University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Tag #intheuc

How to Prepare Your Parent for College

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Going away to college can be scary not only for the student, but for the parents too! There are hundreds of checklists for the student to use to prepare for college, but there aren’t always a lot of tips for… Continue Reading →

Best Summer Music Festivals in the Midwest

During summer, there are so many opportunities to enjoy outdoor music festivals in the Midwest. The weather isn’t always the greatest during the summer, but people in the Midwest know how to have a good time at any outdoor concert… Continue Reading →

Best Places to do Homework on Campus

As college students, there is something that we all have in common: homework and studying for exams. Although we dread these things, homework is a tool that helps us to further our knowledge in whatever subject we are learning and… Continue Reading →

Top 10 Travel Destinations in the U.S.

Trying to find the best vacation destination can be a tough decision. Here is a list of the top 10 places to visit in the United States! New York City, New York New York City is known as one of… Continue Reading →

Fun Free Events Outside the UC

With warmer weather finally on the rise, there are some fun and free events and activities in Whitewater that you won’t want to miss out on.  I have picked a few of the popular choices that are free to attend… Continue Reading →

Making the Most of Your Time Traveling Abroad

Traveling is an incredibly breathtaking experience but can be stressful and a little daunting at times. Where do I go? What do I do in these places? How do I choose what is the best sites are to see? How do… Continue Reading →

Last Minute Valentine’s Day Gifts

You are sitting in class when your professor announces the due date for the next assignment (February 14th). Opening your binder, you find the date on the calendar and start to write in the assignment when you notice something else… Continue Reading →

Stress Relievers to Use During Finals Week

The end of the semester is a very stressful time. With projects, papers, and final exams happening, everyone is looking for various ways to reduce stress. In fact, working under stress can cause your studying or work progress to be… Continue Reading →

10 Nights of Halloween

Halloween is only two weeks away, and I find it best to prepare with a marathon of the best Halloween movies. This list will include a nice mixture of nostalgia, comedy, and terror; with each night increasing anticipation. 1. It’s… Continue Reading →

Why I Chose UW-Whitewater

We all attend the same university, but all have different reasons this school stood out to us the most. Read why some students chose UW-Whitewater. “I chose Whitewater because I felt like the campus had professors and staff that really… Continue Reading →

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