Charlie who?

April 4th, 2011

I simply cannot understand all the hype revolving around Charlie Sheen. I guess he recently came through the Midwest (Detroi and then Chicago) on his tour. Uhm, first of all, why is Charlie Sheen touring? My sense is that he’s a television actor and not a traveling comedian. Second (and more important to this article) shoud we really be concerned about Sheen and his whereabouts? I just don’t get it.

But the ARTICLE I chose to highlight views not only his whereabouts as news, but also take considerable time and energy to describ his differing shows. Wow, like I said I just don’t get it.

Dont misunderstand I love technology. I love the fact that I can connect with people from the past (some, not all people from the past) on social networking outlets. And I love my instant access to weather, news, and such found on the Internet. Cell phones aren’t bad either.

But what I don’t get is our fascination (if not obsession) with the lives of others.  Charlie Sheen is not the first of course. The public is fascinated with all sorts of others (Lindsay Lohan comes to mind). What does Sheen’s or Lohan’s life contain that interests semmingly a mass of people? Some might say that its the media dictating to us what we see, however. The might paint the picture of the subservient masses reading only what the Internet, TV, or radio brings to us. I’m not sure I agree completely with that-I mean one of the best things about our current technology is that it gives us alot more options, right? I think the more accurate question is “Why are we so interested in the private lives of other (especially famous) people? Thought?

Wrestlin the Ladies…

February 27th, 2011

The ARTICLE I’d like you read this week involves males, females, and the sport of wrestling. Now I must admit upfront that I have little, if any experience with the sport of wrestling (except for a couple of scuffles I got into when younger, the occassional UFC fight on TV, and watching the movie Four Christmas).  That said I feel I have to speak my mind on this one:

Why would a person practice all year for a State wrestling tournament, enter said tournament and then forfeit due to the different anatomical features of his opponent?  This kid had to know that there were females enrolling in the tournament so why did he enroll if he knew there was a chance he’d draw a female opponent? I’m confused…

Personally I think we’re all rational beings right? Let’s be candid, girls who enroll in State wrestling tournaments are fully aware that they may find themselves in “compromising positions” or being touched in places otherwise forbidden outside the ring, right? But this is wrestling folks! When you slap on the wrestling gear and sign the registration card, it’s all business from there on out!

The kid also says he forfeited his match due to religious beliefs that forbid “inflicting violence on women”. Hmmm…

So it’s ok to “inflice violence” on men? Again, I thought wrestling was a sport (and not merely violence).  My understanding (from Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau, and Tim McGraw) is that the there are dozens upon dozens of intricate moves and positions in the sport of wrestling – not just a bunch of “inflicting violence”.

My head hurts…someone help me out with this one, please.

Packin Heat on Campus

February 20th, 2011

Most of you know that I’m a Texas native. Yes, I’m not to embarassed to admit such a thing.  There are many good things in Texas (example 1, example 2, example 3).

However, today’s article is not, in my opinion, one of the more flattering articles concerning the Lone Star State.  I’m interested in knowing what you think about the article here.


I’m all about revolution, but…

February 13th, 2011

Ok, so one of my favorite authors is Karl Marx (there are several reasons for this; one is my envy of his beard). And I believe in the right of the people to take back their country if they believe the social contract between them and the government has been irreconcilably tarnished.


suspending the constitution? Check out the LATEST in Egypt. Wow, the USA may have its problems folks but it’s got to be pretty scary when the country where you reside suspends its constitution, right? All this is being done by the military for approximately 6 months until a new government can be formed. Hmm, ok. (deep breath). Uh, excuse me, do we HAVE to suspend the Constitution? I don’t know. maybe it’s just me…Thoughts?

February 6th, 2011

And you thought all was well regarding women and men’s pay here in the US. “That discrimination stuff was my parents generation” you say.  “Things are becoming more equal now.”

Well, check out this article that appeared last week. It’s a summary of a larger study documenting some interesting findings regarding male and female medical doctor’s salaries.

Let me know what you think.

The Wonder of Wallyworld

January 30th, 2011

Ok, ok, so some of you don’t like Walmart.  I get it. However, I thought the ARTICLE here was interesting.  The one thing you have to admit (similarly to Charles Fishman alluded to in his book entitled The Walmart Effect) is that Walmart has become extremely powerful and that this power has the potential to be used for either good or bad (it doesn’t always have to be bad).  So it is possible that Walmart’s wielding of its immense power might result in more healthy food being sold around the US, right?

Anyway, read the article and let me know what you think.

A New Semester

January 20th, 2011

Posts for this blog will start Sunday, January 30.  See ya then:)

*Last Post for the Semester*

December 5th, 2010

So this will be my last post for the semester.  Hope you’ve enjoyed at least a couple of the articles/videos.  For the last post, I’d like you to answer the following questions:

  1. Name the top 10 most often played songs on your mp3 player
  2. Name 2 good movies you’ve seen this year

Below are my answers:

David Gray – Nemesis, Jackdaw, Birds w/o Wings, Fugitive
Flame Shark – Season of the Swine, Keep on Looking out for You, Hold out, Captain
Phospherescent – Wolves, Can I Sleep
Jamey Johnson – In Color

Crazy Heart, It’s Kind of a Funny Story, and Love and Other Drugs

Have a great break!

Much to do about nothing?

September 19th, 2010

I believe in this country.  I support this country, abide by its laws (most of them anyway), and believe that every person should be given a fair shake at her/his own success.  That’s what I believe.

That said…

I’m not really that concerned about where and more specifically when President Barack Obama goes to church.  Really? Our nation has a significant amount of its resources (including men and women) deployed overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting in conflicts (or wars if you will).  Moreover, we are experiencing one of the worst economic times ever in our history.  Yes, there are many grave issues we are currently facing.

So why is one of the biggest news agencies running a headline story about the fact that Barack Obama attended church today. Don’t we have more important pressing thigs to worry about?  Somebody help me here.  Why could this issue be that important?  Maybe I’m just in a bad mood (the cowboys did lose another game today).  What do you think?

Last Post of the Semester

April 25th, 2010

So this week is the last post for the semester.  Hope you’ve enjoyed the topics this semester.

Today is my traditional last post of the semester-here are my questions:

1. Currently, what are the top 5 most played songs on your Ipod (or other mp3 player)?

2. What is one of your favorit movies this year?

3. What is one of your favorite books this year?