Tag: health

Take A Minute and Ask Yourself “Is It Worth It”?

Take A Minute and Ask Yourself “Is It Worth It”?

Life is already full of stress with all the schoolwork we have…why add to it? Family life, relationships, and personal problems are always obstacles in life, and all that stress will slow you down. So think about a situation that has happened to you where 

Healthy Living: It Starts with a Good Night of Sleep

Healthy Living: It Starts with a Good Night of Sleep

By: Kenzi Weidman Sleepless nights can lead to unhealthy decisions. How many times have you gotten only a few hours of sleep, and then craved a salad or fresh veggies? I can honestly say NEVER.  People always say “you can sleep when you’re dead” but 

Freezin’ for a Reason

Freezin’ for a Reason

Polar Plunge PhotoBy: Kenzi Weidman

This has been a cold, dark, long winter and considering the groundhog didn’t see his shadow, we have many more weeks to go. All I think about is swimming in a pool and being outside, and then I remember that I have to wait awhile yet for that. Then I heard about the Freezin’ for a Reason Polar Plunge. Swimming in 90° weather sounds a lot more appealing than jumping into a freezing cold pool when it is expected to be in the low 20’s, but I’ll take what I can get. A pool is a pool right? I can’t be picky.

Every year participants take the plunge into the ice-cold water, whether it is a pool, ocean, lake, or river, to show their support for the Special Olympics. When talking to some of the jumpers from last year, many replied with “Raising money for the Special Olympics in order to jump into a freezing cold pool is like a winter tradition.” It is so exciting to see everyone be supportive and brave.

The event is schedule for February 15, 2014, and the jumper’s take the dive throughout the morning and early afternoon. Warhawk Fitness & Aquatics has created a team of about 17 workers that are brave enough jump and most importantly caring enough to raise enough money for the Special Olympics. Each jumper needs to raise a minimum of $75, and with the help of EVERYONE (yes you reading this blog) we hope to reach our team goal and raise grand total of $1,300.00.

Wondering how you can help? Here are some options:

  • Stop by Room 100 of the Williams Center, and they will gladly take your donation.
  • Do you workout at the Weight Room, University Fitness, Group Fitness classes, or maybe take advantage of the Williams Center pool? All those locations you can donate your money to the supervisor and they will put it in the designated envelope.
  • Don’t like to carry cash? Are you from out of town? You can donate online! Choose one of the listed jumpers to donate to at the Warhawk Fitness and Aquatics Donation Site!
Pat Fogarty
Tyler Filipiak
Kenzi Weidman
Callie Carlin
Mary A Marren
Christine Panella
Eric Schuerman
Kate Marty
All proceeds benefit the Special Olympics directly and our team needs your help to reach our goal so we can all be Freezin’ for a Reason! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me at weidmankl15@uww.edu. I am so excited for this event; I would love to discuss anything you have questions about!

“Always remember that it doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you keep on going”
~Kenzi Weidman

Tis’ the season for over-eating!

Tis’ the season for over-eating!

By: Kenzi Weidman I don’t know about you, but when I think of “winter break,” I think of all the delicious food that will be served at the multiple holiday events I will be attending. Let’s be honest, the food is never healthy either. In