suddenly having some frustration with your flash drives.  Not enough space, not enough convenience, not enough reliability; not even worth it.

A resource that students have that they usually don’t realize, is your google account. I’m not talking about your personal gmail, but one provided to you by the school.

google sign inTo get to it, you simply login to google with just your school email and click sign in. After you do this, it will take you to a separate login page through the school, where you type in your UW-W login information.

Once you have done that it will take you to your school controlled google home page. It looks eerily similar to the normal google homepage, but it has your school email in the top right corner.

updtdClick on the tiny collection of squares that’s next to your email. It will give you a couple of different options that you can use. Google Search, Drive, Sites, and Groups.

updated warhawkWe are going to focus on Drive right now, so click on the green, yellow and blue triangle.

This will take you to your drive homepage. Here people can share documents with you, and you can store some of your own.

drive homepageYou have over 30 GB of storage available to you on here, so you can forget that annoying old external hard drive or your weathered and worn flash drive. Move to digital storage through the safety of the school and Google Drive.

That’s all I have for today!

Thanks for your time,


Introducing The Lovely Lynda.com

Hey guys!

Welcome back from break! Most of you must be feeling the same sense of all consuming dread that the end of the semester is just 5 short weeks away? No? Just me then.

Well as a treat to help you guys hop back into the semester (and ever closer towards the oncoming storm of finals…), today we are going to talk about Lynda.com and your shiny new access to it!

lyndaMany of you have probably at least heard about Lynda.com, if you are not already a frequenter of the site. It is a place to help you with many of your digital needs. It has helpful teaching videos that will guide you step by step through a program.  Its knowledgebase includes, but is not limited to tutorials in 3D; Audio; Business; CAD or Computer-Aided Design; Design; Developer; Photography; Video; and Web.

I realize this is not necessarily useful for every major on a daily basis; but would it not be amazing to tell your future employer that you have experience with creative editing software? The answer is yes, it would. Plus you can learn how to operate different parts of the creative suite and immortalize all of those Spring Break pictures and memories!

Here’s how to begin! Just visit: http://go.uww.edu/lynda

There you will be directed to the University login page, where let’s be honest, you already know what to do.

Once you have entered in the proper information, you will have free range of all that Lynda has to offer! So relax! Stay awhile! Enjoy all that that charming gal Lynda has to offer!

That’s all I have for you today!

Thanks for your time and attention,


Snackable Series: Challenge Based Learning

Snackable Bag Fall 2013Challenge-Based Learning, April 16 – 17, 2014

The innovative use of technology in higher education continues to provide new possibilities for enhancing teaching and learning.  Feel free to bring a lunch and join us!

Challenge-based learning is a model for achieving learning outcomes, similar to project- or problem-based learning.  The students work together to solve “challenges,” while the instructor serves as a guide and mentor through the process.  Normally leveraged through digital whiteboards, asynchronous discussions, and presentations, challenge-based learning is collaborative, “hands on,” and oftentimes multidisciplinary.  Examples of challenge based learning and approaches for adding these elements to your course will be examined.

Challenge-Based Learning Sessions:
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 from Noon to 1 p.m

Thursday, April 17, 2014 from 11 a.m. to Noon
Location: iCIT Training Center, McGraw 112

To register this session, please sign up at: http://signup.uww.edu  Seating is limited.

If you have any questions regarding the Snackable Series and its sessions, please contact the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

2014 Summer Institute for Online/Blended Teaching Registration Open

The Learning Technology Center is pleased to announce the 6th annual faculty development workshop on online/blended course design and best practices.

If you need to design a new (or refresh an older) online or blended course, please consider participating in this unique opportunity to collaborate with other UW-Whitewater instructors and explore proven course design strategies and best practices.  This highly interactive summer workshop demonstrates teaching best practices using a variety of teaching methods and technology tools.  The structure of this course not only allows you to explore new teaching and course design methods, but it also enables you to participate in activities that provide you with experience in being an online “student.”

The session will consist of online components, face-to-face meetings on the Whitewater campus, and web conferencing sessions.  A one-half day orientation session will be held on April 25, and the institute will run through July 31, 2014.

All faculty and academic staff who will be teaching at UW-Whitewater during the 2014-2015 academic year are eligible to apply to attend. However, the workshop will be limited to 25 participants. Applications are due Monday, April 14, 2014.

