Edible Starburst Slime

The first time that I had saw Starburst Slime was on Snapchat. This was at the beginning of the slime fad. I had thought that it looked kind of complicated and time consuming. I have never been one to want to waste Starburst. I took one for the team and decided to go for it. […]
Butter Slime

Butter Slime is one of the more appealing slimes out there. There is something about how spreadable it is that attracts people. This slime took me awhile to make because I had to order the ingredients from Amazon and from a foreign country. The clay that is used took over a month to get here. […]

Floam was one of my favorite things as a kid. I remember that Nickelodeon had always advertised it. I had always wanted to make it but never knew how until slime became popular. It was great that floam was becoming popular. It is probably one of the easiest slimes to make. You can use either […]
Icee Slime

This is one of my favorite slimes. This one you can either use a clear base or white glue base. I prefer a clear slime base because of the look that it has. This is one of the trickier slimes that I will be posting about. This slime is a lot of fun to look […]
Slime Containers

Slime needs to be kept in a closed place. I always compare this to Elementary school when my friends and I would all put glue on our hands and wait for it to dry. We would then peel if off for fun. The simple things. Glue does dry out and it dries out fairly quickly. […]
Clear Slime Base

Clear base slime is for slimes that you would want to be clear. A lot of people enjoy clear based slimes because they are pretty especially if you add colors to it. There are some slimes that require a clear base because it tends to be stickier. Clear slime is a little bit harder to […]