Distance Teaching and Learning Conference

MononaTerraceCloseThe University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Division of Continuing Studies is pleased to announce the 30th annual conference on distance teaching and learning.  It will be held August 12-14 at the Monona Terrace of Madison, Wisconsin.

Explore the conference program and register today!

The conference will include 56 information sessions, 16 workshops, discussions, ePosters, and showcases.  Topics such as MOOCs, mobile learning, gamification, learning analytics, competency-based learning, and generational learning styles will be addressed.

Keynote speakers include:

  • Michael Quinn Patton, Founder and Director of Utilization-Focused Evaluation
  • Ray Schroeder, Associate Vice Chancellor of Online Learning, University of Illinois Springfield and Director, UPCEA Center for Online Leadership and Strategy
  • Jane Bozarth, ELearning Coordinator, North Carolina Office of State Personnel

For more information, visit the conference website: http://www.uwex.edu/disted/conference/

Register Today! LTDC Virtual Showcase

LTDC LogoThe UW System Learning Technology Development Council (UWS LTDC) is pleased to announce our virtual showcase to be held on April 10-11, 2014 from 8:45 am – 3:45 pm.

Visit the session schedule and register today!

Inspiring keynote presentations by Dr. Alec Couros, University of Regina, and Dr. Gardner Campbell, Virginia Commonwealth University, will kick off each day of the showcase. Faculty and staff from UW System campuses will share their innovative uses, best practices, how-to’s and much more on a variety of learning technologies that span classroom, blended and online topics.

For more information, visit the conference website at: http://uwsltdcshowcase.wordpress.com

Save the Date: Flipped Classrooms

ClassroomJoin your colleagues Chris Henige, Beth King, and Katrina Liu as they share their experiences with flipped classes.  This session is scheduled for February 11, 2014, from 1:00 – 2:00 pm, in the University Center, room 259.

Typically, “flipping” is considered to be the practice of using video segments to disseminate content-rich lessons outside of the classroom, thereby allowing classroom time to be used for interaction and hands-on activities.  However, the flipped classroom model can take many forms and may also involve a wide variety of technologies and methodologies.  Join your UW-Whitewater colleagues as we consider what it means (and does not mean) to “flip” a classroom and discuss the potential benefits and pitfalls of this practice.

Reserve your seat today at https://my.uww.edu/signup/ under LEARN Center.

This event is sponsored by the Learning Technology Center (LTC) and the LEARN Center.

Last Call for LTDC Virtual Conference Proposals


Last Call for Proposals!

Date: April 10-11, 2014
Location: Virtual Conference, no travel required

The UW System Learning Technology Development Council (LTDC) Showcase 2014 will be held virtually April 10-11, 2014. Faculty, teaching staff and learning technology support staff – please join us and submit a proposal to present or facilitate by January 24, 2014!  Proposals may be submitted at the following website: http://goo.gl/NaWyWY

This virtual conference offers an opportunity for sharing your successes and challenges in teaching with technology – in your face-to-face, online, blended/hybrid, flex, flipped or MOOC. This conference will provide you with the opportunity to virtually connect with other practitioners and requires neither travel expense nor a significant time commitment.

All presentations will be conducted virtually with technology training and orientation available prior to the conference. The presentations will be approximately 30 minutes in length with 15 min Q&A following. Proposals are sought in the following six general categories:

  • Innovative Approaches (Hot Topics) – Tell us about how you’re working and teaching. Are mobile applications a part of your learning and knowledge portfolio? How have you taken traditional teaching and enhanced it through an innovative approach? Can you share a successful case study?
  • Engagement of Students – How are your students connecting with each other and you? What works now or what do you expect might be a future method of engaging students? Can you share a successful case study?
  • Faculty Development – How are you supporting your faculty? Are you facilitating learning communities? How are you engaging faculty to try new approaches to teaching and learning? Do you have a successful case study to share?
  • “How To” and Resources – Do you have a skill to share? Have you created a wonderful set of resources for faculty and students? We’re interested in successful case studies; what can you share?
  • Best Practices – Are you using a particular learning technology (or set of technologies) and know through evaluation that it definitively engages students and promotes learning?
  • Emerging Topics – Do you have a proposal that doesn’t quite fit into the other topics?

We look forward to learning more about your teaching and learning experiences!

D2L Training Scheduled for January 17

The Learning Technology Center is pleased to IMAG0364invite faculty and instructional staff to “D2L Day,” a series of hands-on sessions held on Friday, January 17, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 4:45 PM in Hyland 3101.

This D2L Winterim Workshop includes breakout sessions featuring a special session on the latest D2L upgrade to version 10.1 (the upgrade is to take place on January 8 – 9, 2014) and focuses on specific D2L tools such as quizzes and discussions.  Sessions will include a variety of hands-on “How To” activities, tips, best practices, and new strategies to effectively use D2L in your classroom.

Participants may now register for the all-day workshop or for individual sessions using the signup tool. The workshops are listed under “iCIT-LTC Training”. If you have any questions about this workshop, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

UW System Learning Technology Development Council Showcase 2014

Call for Proposals Now Open! 


Date: April 10-11, 2014
Location: Virtual Conference, no travel required

The UW System Learning Technology Development Council (LTDC) Showcase 2014 will be held virtually April 10-11, 2014. Faculty, teaching staff and learning technology support staff – please share your innovations!

