Just Craftin' Around

Icee Slime

This is one of my favorite slimes. This one you can either use a clear base or white glue base. I prefer a clear slime base because of the look that it has. This is one of the trickier slimes that I will be posting about. This slime is a lot of fun to look at but it can get very sticky if you do not let it rest. They call this icee slime because the texture is similar looking to the Icee treats.

iceeI got this photo off of SamClubs website.

Items Needed: Base Slime and Instant Snow

Step 1: Take the Instant snow and make enough to fill the bottom of a normal sized bowl.

Step 2: Take the base slime and add some color to if you would like.

Step 3: Take the slime and start kneading the instant snow into it. Keep adding until you get a desired texture.

Step 4: let the slime sit for a few days in a sealed container. This will help to set the snow and make the slime not as wet and sticky.

Final Result:

icee slime


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