A Simple 30 Minutes of Fitness Activity

Ever since the start of the pandemic about a year ago it has been really hard for me to gain
motivation, especially in the gym. Because we are going through such unprecedented times
right now I think that it is nice to give yourself a break from the gym every now and then.
However, sometimes just getting in a quick thirty minutes of any form of exercise is great for
mental and physical health. Personally, I work from home and some of my classes are online.
This means I spend a lot of time alone and in my room, usually laying in bed working. I am in
such a better mood if I get in any form of exercise, even if it’s as simple as taking the stairs
instead of the elevator. With this being said, in today’s blog we are going to talk about a few
simple things that help to keep you physically active in a short period of time.
30 Minute Physical Activities:
● Taking the Stairs
○ Choosing to take the stairs over an escalator or elevator may seem like a simple
form of activity, but you would be surprised how great it is for your body if you
decide to do this every single time you are offered a staircase. This activity adds
up over time and is a great way to keep the body moving!
● Hiking
○ Going on a hike is one of my favorite forms of exercise that I genuinely love to
do. Even if it is a short 1-2 mile hike it is still great to get your body outside,
absorb the sun, and walk around. Walking is a great form of cardio and often
helps many people reduce weight. Hiking up hills is even better!
● Cleaning
○ When you are in college there is always cleaning to do, especially if you have
roommates. Getting out of bed to vacuum, mop the floors, clean the kitchen, etc.
is a great way to get up and get your body moving, while also getting some brownie points from your roommates.
● Dance Class
○ Whether it be in your own room or in an actual class, dancing is a great form of
exercise that is also fun to do! I remember doing the game “Just Dance” as a kid
and sweating because I was going so hard. Dancing is a form of cardio that will
get the blood flowing and probably make you sweat as well.
● Fitness Classes
○ Here at UW-Whitewater we offer an abundance of fitness classes ranging from
group strength to yoga. These classes can be as short as 15 minutes and as long
as an hour. These classes are a great way to meet new people and also get your
body moving in a different form of exercise than usual. Click the link here to sign
up for a group fitness class! Whitewater also offers a variety of local facilities the
community can go to to workout such as the Williams Center that is right here on
campus, Anytime Fitness which is located right off of campus, and a variety of
other options like the Whitewater Aquatics Center, and Blackhawk Fitness in Fort
However you want to get your body moving, I highly encourage you to do so. Sitting inside all
day can be relaxing and a nice break, however it is important to move around and also socialize
with others. Try out one of these simple thirty minute exercises in the next week and it is likely to
improve your mood!
Do not get discouraged,
Cora Shircel