For more details and registration, please visit the Online/Blended workshop blog at: http://blogs.uww.edu/workshops/ 

Desire2Learn Service Update (3/27)

On Thursday, March 27th, Desire2Learn Inc. deployed Service Pack 15 to our D2L learning environment. The following fixes were included in the service pack:

Dropbox: If a Dropbox folder is linked to Content, users can no longer submit a file to the Dropbox folder by remaining on the Content topic past the Dropbox folder end date when submissions are no longer allowed.

Import/Copy Course Components: Content in an HTML Content topic is no longer lost during import when the file contains embedded Quicklinks.

User Progress: Performance was improved for viewing the Dropbox tab for a user in User Progress.

If you have any questions or concerns about the service pack updates, please contact UW-W D2L Support.

Register Today! LTDC Virtual Showcase

LTDC LogoThe UW System Learning Technology Development Council (UWS LTDC) is pleased to announce our virtual showcase to be held on April 10-11, 2014 from 8:45 am – 3:45 pm.

Visit the session schedule and register today!

Inspiring keynote presentations by Dr. Alec Couros, University of Regina, and Dr. Gardner Campbell, Virginia Commonwealth University, will kick off each day of the showcase. Faculty and staff from UW System campuses will share their innovative uses, best practices, how-to’s and much more on a variety of learning technologies that span classroom, blended and online topics.

For more information, visit the conference website at: http://uwsltdcshowcase.wordpress.com

Quest to Suggest and Suggest to Quest

Hey guys!

As a blog for student tips and tricks, you should know that we highly value student feedback! That is why this week we thought that we would try something different and ask about what you would like to see!

Is there something that you haven’t seen yet, but would like to?  Something you do not quite understand?  Something you want to know more about? We want all of your questions and suggestions! (See what I did there?)

suggestion box

Write a comment with your questions and ideas and we will do our best to respond! You may even get a whole post written on it!  We want to make this blog all that you, the students want it to be!

Thanks for your time and attention,


Calender: The Other Most Important Tool

Hey guys!

Today I want to talk to you about the D2L calendar tool. First, to access your calendar, go to the D2L homepage.

There is a ‘Tools’ button on the course navigation bar on the far right side underneath your name.


If you click on it a drop down menu will appear, click on the ‘Calender’ link.

This will take you to the calendar homepage.  Here you can see what you have due in each of your classes within the month.


Anything that your professor has chosen to give an opening or closing date to will appear on the calendar and any changes that he or she makes will be automatically updated on your own calendar. This is convenient because you don’t have to worry or waste time going in and making manual changes when your instructor messes with the syllabus.

You can switch to different views of your upcoming events by clicking on the different options at the top; Agenda, Day, Week, Month, and List.

calender view

My personal favorite view is the Month view because I can see what weeks will be busier than others and plan my course of action ahead of time.

Your calendar could potentially contain content from every class that you are currently enrolled in as well as other things like ongoing jobs and general Whitewater content.

class list

You could manage what you see on the calendar by going to ‘All Calendars’. There it shows all the calendars that you are subscribed to. You can add and remove any calendar that you want. This means you can add on your work times or club activities if you wanted.  The display colors are also fully customizable if such things matter to you like they do to me.

task bar

The last and maybe most important aspect of the calender, is the fact that you can add your own tasks and reminders to it. You can do that by typing them in the bar on the right hand side of the page.

That’s all I have for now! That was the calender tool and if you have any more questions or concerns feel free to contact UW-W Desire2Learn Support.

Thanks for your time,


Annual D2L Course Cleanup Process

D2L-ZipIn order to maintain optimal storage capacity and ensure the ongoing smooth operation of D2L, a purge of older courses from the system is conducted annually by the UW System Utility.

We’ve begun to prepare for this year’s D2L Course Cleanup process that will take place on Friday, May 2nd, 2014. On May 2nd, 2014, courses from Fall 2010 through Summer 2011 will be purged from the D2L system. Instructors with one or more D2L courses slated to be purged were contacted via email on Monday, March 3rd.

The D2L Course Cleanup resources site is available with more information on the Cleanup process and instructions on how to export course materials and student data.

If you have any questions or concerns about the D2L Course Cleanup process or need assistance, please contact UW-W D2L Support.