Kale: What’s all the hype about?!

Kale: What’s all the hype about?!

It seems to me everyone these days is talking about kale. For those who have not yet heard of it, kale is by definition is “a hardy variety of cabbage that produces erect stems with large leaves and no compact head.”  Based on my research, 

How to get your “Beach Bod”

How to get your “Beach Bod”

By: Eric Hess With beach season around the corner (hopefully), we are all trying to perfect our ‘beach bod’. And even though we seem to be putting in the hours, we still can’t get to the point where we want. Now why is that? The 

The Chew on Eating Disorders

The Chew on Eating Disorders

By: Abbey Bowen Eating disorders…two words we hear in passing on a constant basis. “He’s anorexic,” or “So and so used to have bulimia when she was in college.” Even though we constantly hear about our colleagues and friends who may suffer from eating disorders, 

Juicing vs. Blending

Juicing vs. Blending

By: Mary Marren Juicing and Blending have both become extremely popular in the past few years. People are always on the lookout for ways to eat healthy and quickly, so it is so surprise that these two methods are trending. The question on everyone’s mind