Health and Wellness Activities for the Summer: Part 5

Summer is unfortunately coming to a close. However, we have one more blog that is a part of this series, which is the one you are reading right now! The past four blogs we have been discussing summer activity ideas you can do alone or with friends and family. Many of the ideas I came up with for this blog series I have done myself throughout the course of the summer. As always, if you are looking for more ideas, make sure to check out our previous blogs on our website, or by clicking here. Remember to tag us on our social media platforms if you take part in any of our fun summer activity ideas listed below. Our instagram page is @recsports_uww. Find us on Facebook by searching UW-Whitewater Rec Sports or by clicking here to view our summer content for all branches of Rec Sports.
● Have a Cookout
○ Usually cookouts are better done as a group or family activity. My dad is usually the one to do the cooking in our house and therefore he does the grilling as well. We also love to do cookouts for big family events. My personal favorite is burgers or chicken!
● Go to a Baseball Game
○ Just this summer I went to four baseball games! To be honest I am really not even a baseball fan, I just love to get out of the house and get together with my friends or family. My family members are huge fans of the Brewers, so those are usually the games I like to go to!
● Start a DIY Project
○ With TikTok being a very prominent social media platform as of late, DIY projects are making a comeback. DIY projects can really be whatever you want. They can be anything from flipping your clothes to flipping your house! My personal favorite way to find a new DIY or do it yourself project, is to browse TikTok or YouTube with the hashtag #diy.
● Go Flower or Berry Picking
○ Last summer I went both sunflower and strawberry picking. This summer it has definitely been on my summer bucket list to complete! Go to your nearest strawberry farm or flower farm and get to picking!
Once again, thank you for tuning into this repeat summer series! As summer is coming to a close this will unfortunately be the last part of the series. However, do not fret because the fall school semester is coming in hot, and there will be many new blogs to come. Make sure to make the most of your last few weeks of summer. And as always…
Do not get discouraged,
Cora Shircel