Control of the end

November 9th, 2014

This story as well as the VIDEO is very compelling. How much control should one be given regarding ending the end of her/his life? What considerations are most important?


Taking a Break

November 3rd, 2014

No post this week. I will upload a new post this next Sunday (Nov 9).

Technology In The Sky

October 26th, 2014

In my opinion, there haven’t been many positive improvements in air travel. Yeah, you can now use wireless internet, but that’s about it. Which is interesting because we have seen increases in ticket prices.

Check out this ARTICLE/VIDEO on a UK technology that could be launched in 10 or so years.


Ready to Scale Down?

October 19th, 2014

The first house I owned measured 1700 square feet (this was in 1997). It had 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2-car garage. Currently my house measures 1055 square feet. One of the reasons I now own a smaller home is due to higher real estate prices in the Midwest compared with Texas. However, I honestly can’t believe I ever thought I needed 1700 square feet.

That said I’m not sure I could live in 192 square feet. But that’s exactly what some people are now doing. Check out this VIDEO that follows a mildly growing tiny house movement.


Civil Disobedience…

October 12th, 2014

The VIDEO for this week focuses on the recent news story developing in Mexico. As a student it should “curl your hair.” Thoughts?

Technology and Restaurants

October 5th, 2014

I love my cellphone as much as the next person. I’m well aware that I pretty much couldn’t do very well without it these days. However, these new technologies (smartphones) can have some pretty interesting effects in society. Check out this ARTICLE on technology and restaurants.


All About The Skins

September 28th, 2014

This week’s VIDEO focuses on a somewhat sensitive subject. Comedian Jon Stewart recently aired a piece on his show that addressed the current name change of the Washington Redskins football team.

Very interesting piece. Thoughts…remember, let’s stay civil.



The 75 Club

September 21st, 2014

I don’t have a death wish and I’m not terminally ill. So when you read this ARTICLE, please don’t report me to the Crisis Intervention hotline. I read this article the other day and found it really interesting. I like technology, but I’m not sure I want to live much past the age of 75 either. The author makes several really nice points about age and technology and quality of life.


Death Penalty

September 14th, 2014

So this may be a somewhat older topic, but I think it’s still quite interesting (especially since we are only 1 of 2 industrialized nations that continue to utilize the death penalty). Watch the VIDEO and read the short article.

One of the interesting things about this latest CA ruling is that the judge threw out the death penalty due to its infrequent use. So although CA has 700+ people on death row they haven’t executed anyone in years.




No Country for Old (or Dangerous) Men…

September 7th, 2014

Below is a video that played on NPR’s Fresh Air that focuses on the remaining detainees at Guantanamo Bay (Yes there are still detainees being held there). The video stems from a Washington reporter’s recent visit to Guantanamo. I’d like you to listen to the video and then write about the parts that you find most interesting…and there is MUCH here that is interesting. Remember your first post will be held until I approve it. After that, each week’s comments should post automatically.