A Simple Way to a Happy & Healthy YOU

A Simple Way to a Happy & Healthy YOU

By: Kenzi Weidman Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially in college, can sometimes be harder than that upper level accounting class exam you have each month. With the hustle and bustle between classes, the lack of sleep from studying and the bad eating habits due to 

Avoiding the Freshman 15

Avoiding the Freshman 15

By: Eric Hess On top of making new friends, getting good grades and living on your own you have to worry about the ‘freshman 15’ too? You’re on your own and have the freedom to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, so it’s hard 

Choose a shoe for you!

Choose a shoe for you!

Let’s be honest. Many of us will choose a shoe because of the look; flashy colors, cool designs, and brand names we prefer. That might work just fine if you’re looking for a cute heel to wear out to dinner, or a nice tennis shoe 

Indoor Ironman: Tips and Tricks

Indoor Ironman: Tips and Tricks

The Indoor Ironman is one of our most popular events of the year. Hundreds of participants sign up each year with the goal of getting there long sleeve T-shirt and talking home the glory of being a indoor ironman finisher. However, every year most of