Slime Containers
Slime needs to be kept in a closed place. I always compare this to Elementary school when my friends and I would all put glue on our hands and wait for it to dry. We would then peel if off for fun. The simple things. Glue does dry out and it dries out fairly quickly. It is important if you want to preserve the slime that you make to keep it in a container of some sort. I usually keep mine in Tupperware type containers. I know that they are air tight and tend to keep the air out. The slime stays fresh because of the moisture of the slime. It keeps all the moisture in. There has been times where I forgot to put my slime in a container and it ruins the slime completely. Once it is dry, it is hard to get off of where it dried. There was one time when I left my slime on the table and it slowly dribbled onto the carpet. It then dried up and was a big pain to get out of the carpet. I am pretty positive there is still a stain where I left it.
Some people do sell their slimes and send them through the mail. These containers tend to be nicer since it is a business transaction. These containers tend to have twist top and won’t break open if you were to drop it. They also usually do not leak. This tends to be a big problem when storing slime. Many times, I see reviews on peoples slime and people often complain that the slime had leaked all over the package. Here is an example of one of the nicer slime containers that I have used.