Take A Minute and Ask Yourself “Is It Worth It”?

Take A Minute and Ask Yourself “Is It Worth It”?

Life is already full of stress with all the schoolwork we have…why add to it? Family life, relationships, and personal problems are always obstacles in life, and all that stress will slow you down. So think about a situation that has happened to you where 

Struggling with Senioritis: Suggestions to Succeed

Struggling with Senioritis: Suggestions to Succeed

Do you find yourself struggling to pay attention in class and really not caring about homework and studying like you did in the beginning of the year? Do you find yourself dreading going to class more now then you did during the polar vortex?  If 

How to get your “Beach Bod”

How to get your “Beach Bod”

By: Eric Hess With beach season around the corner (hopefully), we are all trying to perfect our ‘beach bod’. And even though we seem to be putting in the hours, we still can’t get to the point where we want. Now why is that? The 

Aaacchooo!! Spring allergies return.

Aaacchooo!! Spring allergies return.

By: Abbey Bowen Sneezes, runny noses and itchy eyes. Ah, the symptoms of spring allergies! Spring allergies are mainly triggered by pollen release from trees, grasses and weeds. Your immune system mistakes pollen as a foreign antibody and attacks the allergens. This attack releases chemicals