Aaacchooo!! Spring allergies return.

Aaacchooo!! Spring allergies return.

By: Abbey Bowen Sneezes, runny noses and itchy eyes. Ah, the symptoms of spring allergies! Spring allergies are mainly triggered by pollen release from trees, grasses and weeds. Your immune system mistakes pollen as a foreign antibody and attacks the allergens. This attack releases chemicals 



By: Mary Marren “People who think that an IRONMAN is unattainable – I tell them that it is possible. I can take anyone – a person that does not have an athletic bone in their body and make them into a triathlete if they’re willing 

Get out and smell the roses: The benefits of fresh air

Get out and smell the roses: The benefits of fresh air

By: Eric Hess Getting sick of sitting indoors and the terribly cold winter that we’ve had? Me too, but it’s finally getting warm enough to spend some quality time outdoors and reap the benefits of fresh air and the sun light. What are the benefits 

Healthy Living: It Starts with a Good Night of Sleep

Healthy Living: It Starts with a Good Night of Sleep

By: Kenzi Weidman Sleepless nights can lead to unhealthy decisions. How many times have you gotten only a few hours of sleep, and then craved a salad or fresh veggies? I can honestly say NEVER.  People always say “you can sleep when you’re dead” but