Foreign Policy Responses…

March 8th, 2009

Recently, I sent my U.S. Senator and House Reps a couple of questions about our governments recent direction change regarding troop surges and withdrawls.  Hopefully you’re aware that we’re scaling down our presence in Iraq, but increasing our presence in Afghanistan.  Here were my questions:

1) What is your opinion of the recent plans to increase our troop presence in Afghanistan? Are we still searching for Osama Bin Laden after eight years of looking? Also what is your opinion of our need to disperse these troops in light of our recession here at home?

2) What, if anything, do you know about the timeline for our time in Afghanistan?

Below is the email I rec’d from US Representative Paul Ryan a couple of days ago.  what do you think of his response?


Dear Paul:


Thank you for contacting me regarding your continued concerns with our efforts to combat terrorism.  I appreciate your taking the time to share your views on this important issue.


Although we have been successful in warding off another terrorist attack since September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda and its allies remain intent on killing innocent people and spreading an ideology of violence and hatred around the world. We must never lose sight of this grave threat to our American ideals, and we must remain vigilant in our defense of freedom and democracy.  On September 10, 2007, I attended the joint House Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committee hearing where General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker delivered their assessment of the situation in Iraq.  Since the full implementation of the troop surge, Violence in Iraq has fallen to its lowest level since 2003. In addition, civilian deaths are down 75% since their peak last year, and insurgent attacks are down 60% from their peak in June of 2007.  As a result, one Army Combat Brigade Team and one Marine Expeditionary Unit were rotated out of Iraq in December, and will not be replaced.  If we are able to maintain the security gains of the troop surge, approximately 3,500 troops are set to leave Iraq every 45 days without replacement.


While I understand the concerns of many about the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, the troop surge seems to have provided significant security gains.  Pulling out now would provide terrorists with a safe haven in Iraq and access to oil money, remove current restraints on sectarian violence, and create a situation for Iran to manipulate the development of the newly formed Iraqi government.


I am personally grateful to our soldiers for their service in Operation Iraqi Freedom, but I also understand the concerns of many about the situation in the Middle East.  In the meantime, I will continue to vote to provide our soldiers with the best possible equipment so they are able to complete their mission safely, effectively, and quickly, and return to their families as soon as possible.  I believe we have a duty to these individuals, their families, and those who have already lost their lives in this struggle to provide the Iraqi government this chance to take control of their country and avoid the consequences of failure in Iraq.


Should you wish to share additional information with me concerning this issue, please feel free to contact me by calling, emailing, writing, or faxing me.  Please be advised that mail sent to my Washington office is subject to an additional two-week delay due to increased mail security.  You can also receive regular updates on what is happening in Congress and the 1st District delivered directly to your e-mail inbox by signing up for my Instant News Updates.  To receive the updates, visit my website at and click on the Instant News Updates graphic on the right side of the screen for this free service. 


Thank you again for contacting me on this issue.  If I can be of further assistance to you regarding this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I am always happy to respond and be of service to you.

Sincerely,Paul Ryan
Serving Wisconsin’s 1st District


Hollywood & Politics: A Good Match?

March 2nd, 2009

This week’s topic focuses on hollywood celebrities, their political clout, and its usefulness.  Recently Actor Sean Penn won the Best Actor Oscar for his role as Harvey Milk in the Movie Milk.  First off, I have seen the movie Milk and think Penn did an Oscar-worthy job (although I was pulling for Mickey Rourke for his role in The Wrestler).  His ACCEPTANCE SPEECH was filled with his political views as not only an individual but the icon that he is.  Another Celebrity Star, Kanye West, used his celebrity status on an NBC Fundraiser for Katrina Victims (watch this VIDEO) to highlight the atrocities occurring in on the Gulf Coast after the levees failed to hold in New Orleans, LA.

Don’t misunderstand I believe the message contained in the movie Milk and Kanye West’s words  highlight serious the problems occurring in our nation.  At the same time, I sometimes wonder how serious Hollywood is about all our social problems in the world? After all, some of the same celebrities continue to accept acting salaries of $20 million per movie, which makes me question the seriousness of their cause.  Sure Penn and West should be awarded for their talents!  Sure they have freedom of speech to say what they want in America!  But are the Oscar Awards and Katrina Relief Fundraising Shows the venues for political speak or merely a time to give out movie awards and raise money for flood victims? What do you think?