This virtual conference offers an opportunity for sharing your successes and challenges in teaching with technology – in your face-to-face, online, blended/hybrid, flex, flipped or MOOC. This conference will provide you with the opportunity to virtually connect with other practitioners and requires neither travel expense nor a significant time commitment. Please join us and submit a proposal to present or facilitate!

All presentations will be conducted virtually with technology training and orientation available prior to the conference. The presentations will be approximately 30 minutes in length with 15 min Q&A following. Proposals are sought in the following six general categories:

  • Innovative Approaches (Hot Topics) – Tell us about how you’re working and teaching. Are mobile applications a part of your learning and knowledge portfolio? How have you taken traditional teaching and enhanced it through an innovative approach? Can you share a successful case study?
  • Engagement of Students – How are your students connecting with each other and you? What works now or what do you expect might be a future method of engaging students? Can you share a successful case study?
  • Faculty Development – How are you supporting your faculty? Are you facilitating learning communities? How are you engaging faculty to try new approaches to teaching and learning? Do you have a successful case study to share?
  • “How To” and Resources – Do you have a skill to share? Have you created a wonderful set of resources for faculty and students? We’re interested in successful case studies; what can you share?
  • Best Practices – Are you using a particular learning technology (or set of technologies) and know through evaluation that it definitively engages students and promotes learning?
  • Emerging Topics – Do you have a proposal that doesn’t quite fit into the other topics?

Proposals are due December 31, 2013. Successful proposals will be notified by February 10, 2014. Please visit the following website to submit proposals: http://goo.gl/NaWyWY

D2L Ignite Regional User Forum – November 8


On Friday, November 8, 2013, the first regional conference in Wisconsin to be hosted by Desire2Learn will take place at the Sheraton Madison Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin.

Similar to the annual D2L Fusion User Conference, this regional event provides an opportunity for teaching faculty, staff, and those interested in exploring technology in teaching and learning to attend “locally” without incurring a lot of travel expenses and time commitment.  It will be a great venue for sharing, networking, and exchanging ideas with your colleagues from other regional campuses. Topics will focus on a variety of aspects of pedagogy and teaching with technology both directly and indirectly related to D2L.  The UW System is co-sponsoring this event and assisting in planning the program.

Registration and session details can be found at:
WI D2L Ignite User Forum – registration deadline is Nov 1.

Snackable Series: E-Service Learning

snackable-logo-fall2013The Learning Technology Center (LTC) is pleased to invite faculty and instructional staff to attend the next free session in the Snackable Series “Solving Teaching Challenges One Byte at a Time.” In the “Snackable Series” sessions, a specific learning technology is spotlighted. The next session will be held October 16th and 17th and focuses on E-service learning.

Service learning is a powerful tool to foster critical thinking, engage your students, and promote civic engagement. E-service learning is a service learning program or project conducted online. This format allows students limited by work obligations and geography to participate. This session will introduce some formats for online service learning, some common partnerships, and the practices of other faculty.

The dates, times, and location for this snackable are as follows:

Wednesday, October 16, 2013: Noon to 1 p.m.
Thursday, October 17, 2013: 11 a.m. to Noon
Location: iCIT Training Center, McGraw 112

Register online today for this “Snackable Series” session, seating is limited: http://signup.uww.edu

If you have any questions regarding the Snackable Series and its sessions, please contact the UW-W Learning Technology Center.

College Readiness: University of Wisconsin System’s Math MOOC

Please join us October 10th to welcome Dr. Robert Hoar and Dr. Jennifer Kosiak.

MOOCs, Massive Open Online Courses, are technological innovations that create new ways for people to learn. The typical MOOC is a fully online course in which students have zero-cost access to the course and all of its instructional materials.

With funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a team at UW-La Crosse designed a Math MOOC to align with the on-campus remedial math course MTH 051: Intermediate Algebra. The team’s goal was that successful completion of the MOOC would prepare students for placement beyond MTH 051 in the curriculum, allowing them to enter college-level math and science courses. After a successful pilot in the summer of 2012, the MOOC was opened to interested students from around the world. This was the first MOOC developed in the UW System.

On October 10th, two of the faculty involved in this project will visit UW-Whitewater to share their experiences in building the College Readiness Math MOOC and their hopes for the future.  Robert is a Professor of Mathematics and the Director of the UW System Institute for Innovation in Undergraduate Research and Learning, and Jennifer Kosiak is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at UW-La Crosse.

October 10, 2013, 11:00-12:00 CST
HH4303, Dean’s Executive Conference Room. 4th Floor of Hyland Hall

Space is limited to 40 individuals. Be sure to register at: https://my.uww.edu/signup/register.aspx?EID=13333  If you have any questions, please contact the Learning Technology Center.

“Save the Date” and Call for Proposals!

Please save the date for the first ever Desire2Learn Wisconsin Regional User Forum to be held Friday, November 8, 2013, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm at the Sheraton in Madison, WI.

Join with other D2L users from across the state for a day of collaboration and discussion on how eLearning is being used in Wisconsin to enhance teaching and learning.  The day will include D2L led training sessions and discussions, as well as presentations by instructors on their tips, tricks, strategies. and best practices.

Visit the Desire2Learn Ignite website to “Save the Date” and to submit your proposal to present at the conference.  Presentation proposals are due Friday, September 6, 2013 http://geturl.uww.edu/1ma