Lefty vs. Mitt vs. “the rest of us”

January 27th, 2013

Ok, so I’m not an accountant – let’s get that straight. But I found this ARTICLE interesting on “who” and “what” the US Government currently targets for taxes. In the final analysis, it’s not too surprising to see that wealth is taxed at a much lower rate than work, but it does make for a very interesting look at stratification. Thoughts?

Welcome Back!

January 16th, 2013

Yeah, it’s so nice to be back in WI. I spent 3.5 weeks in southeast Texas over the break. Did I mention that I wore long pants only once? And then I returned to ice and 17 degrees…nice. Don’t misunderstand I like snow and cold weather over the reverse. But ice and 17 degrees? That’s a little harsh.

Anyway, I created this blog back in 2008 and it was fairly busy for about 3 years. In the recent past, I’ve been a bit busier with other stuff (O like boring stuff like trying to get tenure so I can continue working at UWW). So this year I decided to revisit the blogosphere much due to my reading of several other blogs.

I like to upload or link articles I find both interesting and/or sociological. I will be blogging about an article each week (I may also post smaller blogs as well). I will upload my main post at 10pm each Sunday evening beginning on January 27. Hope you’ll visit and comment!

Please note that your first comment will be held for moderation. After I approve you once, all your other comments should automatically post.




March 5th, 2012

This week’s ARTICLE focuses on the question of the future utility of books (not Kindle or Nook books). Check out the article. Do you still read books outside class? Do you still see a benefit in reading books? Thoughts?

Coming to a house near you…

February 20th, 2012

The following VIDEO documents the search of some 100,000 registered sex offenders who change addresses without reporting their new one. The failure to report one’s new address is a serious misdemeanor (sometimes felony) in most states. The interview with the apprehended sex offender is interesting, however. Has our society placed too many rules on individuals with sex offenses? What should we do with these individuals? Maybe just lock them all up? Losen regulations? Thoughts?

Best/worst Jobs

February 5th, 2012

So for all you seniors who will be looking for work this next semester, check out this ARTICLE that lists the 10 best and worst states for jobseekers in the USA. Hmm, never been to North Dakota…bet it’s cold. Nebraska is actaully a pretty nice state. Interetingly, all the states I tend to like are somewhere in the middle. Thoughts?



Pardon me, sir

January 23rd, 2012

As one of their last acts in office, Governors have often pardon prisoners whom they feel have “served their time.” Check out this ARTICLE on Mississippi’s former Governor Haley Barber recently pardoned a slew (that’s a southern term) of prisoners, including 14 who were sentenced for murder. The State of Mississippi has filed for and rec’d an injunction on 4 of these pardons. For his part, former Governor Barber claims that the Mississippi Parole Board agreed with 90% of his pardons. The new governor does not (to say the least) agree with Barber’s decision.



January 17th, 2012

My first blog will appear this Sunday, January 23rd.

*Last Post for the Semester*

May 1st, 2011

So this will be my last post for the semester.  Hope you’ve enjoyed at least a couple of the articles/videos.  For the last post, I’d like you to answer the following questions:

  1. Name the top 10 most often played songs on your mp3 player
  2. Name 2 good movies you’ve seen this year

Below are my answers:

Flame Shark – Season of the Swine, Keep on Looking out for You, Hold out, Captain
Anything by David Gray
Amything by Ray LaMontagne

The King’s Speech, Animal Kingdom, A Prophet 

Have a great summer break!


April 17th, 2011

Today’s post is about work. Read this article, You may be surprised at what you find regarding the US and other country’s work ethics.


Still Talking about Sheen??

April 10th, 2011

I’d like to chat some more about our need to delve into the lives of others. Last week we chatted about Charlie Sheen’s seemingly weird increased popularity.  I wonder: Why is the public so interested in following celebritys’ problem-filled lives.  Are we just that bored? Are we simply reacting to what is played in front of us? Or does Dr. Drew give some good insight into why we