Newspapers or Virtual News…

February 22nd, 2009

I listened to an interesting PODCAST a couple of weeks ago on my way home from campus.  It was an interview with the new president of the Christian Science Monitor, which is a newspaper with daily circulation.  One interesting thing about CSM is that it is changing its paper’s distribution due to declining subscriptions (due to the Internet).  This trend is surfacing all over the U.S. and threatens to end the existence of print media.  Do you think we’ve seen the end of daily newspapers?

This also brings up another interesting question regarding whether or not individuals who read Internet news should be able to view this stuff for free or should have to pay? What do you think of these changes?

The Sununu Shoot Out

February 15th, 2009

I’m assuming that most of the people posting to this blog are fairly congnizant of the latest “goings-on” in our government and economy.  President Obama is expected to sign an estimated 780 billion dollar stimulus plan this coming Tuesday (Feb 17, 2009).  The bill did pass the house and senate; however, it was anything but bi-partisan.  Republicans have been blasting the plan as including much too much “pork” and not much real stimulus, whereas Democrats have admitted that the bill isn’t perfect but includes much needed aide to the economy. 

Recently, Former U.S. SenatorJohn Sununu appeared on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart to chat about the Stimulus Plan.  I found this INTERVIEW to be quite heated and interesting.  I’m not really interested in hearing who you thought won the discussion (I had it with everyone trying be right instead of fixing the problems); rather I’m interested on what you thought of the topics brought up in the interview (there were several great points made by both individuals).  Let me know you’re thoughts…


February 10th, 2009

Many of us here in the U.S. myay be starting to purchase beans to eat at the store in response to our economic woes that seem to be getting worse.  I like some beans and, hey, they’re cheap.  The “gummit” as Molly Ivens always referred to it, is voting on an 800 Billion dollar stimulus package this morning that is supposed to begin some much-needed healing process to our economy.  A recent ARTICLE posted by CNN addresses some of the “pork”, which means unnecessary spending that is included in this bill.  Take a look at the article and let me know what you think.  Remember, however, some of these supposed pork pieces may actually be connected to stimulus so think long and hard about how they might be used.

Cloning Fido

February 1st, 2009

Good afternoon!  I’m sure many of you are at Superbowl parties right now.  May the best team win!  The ARTICLE for this week is focuses on the subject of cloning one’s pet.  Now I have two dogs that are getting pretty old and this sounds like a pretty good idea (if I had an extra $100,000 laying around).  However, I’m assuming prices would begin to come down if the idea cathes on.  That said what do you think? Is it a good idea for our society to begin cloning our pets? Moreover, should this continue into the realm of human beings? What do you think?

Blogging to start Sunday, February 1

January 26th, 2009

My blog will pick up for this semester this coming Sunday February 1st.  Hope to interact then.

New Music???

November 30th, 2008

Today will be the last post for the semester (yes I know you’re devastated) and will be an easy one: In an attempt to remain abreast of new music, I’d like to know what you’ve been listening to lately on your mp3 player (IPOD, ZUNE, etc.).

What are You doing for Spring Break 2009?

November 23rd, 2008

Many of you are aware that I teach 2 sections of social problems each semester at UWW. I have to say that I really have grown to love this class, as it alludes to the idea of working together to help those in need.  Last year CNN began a contest entitled the CNN Hero of the Year. Basically they present a list of 10 individuals who are doing some extraorinary things around the globe to be voted on by the public.  Check out this ARTICLE on the 2008 winner who started the St. Bernard Parish Project (click HERE to watch a YouTube video on the project).

Although I’m aware that I’m getting older and probably tend to dwell on what many students may characterize as “less important”, but I have to say I’d love to take a trip down to New Orleans this coming Spring Break to help out with this project.  Much of the study of social problems tends to concentrate on the causes of problems; however, this project is centered on being part of the solution to a major problem (I think it’s just a really cool program).

Anyway, I know you’re busy this semester with exams and all, but take a little time out and check these two articles out (as well as the YouTube video) and let me know what you think.  Like I stated, I’d love to get a team of students together and cruise down to the Ninth Ward to help out.

One Week Without Spending…

November 16th, 2008

Here’s an interesting ARTICLE I read.  What do you think? Could you do it?