University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category Freshmen

Happy Homecoming

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History of UWW Homecoming Homecoming week at UW-Whitewater has a dynamic history that dates back to the early 1900s, and has since evolved into a steep tradition that brings together students, alumni, and the local community. Originally, Homecoming was created… Continue Reading →

5 Must-Do Activities in Whitewater

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By: Anne Kleier Discover Fall in Whitewater! Whitewater provides its community with many exciting activities during this colorful season. Whether you are a fan of a relaxed, laid-back setting or enjoy the thrill of outdoor adventure, Whitewater is sure to… Continue Reading →

Help Your Health at UHCS

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Can’t seem to shake the campus cold? Learn more about University Health and Counseling Services at UW-Whitewater. UHCS is dedicated to supporting your mental and physical well-being throughout your college experience. Dive in with me to discover what services and… Continue Reading →

College Must Do’s From a College Senior

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The first day of college is such an exciting time filled with many questions. “What is there to do on campus?” “How do I fill my time?” “Will I like it here? “How do I learn my way around campus?”… Continue Reading →

How to Build a Social Network at UWW

Welcome, Warhawks! Whether you’re a freshman just starting your journey at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater or an upperclassman looking to expand your horizons, building a strong social network is key to a fulfilling college experience. A solid network can offer… Continue Reading →

The Top 20 Items You Need For College

Are you a new or returning student and looking for a checklist to make sure you have what you need for the fall semester? Look no further, I am here to help provide you with the top 20 items that… Continue Reading →

Book Recommendations for College Students

Hey Warhawks, are you up for a bit of light reading this year? Expand your horizons and pick up a book from your local library or bookstore and learn something new! I have always loved to read and found that… Continue Reading →

Life Hacks for College Students

By: Kylie Lang Unsure of what to do on campus? You’ve come to the right place. Student life can be overwhelming, but fear not! Let’s turn our college experience into a memorable adventure with some clever life hacks. Need to… Continue Reading →

Prioritizing Your Mental Health in College

By: Annika Potter In college, it can feel nearly impossible to prioritize yourself and your mental health. We are here for school to complete a degree and move into the real world. With that, it can feel like life is… Continue Reading →

Maintaining a Routine and Building Habits

One of the more difficult aspects in college is finding motivation. Over the past two years at Whitewater, the most common reason I hear about why a student didn’t go to class, or why they missed a workout, or didn’t… Continue Reading →

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