How Social Media Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

How Social Media Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

In today’s day and age social media is a large part of our society and culture. Social media can be beneficial in many ways. It can help people reach job opportunities they never thought were possible, connect with people all around the world, provide us with pure entertainment, and so much more. One of the things social media has been helpful with in recent years is in the area of heath, nutrition, and fitness. With content creators and influencers growing and becoming more popular recently, this has been an easy way for many people to start their fitness journey and stick to it. I personally love to follow a variety of different social media creators who specialize in the world of fitness. A few of the most popular creators include Whitney Simmons and Chloe Ting. The content these individuals post includes workout routines, food tips and tricks, balance, and more. In today’s blog I will be highlighting three influencers I think you should follow in 2023 to help motivate you to live the healthiest lifestyle possible.  As usual, if you read this blog, implement these practices into your own life, or want to share your health and fitness journey with us please follow and tag us on our social media platforms. You can find us on Facebook by searching UW-Whitewater Rec Sports or follow us on Twitter and Instagram @RecSports_UWW.

Fitness Creators to Follow in 2023

  • Whitney Simmons
    • Whitney Simmons began her social media journey by highlighting her passion for fitness and a healthy lifestyle with her followers. This allowed her to gain a large platform on all social media platforms, especially YouTube. Now known as a fitness influencer, Whitney Simmons values her followers and engages with them by posting fitness content and encouraging others to keep their bodies as strong and healthy as possible.
      • Follow her here: @whitneyysimmons
  • Olivia Ostrum
    • One of my personal favorite online creators is Olivia Ostrom. She is actually a certified personal trainer who is passionate about helping people find a healthy balance in their life when it comes to a diet, fitness, and social life. Finding the freedom from food restriction while still maintaining your energy and fitness goals is her ultimate goal. Additionally she has a large following on a variety of social media platforms and shares her daily workouts.
      • Follow her here: @oliviaostrom_
  • Chloe Ting
    • Have you ever heard of the two week shred challenge? This popular workout routine went viral on TikTok and YouTube back in 2020. Ever since, creator Chloe Ting has been killing it by uploading workout routines for full body, core, HIIT, legs, arms and more. I have done a variety of her workouts. Oftentimes they only take 10 minutes to an hour out of your day to complete, and I always feel like they do the job without even having to go to the gym!
      • Follow her here: @chloe_t

Let’s be honest, most of us are on social media. So why not expand your options and try new workouts right on your favorite platforms? YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram are all great ways to find personalized workouts that fit your wants and needs in the gym. So what are you waiting for? As always, remember…

Do not get discouraged, 

Cora Shircel